“Oh oh oh!”

The cheering and screaming at the scene continued, and the deafening sound overwhelmed the waves.

Under the cheers and shouts of the audience, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and several cross-tracking spotlights hit the center of the venue. Accompanied by a fierce battle song, the two figures did not know when they were there!

The moment they saw the two, the atmosphere at the scene was immediately ignited, and the squeaking heat wave formed almost completely overturned the roof here.

Lin Ze covered her ears that were about to be deaf, and said rhetorically, “So popular.”

It is indeed an exaggeration. This enthusiasm, but after the so-called tens of thousands of concerts, 100,000 people are almost the same!

Qi Siyi said with a disdainful tone: “What ’s so strange, Junjie is our Legendary character at Beijing University, and his opponent Yang Mingyu is also a genius at Shanghai University. Both are in the B-Rank Card Master. Strongest, hopefully the kind of A-Rank! “

“Adults speak, children don’t interrupt.”

Lin Ze simply said that Qi Siyi Anger Value went up again, but she was still lightly snorted at last, knowing that she couldn’t say Lin Ze, the game was about to start again, and she could only leave it alone.

In the middle of the field, the host Dong Dabiao has started to introduce the relevant identities of the two sides to the audience.

From the name to the age, to the card used, the ability to pass well, and even Super Source Transformation are all explained in detail.

Such an introduction is superfluous for most people. After all, fans who come to watch the game on the scene can tell these basic messages as many family treasures.

However, new drivers like Lin Ze, who have arrived and have never followed the Card Master League before, are quite useful.

“Super Source Transformation …”

Lin Ze meditated in his heart, he was very clear that Super Source Transformation is actually the best interpretation of why Peak B-Rank Card Master can be called “Peak”.

That’s a superb card method that can greatly improve Card Master’s comprehensive battle strength.

In Lin Ze’s view, the biggest highlight of this finals is the release and application of Super Source Transformation.

At this time, the host Dong Dabiao explained the relevant system of the finals to everyone again. This was the solemn announcement of the audience’s impatient call: “Now, let us give the stage to Cai Junjie and Yang Mingyu, start the first contest of this BO5! “

“Junjie! Junjie!”

“Ayu! Ayu!”

The moment the host’s voice fell, Lin Ze’s ears were completely crippled, surrounded by hoarse fans who screamed hard to cheer.

A brain burst into the ear, Lin Ze had to form a simple sound barrier by Magic Power, and the situation Much better turned a lot.

Xiaoyang not at all on the side was so crazy, but also excited, looking forward to the official start of the game.

As both sides of the protagonist in this finals, Cai Junjie, a graduate of Beijing University, and Yang Mingyu, a graduate of Shanghai University, are now 100 meters apart, looking at each other.

Under the eyes of everyone, the two were operating Magic Power at the same time, and the card flipped!

That was actually two eye-catching red cards!

A sudden magnetic field collision sounded suddenly between the red card flips and between the venues.

The red magnetic field current, like lightning, is constantly crossing and colliding in midair, as if some fierce competition is taking place.

“Special Field Card?”

Looking at the familiar magnetic field token, Lin Ze blurted out in surprise.

What surprised him was not the Special Field Card itself, but the fact that after two cards collided, none of them appeared, as if they were playing an alternative confrontation.

Seems to see Lin Ze’s doubts, Xiaoyang suddenly opened the mouth and said: “This is the collision of Special Field Card. The nature of Special Field Card is that only one Special Field Card can exist in the same area.”

“If there are two cards and both are from the same Card Master, the previous one will be replaced unconditionally. If they are from different Card Masters, then such a magnetic field collision will be staged, and the winner of the collision can be successfully activated.”

“The outcome of magnetic field collisions often depends on the strength of the card itself and the strength of the Magic Power support provided by Card Master. Both are indispensable.”

Hearing Xiaoyang explaining this, Qi Siyi suddenly interjected: “The total amount of Junjie and Yang Mingyu Magic Power in Shanghai are comparable, so the strength of the summoned card is almost the same, and the end is likely to be both sides suffer.”

Not long after her tone barely fell, the magnetic field currents that had been constantly colliding with each other in the middle of the field suddenly merged together, emitting a fierce lightning current-like explosion, and the cards that Cai Junjie and Yang Mingyu flipped at high speed in front of them almost shattering at the same time!

The facts are exactly what Qi Siyi judged.

Lin Ze’s eyes flashed a singularity, and he couldn’t help but praise: “Great, I thought you were out of your mind, but I misunderstood you.”

“Hmph, just know … wait, who do you think has no brains? Also, don’t just use numbers to refer to my ranking, you are really mad!”

Qi Siyi, who was originally proud of Lin Ze’s praise and self-satisfaction, only half reacted, and his attitude suddenly reversed XNUMX degrees.

Lin Ze is already used to it, and chose to ignore her speech and focus on the game itself.

Although Qi Siyi was a little bit gnash the teeth, he looked closely to the center of the court. The game in front of him was the most important.

At this time, after the two Special Field Cards disintegrated, Cai Junjie suddenly raised his hand and Magic Power operated, and a total of six cards began to flip in front of him!

Seeing this scene, Xiaoyang immediately said brightly: “The real showdown is only now beginning.”

The thick black glow emerged in groups, all six heads looked exactly the same, all covered with white hair, and white wolf staring with vicious eyes appeared together.

“Appeared, the Beast card deck of Cai Junjie, known as the” King of 100 Beast “. At this time, he had activated six Unity Wolf cards.”

“Unity Wolf’s attack points and defense points are both 1500. The passive effect is that every week around cards with the same name, the attack and defense can be increased by 100, and the maximum promotion limit is 5 cards.”

“That is to say, the six Unity Wolf in front of Cai Junjie, attack and defense all reached 2000!”

The voice of the host Dong Dabiao sounded, he not only served as the host, but also undertook the commentary work.

Hearing his comment, Lin Ze was a little surprised. He was a six-battle monster with an attack and defense of 2000?

However, it should be more than that.

Although the results are already amazing, Lin Ze immediately realized that Peak’s B-Rank Card Master is not limited to this.

Just then, in front of Cai Junjie, another card suddenly flipped. This time, it was the Red Rank!

“Coming, super linkage of King of 100 Beast!”

The host Dong Dabiao shouted loudly.

The red card in front of Cai Junjie glows with a clear red glow. Between the rays of light, an ancient horn illusory shadow emerges from the sky and sounds.

At the sound of that horn, the six Unity Wolfs screamed into the sky, as if inspired by something.

It can be clearly seen that their bodies suddenly enlarged more than one section at this time, and then bloodthirsty scarlet rays of light appeared in their eyes!

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