The battle ended faster than expected.

For Lin Ze, this is also as it should be by rights.

Even those C-Rank Card Masters in Foggy Town can arrange most of them, not to mention these Red Rank resources sealed in the resource room.

Because it is a reserve of resources for students, these Red Rank resources are simply not powerful.

Basically, they are relatively low-level Red Rank cards. Regarding this, we can see some clues from the attack and defense values 鈥嬧€媜f these Red Rank Source Cards.

Even if Lin Ze is challenging today, this Red Rank resource room worth 300 course credit still has less than 4000 attack points.

This kind of data sounds very powerful, but under Card Master’s flexible card application and combination, even if he has an exceptionally powerful passive special effect, he still can only rest.

It is not to say that Lin Ze is really powerful enough to easily ignore the Red Rank Source Card. It is because these Source Cards and Source Beasts trapped in the resource room have limited strength.

You know, with regard to the Red Source Card, whenever the attack points or defense points reach more than 5000, the advantages of their Energy Transformation will be clearly reflected.

In that case, a Battle Card supported by a C-Rank Card Master through the card bonus, even if the attack points reach 6000 or 7000, it is still difficult to compete with this type of Red Rank Source Card and Source Beast.

This existence is truly a powerful Red Rank card.

Lin Ze is also very aware of this, so in his opinion, the Red Rank Source Card that has not yet reached that level, for him, is delivering food.

Eliminating these cards is as easy as ordering food.

Of course, the consumption of a la carte is indeed a bit high. Fortunately, the feedback of the dishes is very satisfactory.

Seeing that the Source Power that emerged after Demon Knight’s death poured into within the body, Lin Ze received it with all his face.

It is a pity that Demon Knight did not drop any useful material, otherwise it would be a great income.

This is also normal. After all, it is the Red Rank Source Card.

Even if it is a blessing to be able to safely take down such cards, Lin Ze didn’t think about being a greedy dog 鈥嬧€媋nd asking too much.

However, this is also based on the fact that the total number of course credits at Lin Ze at this time is sufficient. Otherwise, killing such a Red Rank Source Card will not make the hair fall. He is afraid that he will be swearing by the country on the spot.

And soon, that Source Power was completely integrated into Lin Ze’s within the body.

After the tempering of Foggy Town, Lin Ze has already adapted to the original power, so it seems to be smoother when it absorbs the new Source Power.

After such absorption lasted for a long time, Lin Ze immediately felt it and achieved great results.

At this moment Lin Ze, Source Power within the body, has successfully reached D-Rank 10 points.

In other words, if you absorb 10 more Source Power, the Source Power of Lin Ze within the body will be saturated.

It sounds amazingly fast, but this is the suggestion that Lin Ze can withstand large enough and obtain the results of excess course credit.

It is indeed time to flower and bear fruit.

Consuming this 300 course credit, Lin Ze’s remaining course credit still exceeds 1200 points.

Such a huge sum is enough to support Lin Ze to absorb enough Source Power.

Lin Ze also knows that he can now control more Source Power, so there is no so-called glutton.

In this case, Lin Ze didn’t think about it and started scanning again.

While activating the course credit card, the surrounding resources were continuously scanned for recognition. Since Lin Ze is now located deep in Danshui Plain, there are a lot of Red Rank rooms around.

This time the National New Asset Tournament’s resources ratio, this area can be said to have more than 90% of the Red Rank resource room.

Lin Ze is not a big name right now. The entire Red Rank room is still fussy and is not going to reorganize those Red Rank rooms below 300 course credit.

Such a resource room is boring even if you touch it.

It’s not that Lin Ze is really under pumped, thinking that the whole resource room is enough to threaten his life.

The main reason is that in the ordinary Red Rank room, the probability of dropping resources is too low.

It used to be good to say that, not to mention high-end goods such as Card Soul and Super Source Essence, ordinary materials are also good.

However, it was in the Isolated Territory. Until now, these resource rooms that Lin Ze had encountered, the quality of the materials dropped was not decent at all.

Lin Ze is too lazy to care about these, anyway, his main purpose or for Source Power.

As he moved forward, he recognized, Lin Ze was not in a hurry.

As a privileged student, enjoying the privilege is really wonderful, you don’t have to worry about any restrictions on your time.

As long as the course credit is sufficient, Second World can stay as long as he wants.

With limited search conditions, Lin Ze’s search work was not smooth. After more than ten minutes, he still did not see the Red Rank resource room that made him feel at ease.

Even more, there were a lot of Black Rank rooms around, making Lin Ze speechless.

Fortunately, Huang Tian deserves a caring person.

After scanning for half an hour, Lin Ze finally locked his eyes on a bright red plump ball as shown on the course credit card.

Not only that, but the ball also bounced and looked quite naughty.

Lin Ze didn’t care if the ball was guilty of skinning. What really attracted him was the 750 course credit remarked on the ball!

Such an exaggerated course credit made Lin Ze immediately realize that this room cannot be a single person challenge room, most likely it is multi-person.

If there are really many people, Lin Ze will be able to return to his old business.

That is, a single person challenges a multi-person room, commonly known as a “compressed challenge”!

If you let other people know his thoughts, I’m afraid he feels that he is really going crazy. Gone with the wind is not such a way!

Even the Black Rank compression challenge is okay. Red Rank dares to play compression, which is a terrible move.

A person is often more powerful, it is just an individual. This kind of team-like room, to a certain intensity, can not be compressed to play compression.

That is, Zhou Liwei and Old Zhang are not here. If they are here, even if they know and recognize Lin Ze’s strength, they will not be allowed to do such extraordinary things.

Lin Ze thinks very simple. Even if the challenge fails, it is impossible to get nothing.

As long as you return a copy there, that’s enough.

It really doesn’t work. A little loss is also acceptable, as long as it is not for nothing.

If 750 course credit is really given, even Lin Ze, a big dog, can’t hurt.

Taking the pros and cons into consideration, Lin Ze didn’t hesitate and went straight to his destination.

Following the route of the course credit card project, another ten minutes passed, Lin Ze arrived at his destination as expected and saw the compressed challenge room.

To his surprise, there seemed to be a line of text marked with Magic Power on the grass in front of the room.

Lin Ze curiously stepped forward to check.


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