Li Maoshan said, and looked at Lin Ze more, then said: “Anyway, since you are a newcomer newcomer, the first thing to do is to choose a residence in Foggy Town.”


Lin Ze is a little puzzled. Although it is a small town and there are a lot of surrounding houses, it should be Thoroughly occupied by old students.

Li Maoshan also knows that Lin Ze will cause some doubts, said with a smile: “The overall area of ​​this town may be larger than you think. There are actually many idle residences.”

“However, aside from those B-Rank and C-Rank residences, the remaining residences are basically F-Rank, which is more suitable for newcomers. In contrast, the income of occupancy will decrease.”

Lin Ze immediately caught the key word “revenue”, said curiously: “Senior, are there any additional gains from staying?”

Li Maoshan is really enthusiastic and patiently said: “The primary benefit of the residence is actually to avoid these Gravity Fogs. The residence will not be invaded by any dense fog.”

“Under the environment of Gravity Fog for a long time, the body is prone to load and even irreversible injuries, and more serious, it is not frightening words to scare people to die.”

“Therefore, only when you practice, you can get out of the residence and use those dense fog. After a period of practice, you can return to the residence immediately.”

Speaking of which, Li Maoshan laughed and said, “Of course, I see Junior Brother, you are so sensitive, you should have guessed that there is actually an additional benefit in the residence.”

“In fact, in each residence, an imitation source of varying strengths is set. Defeating those imitation sources will definitely yield different degrees of course credit rewards, and in some cases, even powerful cards will pop up.”

“The rewards set in these residences are another big treasure of Foggy Town, so we, 4th-year students who are about to graduate, are happy to stay here and look for opportunities.”

“After getting the course credit, there is a special place from here to Danshui Plain. It just costs an extra course credit, which is not much.”

Lin Ze digested for a while, but he understood it. Nodded said, “That’s it, senior, thank you, then I’ll go find a vacant residence now.”

Li Maoshan looked at Lin Ze in amazement and said, “You don’t wonder what the imitation source I mean?”

Lin Ze said, “Curious, but if you go and see for yourself, if you have any doubts, you can solve them.”

Li Maoshan could n’t help but said with a smile: “Junior Brother really has an idea, so what level of residence are you going to try now? Some of the surrounding vacant residences, I am relatively familiar with, I should be able to give you some suggestions.”

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Ze decided to keep a low profile first and replied, “Just go to C-Rank residence to see, senior, is it difficult to find such a residence?”

“Oh, C-Rank residence? It’s easy to find. Actually, there is … Uh? Junior Brother, are you opening me ?!”

Li Maoshan with a smile on his face was talking, but the smile at the corner of his mouth froze because he realized something, his eyes looked towards Lin Ze.

Lin Ze is obviously kidding, shit, has the Junior Brother been so naughty these days? Don’t tease Senior Sister and turn the seniors around?

As everyone knows, Lin Ze really intends to keep a low profile.

In his understanding, C-Rank residence may seal some Peak Black Ranks or relatively weak Red Rank Source Beasts.

Source Beast at that level is indeed very powerful, but at the present Lin Ze’s eyes, it is not too difficult to deal with.

Lin Ze is really low-key, he originally wanted to talk about the entire B-Rank residence.

Even if it doesn’t work, turn around and bully the lower-level residence.

But after all, in the presence of the senior, he was bullied and so on by the monster sealed in the B-Rank residence, which was still too embarrassing.

Lin Ze coughed, wondering why the seniors reacted so much, and couldn’t help asking more: “Is C-Rank residence tricky?”

“Stupid Junior Brother, it’s not tricky, it’s impossible to challenge the task. Do you know what the imitation source is stored in the C-Rank residence? That’s the real C-Rank Card Master!”

“The old school students in Foggy Town have only two people who have a C-Rank residence on the side of Foggy Town, and the residence they occupy is also a relatively weak C-Rank residence.”

Li Maoshan’s expression at this moment was exaggerated, and he wanted to make Lin Ze realize the terrifying place of C-Rank residence.

Lin Ze is indeed surprised, C-Rank Card Master?

Can these residences in Foggy Town do such high-end things? It was able to simulate the capabilities of Card Master.

C-Rank Card Master, in terms of strength, is actually on top of the ordinary Red Rank Source Beast. The powerful C-Rank Card Master is extremely explosive in battle strength.

Li Maoshan is also nodded, so that’s right. Fortunately, this newcomer is not really hopeless, and he is still very persuasive.

“I know, senior, then take me to challenge the relatively ordinary C-Rank residence, it really needs to be cautious.”

Lin Ze is very understanding in making decisions.

Li Maoshan was crazy, shit, is there anything wrong? What is he trying to do? !!

Now the newcomer, hey, forget it, he will turn back when he hits the south wall, and it ’s not bad to see more.

Li Maoshan sighed and then said, “Well then, I’ll take you to a nearby C-Rank residence, don’t be too forced, you can’t do anything, you can exit the residence at any time.”

“Those imitation sources don’t have any killing heart. They can suffer the most. This can be assured.”

Lin Ze laughed, seeing that Li Maoshan was still suggesting that it would be dangerous to challenge C-Rank residence.

I didn’t expect that the principals of Foggy Town would be so enthusiastic and different from what I expected.

“Then ask the senior.”

Hearing Lin Ze’s words, Li Maoshan also gave up his last persuasion and took Lin Ze to the west of the town.

As Li Maoshan said, the residence is located not far from the vicinity, and the two successfully reached the C-Rank residence just over a thousand meters away.

Along the way, Lin Ze also met several seniors who were standing outside with the help of Gravity Fog cultivation.

Those seniors were not as enthusiastic as Li Maoshan, just glancing casually at Lin Ze, and the look was like confirming a new competitor, and then continued to cultivate themselves.

“Well, that’s it, just push the door open, and even if the challenge begins.”

Li Maoshan led Lin Ze to stay in front of an ordinary double-storey building, pointed to the gate on the first floor, and the gate was unlocked, revealing information that it was an idle residence.

On the gate, there is also a quite striking “C” Rank, which indicates the rank of the residence.

Some people who were cultivation nearby noticed Li Maoshan and Lin Ze stopping in front of C-Rank residence, they couldn’t help showing strange eyes.

Why stop there and dare to go in and challenge?

When I was thinking about it, I saw Li Maoshan’s expression of helplessness and Lin Ze’s quite simply pushing in the door.


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