“It’s really strong, it’s just a moment when that villain is defeated.”

Lin Shiqian said in amazement that although she knows a lot about the card circle, she basically stays at the fur stage.

Therefore, she can’t see the strength of Cai Junjie and others and that black mist, which can only be judged by the results of the battle and the visual effects during the battle.

Intuition told her that the sacred white light that Cai Junjie had just released was a very powerful force.

However, Lin Lan turned his head and looked towards Lin Ze, and whispered, “Older brother, the power just now doesn’t seem to be owned by Cai Junjie himself. I have watched videos of his confrontation with others in the league. No such ability was shown. “

“It’s not like the ability of the card, it’s more like some kind of change based on Magic Power. That kind of change should not be simple, maybe even stronger than Super Energy Power’s energy form.”

Lin Lan will have such a judgment because of the black mist, even after witnessing a lot of Super Source Power, it is still not hopeless.

What really made him desperate, and even unable to resist, was obviously that sacred white light.

Observation of this level is a natural thing for Lin Lan.

Lin Ze was still a little speechless, the sacred white light, and he didn’t even know what was going on.

But he thought of it with Lin Lan, thinking that that sacred white light belonged to some more advanced energy form.

Is the energy form above Super Source Power a unique method of A-Rank Card Master?

Lin Ze knows that the most powerful existence of B-Rank Card Master is Super Source Rank Card Master, and the core means of Super Source Card Master is Super Source Power.

Those who can be on top of Super Source, as well as A-Rank and even higher ranks, may not.

According to Alliance, and revealed on the surface, the most powerful Card Master is A-Rank, including the Alliance Chief Law Enforcer Li Zixiang of Sacred Beasts great divine prestige on National New Asset Tournament, which is also in A- Rank stages.

But know that today’s world, alliance is divided into three levels.

National Level, Continental Level, and World Level.

National Level is well understood, that is, the Card Master Alliance, which was created independently in each country.

As for Continent Level, there are a total of Seven Continents, of which China is in the category of Asia.

It should be noted that three major levels, in terms of overall strength, must have a progressive relationship, but not necessarily a single target.

For example, China Card Master Alliance Zhou Zongyu, even if looking at Asia as a whole, its strength is still at the top of the pyramid, and it may even be the strongest!

What’s more, Zhou Zongyu itself has also joined the Asia Card Master Alliance Alliance.

Therefore, the overall strength of the Continent Level Card Master is likely to be above any country in the single target. Only a few Country and light card strengths can even reach the level of the enemy.

Of course, this situation will only appear in the single target Country with card strength in the forefront of the world, compared to the weakest Continental Level Alliance in Seven Continents.

Therefore, the strength of Zhou Zongyu, from Lin Ze’s point of view, is likely to be higher than A-Rank!

Even if he doesn’t, don’t forget, there are still the most terrifying ones in this world, consisting of only nine people, standing on top of the world royal card, the World Level Card Master Alliance!

Lin Ze knows very little about the World Level Card Master Alliance, but he can be sure that the strength of those nine must be above A-Rank!

If there is really more than A-Rank strength, I am afraid to call them S-Rank!

Thinking a little far away, Lin Ze came back to his senses a long time later, and his eyes turned to TV again, but he couldn’t help but have more ideas in his mind.

Why did Alliance decide to perform such a show on a major platform such as myriad families reunion, which should have been celebrated in the Spring Festival Gala?

There must be some intention!

Looking at the world of purple black in the TV, Lin Ze thought of something suddenly, but only a vague guess.

But even with the faint signs, Lin Ze still felt a little heavy.

And soon, on the TV screen, Cai Junjie and others who solved the black mist, relying on a card specifically responsible for detection, gradually locked a destination.

After locking the area, everyone began to go in the same direction, Operate Magic Power, and quickly rushed over there.

It is clearly only performing on the platform, but in conjunction with the card effect, this moving lens feel vividly and thoroughly, it seems like a real action.

The time has obviously gone through fast forward. This kind of forward only lasted for less than half a minute. In front of it, an extraordinary shocking scene broke into the vision of all audiences.

Even Lin Ze couldn’t help dilating her pupils after seeing the scene in front of Cai Junjie and others.

There is a dark mass, filled with blackish-purple energy ranging from tens of thousands of Source Beasts and Source Cards, standing in a chaotic line in front of the road.

At the forefront of the lineup, a man with a thin figure, who looked like he was in his early twenties, was covered with a close-fitting black leather armor, with white medium-length hair, and a man full of smiles was standing there.

As if the arrival of Cai Junjie and others had long been foreseen, the young white-haired man said coldly with a smile: “Human, your ignorance and ignorance really pushed you here.”

“Sin Domain ’s actions are just the price you are weak and you must pay for it. Do n’t cherish the years when you were struggling on whilst at death’s door. It ’s not in line with your humanity, especially Chinese. Style. “

Behind Cai Junjie, Yang Mingyu was full of ridicule, said with a sneer: “I believe in Ancestor, who is destined to exist only in illusory. I am also complacent and deceived. It is indeed what you are good at.”


With that, the whole scene suddenly became extremely boiling.

Behind the white-haired man, tens of thousands of Source Beasts and Source Cards are like the giant dragon who has been touched on the reverse scale.

Only the white-haired man still kept calm and yelled at each other: “Human, only this is the ability to use words to make weapons, and the power of Ancestor is that you, those who depend on charity, can only survive and survive. Insect cannot understand. “

“Or the war many years ago, you have greatly increased your confidence. In fact, even Zhang Ze, in front of the full Ancestor, can only be regarded as a relatively strong insect.”

“But then again, with Ancestor’s personality, seeing this rare King based on the insert swarm may motivate some self-cultivation to satisfy his collectivism.”

Yang Mingyu immediately sneered and said, “boast shamelessly, it seems that you have forgotten your Sovereign. At that time, you were kicked by Divine Ze as a ball, and you hoped for recovery in an illusory Ancestor. You did fail.”

“Okay, now let you feel for yourself, being completely killed by the insect in your mouth!”


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