On the Hojo road leading to the North District business district, several men in Card Master white robes are rushing to their destination at a speed far faster than ordinary traffic.

And soon, when they arrived in the business district, they noticed the “burning” Blue Heart Mall from a distance.

Several people have not spoken, but chose to advance in different ways, and soon across the long street at an amazing speed, beyond the crowd, flashed in front of Blue Heart Mall.

One of the Card Masters stepped forward, observed for a moment, and then turned his head excitedly looking towards an older Card Master, saying, “Wu Jiayuan special, the situation here seems to be more than imagined. Tricky. “

The middle-aged man named Wu Jiayuan was also in deep contemplation. After a moment, he slowly raised his head, and a series of granular Magic Power emerged.

Amazingly Super Source Power!

“Let me try the shades.”

Wu Jiayuan tried to merge this condensed Super Source Power into the blackish-purple energy in front of the gate, and the energy immediately fluctuated violently like a river thrown into a boulder.

Seeing this scene, the Card Master in charge of this observation was slightly bright in front of his eyes, and he also gritted his teeth, and also raised a hand to secrete a small stream of Super Source Power.

His strength is much inferior to Wu Jiayuan. The Super Source Power that can be used is already the limit of the normal range.

If you want to output more, you need to pay a certain price.

The remaining three were not idle. They were not the Super Source Level, but they also reached the B-Rank. At this moment, they were operating Magic Power Aura after the metamorphosis, and jointly hit the blackish-purple energy in front of the gate, which also produced results. .

Card Master Alliance clearly showed great importance to the Blue Heart Mall incident.

Perhaps it is related to this special period of Christmas Eve, and it is a major event that happened in such a crowded commercial street, which must be paid attention to!

That being said, there are really knowledgeable people here, I’m afraid they will still startled.

Five Card Masters and four 1st-Grade Law Enforcers are B-Ranks, where there is a person who has even achieved Super Source!

The remaining one is the highest level outside the putting aside the chief in the Alliance Law Enforcer, Special Law Enforcer!

Its strength is the Super Source Realm doubted by the mother!

Such a lineup is not used to sweep away the Isolated Territory, but appears on the busy streets of Christmas Eve, which is indeed unheard of.

However, at this time, with the concerted efforts of five super-strong Card Masters, those blackish-purple energy filling the gates of the Blue Heart Mall are still only in severe turbulence, and there is no sign of collapse.

This means that even if they want to completely break through these blackish-purple energy, it still takes some time!

It is appalling!

Compared with the efforts of these people outside, in the small 2nd floor parlor of Blue Heart Mall, it is already a mess at this moment.

Supported by the “united buff” of four cards at the same time, Tempest’s attack and defense broke through to 6000 at the same time!

This level, even if you look at the Red Rank cards, they are high-level.

A strong scarlet-red lightning current circulates around Tempest. A horrible Magic Power Aura fills the entire living room. The invisible cyclone rolls the room, and the living room is a mess.

Those Card Masters who fainted in the past were thrown out violently by Lin Ze’s actions. These people here will only become a cumbersome battle.

Instead, it was Lin Lan, who didn’t know when he was facing a layer of brilliant-gold barrier provided by Dark Magician Girl, so he could watch the battle relatively safely.

But at this critical juncture, Lin Ze did not let him stay here.

Lin Lan also knows what Lin Ze means, has not spoken, and cooperates with Lin Ze to remove those who are syncope.

The remaining few C-Rank Card Masters are Tempest who watched the Magic Power Aura’s explosive watch full of shock.

If it is not for the aura that has not yet undergone a qualitative change, Wang Ruiqi, they are afraid that Lin Ze has already been promoted to B-Rank.

That intensity, even his C-Rank Card Master, has a feeling beyond hope.

This is also as it should be by rights. The current Tempest can be regarded as the trump card method of Lin Ze betting everything.

For this reason, Lin Ze exhausted all the Magic Power within the body, but reluctantly completed the increase with the help of E-Rank Magic Stone.

Now he has less than 200 points of Magic Power inside the body.

Lin Ze did not hesitate at all. He knew that the power that Tempest showed now was actually only temporary.

Once United We Stand is destroyed, all efforts will be lost.

The opponent is the B-Rank Card Master, which is used for targeted destruction of cards.

If so, Tempest will be instantly restored to its original shape.

Despite knowing this, the situation now is that Lin Ze is facing a dead end, and only by cutting off one’s means of retreat can he find a little vitality.

“how come……”

However, the long-tongued man on the opposite side felt a little surprised when he felt the intense aura exposed by Tempest, and immediately returned using the Devouring Robot.


Tempest’s muscles were surging, relying on soaring strength, he forcibly broke through the restriction of the previous black snake pattern against him.

Tempest regained his freedom, and the figure quickly turned into a gust of wind, rushing towards the Devouring Robot.

In contrast, the stiff raising of Devouring Robot seems awkward, but it still generates a lot of blackish-purple energy in time.

This energy spread out instantly, but this time Tempest was tough.

The wind produced a weird cutting force, ignoring the obstruction created by blackish-purple aura, and then suddenly covered the Devouring Robot.

ka ka bang!

The soothing rubbing sound sounded, the electromagnetic sound of unknown meaning was emitted in the mouth of Devouring Robot, and a trace of shock and terror appeared on the long pale man’s sickly pale face.

The Devouring Robot resisted for a moment, then as if unable to bear it, it shattered away.

At the same time as Devouring Robot shattering, the long-tongued man over there pumps-suddenly shrinks, as if in a way of being implicated, his body suddenly filled with a lot of blackish-purple aura.

In the blackish-purple aura, the figure of the man with a long tongue is like a white paper burned by a flame, and it burns.

In the end, only sporadic blackish-purple residues remain.

Such a scene also surprised Lin Ze, who did not expect such a thing to happen.

The first was that Tempest’s surge in power broke the opponent’s card in a crushing posture. Then, even the robot user, the long-tongued male Card Master, died in this weird way.

It is almost like the traces of being forcibly removed after the defeat.

What exactly is going on? !!

Lin Ze can’t understand it. Although Tempest is very powerful now, it can be said that a B-Rank Card Master as the core using card can’t be so weak.

Even so, why was the long tongue man dead after the card was shattered?


Winged Kuriboh aside, staring at the remaining traces, but seemed to see something, and immediately informed.

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