On the same day, Lin Ze left Second World with a sad look, and Wen Zhengrui and others who knew him were quite imaginable that this product was again in trouble for course credit.

Obviously, progress is rapid, but it still looks like dissatisfaction, making people want to vomit blood.

After leaving Second World, Lin Ze didn’t bother about it anymore, but thought of the Bai Family.

Just play with Bai Xiaoli once and cheer her up, and Lin Ze will get paid 500,000.

But after today ’s visit to Second World, what Lin Ze thought about was no longer limited to reward, but wanted to explore it in that Fairy Tale World.

That world is big, but there are also boundaries that can be touched, so Lin Ze can explore it without too much trouble.

Lin Ze wanted to find out if there was anything similar to those magical fruits in that world.

Unfortunately, it’s four o’clock in the afternoon, and it’s too late to play games.

And tomorrow is Monday. Lin Ze wants to go. He has to wait for a few more days before Saturday can pass.

Of course, even if tomorrow can pass, Lin Ze is afraid he can’t pull away.

Teacher’s Day is tomorrow. Lin Ze has made an appointment with Liu Jun and is going back to school to see Old Ban Old Nan.

Apart from Liu Jun, Gao Ziwei and Zhou Qitong will also come together, and Cui Jiahao has other arrangements. They will not go with them, but will return to school.

It’s actually been a few months since graduation, but when Lin Ze looks back, he has the illusion of being alive.

This is also as it should be by rights. The things he has experienced in these months are probably more abundant than the things he has experienced in the past years.

Perhaps this is the charm of Card Master.


In the evening, just after completing a magic natural recovery training, Lin Ze, who was carrying Apple, received a call from Liu Jun. Liu Jun said with a smile at the end of the phone: “Lin Ze, this time back to school, I am going to bring Old Ban What gift do you want? “

“Gift? What have you prepared?”

Lin Ze chewed a small piece of apple and asked indistinctly.

“Hehe, I bought a white card, and it’s a good fit for Old Ban.”

Over the phone, Lin Ze could hear the pride of Liu Jun.

It’s really good. Don’t look at the white card, but a white card must be tens of thousands of dollars. Students give gifts and white cards, which is quite generous.

Lin Ze could n’t help saying with a smile: “Your son is really prosperous, and the white card is here? But as a Card Master, it ’s really necessary to send a Source Card. Just so, I have a black card here. Good for Old Ban. “

He was talking about the memory black card obtained in the Card Master League. This card has not been sold yet. After canceling the sale, it is just a gift.

Anyway, it’s just a memory black card, which is not a big deal for Lin Ze.

There is also a red card!

Lin Ze said casually, but Liu Jun was all envious and said, “Shit, you’re mixing really well now, I don’t know how you practice. Is the gap between our card talent really so big? “

Lin Ze laughed, but it was stubborn: “Otherwise, how do I say I am a father, you are a son?”


Liu Jun cursed and said, “But this time, you may really want to shock the entire Jiangqiao. I heard that when the school enrolled this year,

I’m also holding your personal deeds to make a lot of publicity. Many freshmen apply for Jiangqiao because of admiration. Moreover, it is said that Jiangqiao is expected to transform into Semi-Professional Card University next year. “

“Really? Then it seems that my role model is pretty good. It stands to reason that Jiangqiao should pay me a large thank-you fee. I don’t want much. It’s almost a million.

Lin Ze was slightly surprised by Jiangqiao’s change, but then she played with a smile.

However, Liu Jun agreed, “Yeah, Jiangqiao High School has benefited a little bit this time. You don’t know how much the old Principal thanked you. I can’t wait to give you a monument and place it in front of the school as a fortune. The role of the boy. “

“Non-sense, don’t blow me up, talk about you, how have you been with Ziwei recently?”

Lin Ze turned around, jokingly said.

He knew that Liu Jun had become self-confident since he became a member of the Danshui Important Class and brought great changes to the poor families.

No longer do I have to do anything with the girls as I did before.

Therefore, Liu Jiang, who had a crush on Gao Ziwei when he was at Jiangqiao, had no idea what action he might have taken.

Lin Ze just raised his mouth so casually, but thought that Liu Jun whispered: “cough cough, now pull the handle, I have not dared to try to kiss her.”

“Pu, really fake?”

Lin Ze was shocked at the time. Although I knew that Liu Jun had a makeover now, and the whole person had built up confidence, how long did it last?

Is it so straightforward that I never dare to talk to girls, iron and wood become shaken?

Liu Jun said a little embarrassingly: “No way, I still can’t get through that in my heart, Lin Ze, do you say I’m embarrassing?”

Having said that, Liu Jun paused for a moment, and was full of ambition, and said, “But I also decided, as long as I become a Card Master, I will find a chance and take the initiative!”

Lin Ze was silent for a moment and hung up the phone silently.

Then suddenly I couldn’t help but yelled: “Do n’t I even be a cow son? I ’m alive, this stupid cow is out of order, I still have general without an army?”

Suddenly feeling tired, Lin Ze turned to take a bath, purged his exhaustion, and lay back on the bed to watch Director Xiong’s movie.

The more he looked, the more Lin Ze admired the world-famous director Xiong Fangcheng’s shooting ability and brain power.

However, Lin Ze has also seen that the content of Xiong Fangcheng’s films, many inspirations, are suspected to be based on the Isolated Territory of Second World.

This also means that Xiong Fangcheng may really be a Super B-Rank Card Master!

But it does not rule out that his own brain hole is cracking, or related materials learned from other Super B-Rank Card Masters.

After watching the movie, Lin Ze just turned off the lights to sleep.

Tomorrow is Teacher’s Day, and I have to get up early, and rush to study it early.

At noon and in the evening, there are also dinners, for fear that a meal will inevitably stagger.

Soon, Lin Ze was skilled in dreamland, and hu hu fell asleep.


Early the next morning, at the intersection near Danshui, the online calling car that Liu Jun was responsible for was already waiting there. When Lin Ze and Zhou Qitong came together, he was seeing Liu Jun holding Gao Ziwei’s little hand.

Gao Ziwei’s complexion was lightly red, he took the initiative to let go of his hands, and looked at Liu Jun with a strange look.

Liu Jun touched the back of his head, and after laughing twice, he was very active in opening the door for Lin Ze and then happily said, “You are coming? Let’s go, ready to go.”

“Haha, okay, Comrade Liu, this beautiful girlfriend is hooked up? Not bad, promising.”

When Zhou Qitong passed Liu Jun, Pats said with relief on his shoulder.

“Yeah, I thought this son was bragging on the phone yesterday. I didn’t expect it to be true. Ziwei and Liu Jun are honest cows, and they can live in peace with others.”

Lin Ze was also laughed and said with a smile, naturally he didn’t really mind it.

Liu Jun was able to get off the bill, and Lin Ze was quite happy for him.


Gao Ziwei’s complexion was still a little blushed, and the mosquitoes agreed.

A few people talked for a few words, and the impatient driver of the waiting car suddenly shouted eagerly: “Can you hurry up, I will wait for Lin Ze to sign me!”

Zhou Qitong suddenly looked at Lin Ze, and the jealousy in his eyes was undisguised.

Now Lin Ze’s influence in Jiangcheng is comparable to A-List Celebrity, which Zhou Qitong dreams of.

After hearing this, Lin Ze was slightly distracted, and then I could n’t help saying that with a smile: “Success, older brother.”

After that, Lin Ze took the position of co-pilot and signed the middle-aged man in his thirties.

The middle-aged man who got the autograph signed by Lin Ze seemed extremely excited. After holding the signed little book and giving two kisses, pats the steering wheel, like a martial arts man, said with great vigor: “Brothers, sit firmly.”

Then, the car was like a runaway wild horse.

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