“That’s it, you say, what good will be behind this broken door?”

Gu Hui pointed to the tall wall in front of which was engraved with various fuzzy vein patterns, which was fascinating.

Just staring at the fuzzy vein patterns, it won’t be long before the eyes will feel a slight stinging sensation.

“Although I don’t know what it is, just blast it out, right?”

Tong Jiabao wants to be simple and pure. I don’t plan to think about the found-mystery of the wall itself.

“Then don’t grind, let’s try it.”

Gu Hui is also much lazy, waiting for Magic Power to operate, a silhouette with a miniature mountain body appears.

This exceptionally strong card is also a Peak’s black card. Although it is not as good as Mister Flame in terms of overall battle strength, this kind of violent attack is just right for him.

Apart from the absolute attack points crushing situation, in many cases, the application of cards needs to be guided by the situation, in order to achieve the desired outcome in different situations.

It’s not just Gu Hui, others are thinking at the moment, activating cards that fit the current situation.

Activated by Tong Jiabao is a card called “Boxing Kangaroo”. The fists are full of vigor, which is quite powerful.

What Zhao Jie activated was his Source Card “Warhammer God Agatha”. The attack points of this card reached black peak value 2000, which was amazingly destructive.

And this card also has a special effect, which is related to the golden heavy hammer in his hand.

The effect is that when Agatha punishes an enemy with a golden heavy hammer, it deals additional damage based on the enemy’s type.

I don’t know if this effect can be used against the current thick and mysterious wall.

This is obviously not an ordinary wall, but more like an incarnation of cards. After all, ordinary walls cannot be so strong.

Soon, everyone activated their cards one after another, and increased their destructive power through Special Equip Card or Special Spell Card.

peng peng bang!

All of a sudden, all kinds of percussive slamming sounds, resounding.

The wall was also a trembling sound under the blast of everyone, a crumbling scene.

This situation is also a joy in the hearts of everyone watching, it seems there is a drama?

peng peng bang!

It was another round of smashing, and the wall was still trembling.

peng peng bang!

Continuous strikes, the wall suddenly showed signs of collapse under a lot of continuous bombardment.

However, it didn’t take long for the crowd to stop and no longer allowed their cards to continue to be destroyed.

Naturally, it is not that the walls of other homes will be broken down alive, but something wrong was discovered.

“This wall, is this playing with us?”

Gu Hui was unhappy. He just gave his Kaishan Monster a slight punch to the wall. As a result, the wall was still shaking vigorously.

It can be seen that the collapse of the wall is nothing more than an outright illusion.

Is this wall autonomous? Specially make them happy?

“It looks like this is really not a place where you can break in by casual hard removal.”

Tong Jiabao looked at the huge wall in front of him and sighed suddenly.

“That’s right, this is not an easy place to set foot.”

Just as he sighed, a chuckle and a sound of electromagnetic texture came from behind in vain.

Deng Zihao expression slightly changed, and he heard that the voice was not from anyone present.

Everyone else naturally heard the slightly awkward electromagnetic sound and turned their heads, but they saw the other side of the corridor. A silhouette wearing a green electronic mask without a scalp appeared in front of the corridor.

Seeing everyone turning around, that silhouette is still walking forward so calmly.

“Source Card?”

Deng Zihao expression A source card that shows a strangeness that can speak human’s words?

This kind of Source Card is not without it, but it can often achieve this. It is a pretty advanced Red Source Card!

And in the Advanced Red Source Card, there are few such Source Cards that can make sounds.

Tong Jiabao expression immediately solemnly solemnly, whispered: “The visitor is not good.”

Obviously, a Red Rank Source Card breaks in suddenly, it is impossible to come over and smile and show friendship to them, and it is more likely to cause trouble.

“It’s over. It’s a bad mood. Run over to deliver the food? It’s wild. Let’s get Gorilla to bleed some blood and give me some Super Source Power. If he doesn’t give it, he will look for Teacher Yang.”

Gu Hui has always disliked nonsense, and this time is no exception. Not at all is panicked by a strange Red Source Card that can speak human’s words.

Magic Power operate, Mister Flame bathed in flames, followed by the standard card “Double Fuel Booster”.

However, this time, Double Fuel Booster has just appeared, but it has not ejected any substance. It seems to be dying. After a pause, it disappears.

“Is this guy a special effect? ​​Can he prevent one or more card effects from being established? Everyone, waste his chance with a low-level card first.”

Gu Hui quickly made a judgment in his mind and lowered his voice.

Several people around were aware, and they were also aware of the failed Gu Hui card activation.

In fact, even themselves, some people tried the activated Special Equip Card, but failed.

The tall figure in front was getting closer, Mister Flame didn’t wait for any support, hit a ring finger, swinging his hands up and down continuously.

The flames roared, and then quickly turned into a large number of flame barrage and ran out of the tall figure in front.

A twisted electron appeared in front of the tall figure, and then a twisted electron barrier was quickly generated. The flame barrage fell on the barrage, causing a lot of electronic ripples, but it failed to break through the barrier’s defense.

dīng dīng!

Kaishan Monster takes a step forward. After the boxer is brewing, he uses a fierce backhand punch to bypass the barrier and horrify the opponent’s horrible head without any scalp.

The tall figure does not see or see, and a layer of green electrons is inadvertently stirred on the body. The electrons explode on the large body of Kaishan Monster like a fire!


The boxer stopped abruptly, Kaishan Monster’s figure was exploded on the spot!

On the other side, everyone has released several special cards one after another. The ending is the same, and they are all invalidated.

This result also shocked everyone. How many times can this guy be invalid?

At this time, looking at the people who are still constantly releasing various cards, the tall figure suddenly said lightly with a smile: “Your energy within the body is very good, and you don’t have any idea of ​​escape. This is good, let me give You have a favor, let you watch a good show. “

Speaking, the tall figure suddenly lifted up a thin, thin palm with a five-finger curve, and a large number of twisted electrons diffused in the palm of the palm facing upward.

The distorted electrons spread rapidly, and the inevitable Gu Hui and others were included at the end of the corridor. After a continuous zi zi sound, a crowd-centered, electronic space was just created!

tall figure hooked his fingers, the electronic prison cage rose flat, suspended above the frame!

“What the hell did this guy do? Aside from the Battle Card, both the special card and the energy card lost their original effectiveness?”

Looking at the tall figure who crossed them and walked to the wall, Gu Hui annoyedly scratched his longbeard bangs.

“Brother Gu, he seems to be able to open the wall.”

At this moment, Luo Xiaotian suddenly sounded with a surprised voice.


Gu Hui, who was a little upset, heard this, but quickly looked towards the bottom, and then she saw that the tall figure drew a brown shiny stone key from her body.

Then, the tall figure gently pushed the stone key in the take action, and the stone key began to burst into bright brown rays of light.

Feeling the reflection of brown rays of light, the one who likes to make fun of people, but is a thick wall clinging to the spot, but at this moment it is obviously moving.

On the wall surface, those originally blurred and distorted vein patterns, after being illuminated by the bright brown glow, are like a long-sleeping giant beast, waking up in vain.

Line-like irregular brown vein patterns appear on the wall, and those lines quickly outline a key pattern.

That pattern is exactly the same as the stone key in the hand of the tall figure!

The stone key has stopped shining at this time, flying out on its own, and blending with that wall!

“Wait, you will be fortunate to see the revival of the devil!”

A tall figure burst out laughing across the corridor.


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