With the cover of the trees, Lin Ze quietly observed the situation outside.

While still using cards, Qi Siyi and Windfiend Brothers who attacked barrier activated and failed fruitlessly naturally found violent movements from the outside world.

The huge figure of the Bursting Flame Dragon mother and the golden red flames burning around are so noticeable that they have come to an end.

The three did not dare to stay in place again, and flashed into the more hidden zone on the side, so they observed the situation in the distance in secret.

Bursting Flame Dragon’s mother’s gaze positively looked at Phantasm Token stepping on the dragon egg, and his mouth roared.

It is warning Phantasm Token to take out the remaining dragon eggs together with the fastest speed and return it to it.

After all the dragon eggs are returned to the original owner, the Bursting Flame Dragon mother can rest assured.

It seems that I also know some of the ideas of the Bursting Flame Dragon mother. Phantasm Token suddenly showed a chuckle, and a little green flashed in his eyes: “Interesting, want to murder a person with a borrowed knife?”

When saying this, Phantasm Token jumped off the dragon egg gently, followed by palm moved, and actually took the fiery dragon egg into his palm.

The mother of Bursting Flame Dragon is closer to her, and she is planning to use the dragon egg after the “compromise” Phantasm Token, but she saw the scene that made it crack at the next moment.

Phantasm Token actually put the gold red bold forcibly into his mouth, and his jaw expanded like a snake in a moment to a great extent.

The huge golden red dragon egg was swallowed by him in such a way, even if the abnormally hot flame entered the throat, there was no way to cause even a little damage to him.

“It’s a pity that this knife I borrowed is not good enough.”

Phantasm Token showed a terrible smile, but the Bursting Flame Dragon circling in the sky had already been stunned by anger, with its mouth wide, wrapped in a fiery high-temperature golden red flame like a ray group covering all the way.

Everywhere you go, the vegetation disappears in an instant, Phantasm Token is also covered by the flame of gold red, and it is the main object covered.

At this time, Phantasm Token is like a fire man covered with gold red.

If ordinary people were attacked by such a flame, I am afraid that no residue would be left.

But at this time, through the golden red flame, the tall figure of Phantasm Token is clearly visible, which means that he is still strong!

“The guy who burns zombie like this?”

Lin Ze, who hides and peeks at the battle, is even more surprised. The concentration of baptism with intense heat, Battle Card with defense points below 3500 is probably not more than five seconds.

But now, that Phantasm Token is clearly far from its limit.

“I don’t have time to accompany you to continue playing with such garbage. Unfortunately, all I need is the energy source of human within the body, otherwise I don’t mind choosing you as a stepping stone to my road to False Sovereign.”

Phantasm Token said, a blue aura suddenly exploded on the body. Under the impact of that aura, those gold red flames were not worth mentioning and disintegrated on the spot!

After easily dissipating the flames, Phantasm Token raised his arms slowly, his eyes locked on the angry Bursting Flame Dragon mother, said coldy: “It’s just an insignificant insect, but also with that kind of gaze to stare at the future Sovereign?”

“Isolated Territory’s etiquette, shouldn’t you have learned this wild beast?”

The words fell, and Phantasm Token aimed at the Bursting Flame Dragon mother who once again spit gold red flames, and a billiard-sized blue light ball emerged.

That kind of light ball seems to be really insignificant compared to the huge Bursting Flame Dragon mother.

But when the blue light ball took shape, the anger in the eyes of the angry Bursting Flame Dragon mother was immediately replaced by an extreme fear.

It felt … a ray of aura belonging to True Sovereign!

It has never seen the real Sovereign, it has never known anything about Sovereign, and even the term is completely ignorant.

But now, it almost felt instinctively a fear, and that kind of fear oppressed him a bit breathless.

To escape, in the endless sense of depression, it did not dare to move half of its body.

The blue light ball only drifted towards the Bursting Flame Dragon mother at a slow speed. The Bursting Flame Dragon mother only felt that death was showing a countdown.

And it just obeys instincts and is indifferent to the countdown in front.


The countdown to death is zero, and the maternal body of Bursting Flame Dragon is like a gorgeous and beautiful red firework blooming in the sky.

This shocking scene made the hearts of the four people observing in the dark shocked.

In just one move, the weak Red Rank Source Beast instant-kill was dropped. The strength of this Level 6 Phantasm Token is simply beyond imagination!

This is basically the ability comparable to a high-end Red Source Card, and this existence is now wandering freely in the Isolated Territory.

The situation is really troublesome.

Until this time, Qi Siyi and Windfiend Brothers had a deep understanding of one thing, that is terrifying the strength of Lin Ze!

Even with the ability of the E-Rank Card Master, he battled that terrifying guy in his Special Field Card for a short time.

Even if it is D-Rank or even C-Rank Card Master, I’m afraid he can’t do this.

It’s an incredible thing.

Lin Ze’s current strength is indeed very strong, but in fact not at all is so strong that even D and C-Rank Card Master can’t match it.

He is well aware of his ability upper limit and may be able to fight with some ordinary D-Rank Card Masters, but the strong hand in D-Rank, he is not so easy to cope with, and may even lose to a large probability.

The strength that Phantasm Token had previously shown in Skyscraper is not as exaggerated as it was just now.

The blue light ball just now has terrible destructive power.

That kind of light ball, Phantasm Token is impossible to make at hand, it is likely to be a killing move.

In the face of the threat posed by the Bursting Flame Dragon mother, if they do not use this killing move, it will inevitably form a fierce battle, which will leave them a lot of empty space.

At this moment, Lin Ze thought very clearly that the Phantasm Token in front of him is by no means invincible!

Lin Ze not at all Because of the shocking scene just now, there is no retreat at all. Now they have no way out. They who exposed the trace only need to kill each other or be killed.

Being taken away by the opponent and being let down like those of the contestants is indeed no different from being dead.

Glancing at the position of Wild Wingman, he was planning to use E-Rank Magic Stone to restore Magic Power and fight again with Lin Ze. However, he suddenly saw Phantasm Token not far away holding up his right hand.

Above the right hand, tiny blue particles of light continue to diffuse and shine.

Soon, those blue light particles were like fireworks, and moved towards barrier all around.

With the splashes of blue light particles, silhouettes of blue suddenly appeared.

Those are engraved with Phantasm Tokens of varying levels. Basically, each of these tokens carries one or two humans, which is the contestant of the Isolated Territory this time.

A brief look at the human contestants who were arrested turned out to be close to a hundred people!

“The good show is just beginning.”

Phantasm Token seems to have a conscious glance at the location where Lin Ze is hiding, and suddenly said with a smile softly.


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