After gazing into the distance for a moment, Lin Ze looked around, and soon saw that another giant branch beside the giant tree on the side was standing on the same person.

Li Bo of Haiyun and Ma Jichao of Jiangcheng are there, but the height is relatively low.

“Crap, what is this teleportation method? Are we all here? How is this going?”

Hu Yifan whisper’s voice suddenly sounded, Lin Ze could not help but looked towards below, the voice came from below.

This time teleportation was really messy, and as soon as they came in, they trapped them on a giant tree trunk.

At this height, even if it is wrapped in Magic Power, it will most likely be dead.

Of course, for Lin Ze, who controls flight-ability cards, this height is not a problem.

And those who do not have such cards are not really helpless.

At this moment, Qiu Sihao hugged his arms around the thick branches of a giant tree 15 meters above the ground, looking arrogant.

Magic Power operate, card flip.

The Universal Megaphone appeared in his hands, just as Qiu Sihao fell to the ground, the rays of light on the surface of the loudspeaker flickered slightly, and the structure of the ground seemed to change in an instant.

Qiu Sihao landed steadily and unharmed.

Immediately followed were Gao Yuan and Su Jianlan. They were located at a height less than 10 meters, and even that jump would not pose any threat to them.

Magic Power is no problem.

Li Bo also launched an action soon. His Source Card weather reporter dropped the black umbrella in the take action. Li Bo stood on the umbrella, followed by the umbrella, and fell gently.

Not everyone has a way to deal with it, but fortunately, Lin Ze’s Avian is fully capable of coping with the current situation, and soon the remaining people are brought to the ground one after another.

“What’s the beginning of this? Just hang the trunk like this? Why not just be a bit worse and let us fall into the air?

Hu Yifan yelled unhappyly.

“That’s bad luck, but fortunately now, how are we going to proceed?”

Li Bo, bear hardship with equanimity, turned to Lin Ze and asked with a smile.

When he asked such a question, everyone’s eyes were looking at him.

Lin Ze’s strength is already recognized as the first in Jiangcheng new generation. He speaks with his strength and gives him the right to take action, and almost no one speaks it.

“I will hunt Source Beast on my own. Your actions have nothing to do with me.”

After Qiu Sihao said this, he turned around and left.

“Hey, Qiu Sihao, act on your own, not afraid of falling in the sewer?”

Hu Yifan stepped forward and was about to stop him, but Qiu Sihao turned around suddenly, his eyes full of pride and contempt.

“I’m not here to play with you.”

Leaving this sentence, Qiu Sihao turned again, but this time no one blocked it again.

“Shit, what did you say? You said you’ve played at home? I don’t know how.”

Hu Yifan looked angrily as Qiu Sihao departed.

Lin Ze laughed, saying: “It’s not necessary, he has such a personality, and my idea is actually to recommend decentralized action. At least, those who reach E-Rank need to act alone.”

“It’s true that group action, because of the characteristics of Source Power, may end up with E-Rank, and most of us have failed to reach E-Rank.”

Wen Zhengrui immediately realized what Lin Ze wanted to express.

With such an explanation, Hu Yifan, who was suffocated by Qiu Sihao’s actions just now, was suddenly surprised.

Yes indeed! Almost forgot such a relationship.

“Is E-Rank available?”

He asked in amazement at the thought of and so on Hu Yifan.

You have to know that you can reach the E-Rank Card Master at the current stage.

“For him, this level should be justified.”

Gao Yuan took the conversation and said, “Jiangcheng University, Su Jianlan and I are now E-Rank.”

“Crap, Sister Su is also E-Rank? So, Jiangcheng, we have four E-Ranks this year ?!”

Hu Yifan was stunned then.

The others were also surprised.

Lin Ze needless to say, Gao Yuan can reach E-Rank, as it should be by rights.

Unexpectedly, even Qiu Sihao and even Su Jianlan have both reached E-Rank. In this way, Jiangcheng’s strength this year is really terrifying.

Based on last year’s 12 E-Rank calculations, this year’s Jiangcheng occupies one third of the national E-Rank!

Of course, due to the large increase in the number of territory resources, cities and schools have increased their efforts to train freshmen, which has led to a significant increase in the overall strength of the new generation nationwide this year!

Let’s say Shanghai, but this year, a total of six E-Ranks were born!

This is what Lin Ze knows, the information comes from Gu Hui.

Aside from Gu Hui, Deng Zihao, and Luo Xiaotian of the exchange match that day, the remaining three E-Ranks are Tong Jiabao, Zhao Jie, and Vajra.

Tong Jiabao and Zhao Jie According to Gu Hui, the strength is not inferior to him. Really, Gu Hui may be slightly better than half.

As for Vajra, it’s a monster.

This is still the case in Shanghai, which has always been No. XNUMX in the country, and the overall strength of Beijing, which is overwhelming Shanghai, is even more inestimable.

All in all, this year’s National New Asset Tournament, the competition will indeed be extremely fierce.

“It makes some sense, but I think that since it is a newcomer, at least, through group action, we can probably gauge the danger of this Isolated Territory.”

Gao Yuan deep voice suggested.

“No problem, then this …”

As he said, Lin Ze’s complexion suddenly changed slightly, Winged Kuriboh did not know when to float out, and sent him a warning signal.

“Yo hohoho, yo hohoho, yo hohoho”

Suddenly, the soft tone sounded in everyone’s ears, and the anomaly suddenly disappeared.

“What’s going on? Did you hear that? Who’s singing?”

Hu Yifan expression changed, alert.

“Little fellow, can you catch it?”

Lin Ze looked at Winged Kuriboh, but the little fellow shook the head, and could only look around alertly.

The perception accuracy of the little fellow is indeed high, but the range is flawed.

Lin Ze realized that the unknown creature was far away.

“Hu, why did Hu Yifan disappear ?!”

While Lin Ze and Winged Kuriboh were observing the surroundings, Ma Jichao suddenly screamed.

Everyone hastily looked towards Hu Yifan’s original direction.


Really gone!

And just then Lin Ze pupils-suddenly shrinked.

Only then found out that Hu Yifan’s sweaty Ma Jichao disappeared, and it was also disappeared without a trace!

This time, it disappeared under Lin Ze’s eyelids!

“What the hell is going on? They …”

Su Jianlan was anxious, and he did not expect that the situation would suddenly get worse, and there was no sign of it.

But just as her tone barely fell, her figure, like the footsteps, also disappeared!

“Jianlan ?!”

Lin Ze expression slightly changed, and my heart jumped. What the hell is it? Why is it completely invisible?

Just like this irritated thinking, Lin Ze’s figure disappeared suddenly in place in the eyes of others.

Everyone was shocked!

Isolated Territory!

What a ghost!


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