Somewhere in the mountain range main peak.

Li Zixiang held the Ice Barrier Domain Sword in his hand and stroked it out gently. A glazed ice crystal sword mark easily took away a source beast called “Gourmet Beast” high up the mountain range.

This Source Beast does not mean that it loves food, but that it is a delicious Chinese dish.

These days are normal, and no one chooses to withdraw from the competition. The boring Li Zixiang knows that there is a lot of Gourmet Beast in the mountain range here, so he came here to add food.

But just planning to make this Gourmet Beast into a barbecue, Li Zixiang’s gaze was fixed, looking out into the distance. In the far place, the three rising light pillars were still clearly visible.

Seeing this scene, Li Zixiang put down Gourmet Beast in his hand, the long sword waved, and the ice was lingering.

The ice crystal giant dragon with the ice wings spread rapidly emerged, Li Zixiang jumped out with a sword, the ice dust supported him to rise quickly, and fell to the back of the ice crystal giant dragon.

Li Zixiang didn’t say anything, but expression was slightly dignified.

With a long groan from the ice crystal giant dragon, next moment fluttered its wings, and in a moment it dragged out 1000 meters of crystal long marks on the sky.


Lin Ze stepped out. No, it should be said that when he and Vajra stepped out of the room, there were also a group of people in the next room.

After seeing Lin Ze, one of the gang suddenly looked like a frightened kitten, and then inexplicably annoyed.

“It’s too early for you to go so aggressive after a few years of development.”

Lin Ze glanced at the oncoming Qi Siyi, knowing she was uneasy, and fortunately spoke first.

Qi Siyi is slightly distracted. What about this guy saying what the hell?

Suddenly, thinking of Lin Ze’s gaze flashing on some part of her body, Qi Siyi’s cheeks turned red instantly, and she couldn’t help anger: “Bastard! Disgusting! Shameless!”

Lin Ze waved his hand was a bit innocent, leaving aside “I still have something to do”, I specifically bypassed Qi Siyi in front of me and turned to the stairs.


Qi Siyi also wanted to say something. Her original purpose was not to get angry.

On this trip to the castle, Qi Siyi gained a lot, and his points exceeded 100.

She knows that this score, leaving a few people from Beijing, even Shanghai’s representative student, is almost under her!

Therefore, Qi Siyi came to talk to Lin Ze with the idea of ​​showing off, but before he spoke, he was irritated by the sudden words of the other party.

Looking at the back of Lin Ze leaving in a hurry, Qi Siyi just felt that his lungs were about to explode.

It’s really hateful. What I say and what I say is not a small thing at all!

But now I do n’t have time to care about him. It seems that there is a major event outside, so I have to take a look.

Here, getting rid of the possible troubles of Qi Siyi, Lin Ze quickly reached the first floor and soon came to the promenade at the T-shaped entrance.

But just passing by, Lin Ze was surprised to find that the thick wall that had been blocked in front of the corridor disappeared at this time!

Old Gu they can do it! Did you really break the wall?

When he thought so, he suddenly heard a shout, “Old Lin, what are you thinking over there, look here.”

Hearing that voice, Lin Ze’s eyes suddenly turned, and then they saw Gu Hui, trapped in a thin layer of green electronic prison!

Lin Ze couldn’t help but strangely said: “en? Old Gu, how are you there?”

Gu Hui’s helplessly said: “It’s a long story. All in all, the Isolated Territory is really out of the major event. You can get us out. This cage is very weird. There is no way to use special cards and energy cards. Not to mention, even the Battle Card becomes extremely weak. “

“I’ll save you first.”

Although Lin Ze also wanted to know exactly what happened, it wasn’t that much to keep Old Gu and some of them talking in a cage.

Magic Power operate, brown card flip, short swordsman silhouette holding silver-white sawtooth heavy sword appears.

Immediately after, Lin Ze released another brown card again.

The second card did not directly show any battle monsters, but instead turned into an energy that blended into the short swordsman within the body.

A short burst of white light erupted throughout the short swordsman. Its figure, like evolution, suddenly grew into a tall and handsome appearance, like an experience of reversal of fortune.

Silent Swordsman LV5!

After completing the evolution, the Silent Swordsman silver-white rimmed armor-like windbreaker was shocked, and its figure instantly surpassed the height of several meters, and the sawtooth heavy sword that was as tall as his hand was quickly cut out!


Some thin green electronic prisons whose energy had receded failed to resist Silent Swordsman’s fierce slash, the energy quickly dissipated and disintegrated!

Everyone has already prepared Magic Power operate, and landed steadily from a height.

“Shit, finally relieved, go and see what’s going on outside.”

Gu Hui, who has just broken free, can’t rest at all, eagerly.

“What exactly are those three liberated urals just now? The objects that can make the red card tribute … can hardly be imagined.”

Tong Jiabao is still immersed in the shock that Sacred Beasts just woke up.

Luo Xiaotian timidly said at this time: “Gu … Brother Gu, it should be dangerous outside, you still don’t have to venture out.”

“Xiaotian, this is not the time to say that those awake guys are dangerous. Don’t forget, there are many contestants here.”

Gu Hui immediately looked towards Luo Xiaotian.

Luo Xiaotian’s lips moved. He knew that this was just Gu Hui’s words. If he really cared about the safety of all the participants, he should try to crush the energy storage card.

After all, Jinzo has already sacrificed, and the strange forbidden card magnetic field has reasonably disappeared.

Gu Hui clearly wants to go out and take risks.

However, Luo Xiaotian did not want to change Gu Hui’s decision again. Now that he has made up his mind, it is futile to say anything else, and it is also a kind of disrespect.

During their conversation, four people had already left the castle first.

They are the long-awaited Lin Ze, Vajra, and the Windfiend Brothers who follow in the footsteps of Lin Ze.

There is excitement outside, so naturally still have to go.

When Gu Hui decided to act, everyone in Beijing also came down and didn’t talk to each other. They all understood the major event and went straight to the castle.

And outside the castle at this time.

Lin Ze, who just came out, was immediately attracted by the huge silhouettes of red, yellow, and blue suspended in the sky. Those silhouettes were still illusory at first.

But very quickly, when they all formed, Lin Ze turned pale with fright.

Is that … Sacred Beasts?

Uria, Lord of Searing Flames!

Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder!

Raviel, Lord of Phantasms!

All are Lin Ze’s extremely familiar existence!

At the same time, three terrifying guys!

Sacred Beasts, even here? !!

If it were them, then the entire contest of the Isolated Territory would be really dangerous!

A kind of prehistoric crisis filled Lin Ze’s heart, but soon, the distant horizon, accompanied by the traces of crystals, the ice crystal giant dragon spread its wings, and above the Ice Dragon, a silhouette standing with a sword suddenly broke into his Vision!

Seeing the Ice Dragon and the silhouette above, Lin Ze suddenly relaxed in his heart.

China Law Enforcement Department Chief Law Enforcer!

Li Zixiang is here!


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