“Big Brother Lin Ze, that guy just said, what do we mean by the rest of the time? How do you feel that something bad is going to happen?”

At this time, Lin Shiqian didn’t have the usual playfulness and laughter on his face, but turned his eyes to Lin Ze, asking with some anxiety.

She knows that the older brother is Card Master and the genius Card Master in the new generation. She should know some unknown secrets.

Lin Lan was in deep thought, and he was thinking far more deeply than Lin Shiqian, but at the moment he was silent.

Lin Yongming is the same, it seems like remembering something, there is a hint of helplessness and distress in the eyebrows.

The atmosphere became a little subdued. Ye Wanqiu, who was unknown, couldn’t help but glanced at them a few times, then looked towards Lin Ze and asked, “Little Ze, card circle …… Is something bad happened? “

Everyone is not a fool. On occasions like Spring Festival Gala, it ’s like an early warning to invite a special Advanced Card Master to perform this program.

If it’s really a warning, isn’t it saying that humans are running out of time, this sentence, but the problem is directly raised to the height of human life and death.

I’m afraid no one can stay away from this and listen to it as a joke.

Facing the family’s questions, Lin Ze didn’t know how to speak, but he still quickly answered: “Relax, this is just a program that we hope everyone will pay attention to.”

“In fact, the situation is not so bad at all. The threat referred to by the Card Master Alliance actually comes from the Isolated Territory spread throughout” Second World “, and those territories have a large number of Source Beasts and Source Cards. “

“Some of those Source Beasts and Source Cards have mutated. The blackish-purple energy diffused by the Source Beast you just saw is actually a symbol of mutation.”

“These mutated Source Beasts and Source Cards will become extremely fierce, and the number of mutations will increase every year, so the Card Master Alliance will be vigilant about this.”

“But in essence, just as Earth would face extinction if the environment is not protected, this is just a public statement that puts the worst consequences on the surface. The situation is now still firmly controlled by Alliance, even if If something goes wrong, it may be hundreds or even thousands of years later. “

When speaking these words, Lin Ze looked as usual and smiled.

Lin Lan glanced at Lin Ze, but in the end didn’t say much.

After listening to his explanation, Ye Wanqiu was slightly relieved, and then said: “It really needs to be taken seriously, but why not show it in a more direct way, will this form of publicity be a bit out of place?”

Lin Shiqian repeatedly nodded and said, “Yeah, yeah, you should keep a good mood for the New Year. I think this kind of thing is strongly promoted and explained in school classrooms, newspapers and news programs published in society. That’s right. “

Lin Ze said with a smile: “Maybe it was just because I considered the combination of the Card Master theme program that I chose this slightly more aggressive way of disclosure. From the results, although the atmosphere was rendered a bit heavy, but I The warning effect I want to play should also be quite obvious. “

“That’s right, Big Brother Lin Ze, you see it more thoroughly.”

Lin Shiqian is very nodded, and looks towards Lin Ze with some admiration.

“After all, the older brother is the leader in card circle new generation. There is such an opinion, and it is as it should be by rights.”

Lin Lan suddenly smiled openly the mouth and said.

Lin Ze had a dry cough in his heart, and glanced at Lin Lan calmly. He was sure that this little brother must have seen something.

Fortunately, even then, Lin Lan wouldn’t say anything until the conjecture was fully confirmed.

In fact, even Lin Ze himself completely ignored the plot played in the show.

Some things the audience can see, but they may not be true.

Just combining things that have happened before, including Spirit Valley and an earlier conversation with Old Gu, Lin Ze can vaguely guess.

Human must be a common enemy.

And that enemy is probably the group of Source Beast and Source Card in the Dark Source Domain.

Of course, the Source Beasts and Source Cards are not Source Cards in the conventional sense. They all have a common power, which is the kind of unknown blackish-purple energy.

The richer the energy, the greater the power of cards.

Even more terrifying, that aura seems to have the ability to deprive others of its Source Card.

Lin Ze doesn’t know if it’s an extra skill developed specifically by Dark League or if it’s the blackish-purple energy itself.

Eyes fell back to the TV once again, and after the Card Master theme program ended, it came to the joyful sketch section.

Despite a slightly heavy episode, the Lin Ze family soon returned to their original state of laughter.

This year’s sketch shows do have a lot of new ideas and jokes, even if Lin Ze, who doesn’t like to watch these shows, is also amused by several of them.

And soon, before he knew it, the Spring Festival Gala came to an end in a familiar and classic old song.

“This year’s program is really good. Those sketches are so interesting.”

Lin Shiqian was the first to speak.

Ye Wanqiu was also said without a smile: “Yeah, you can see that the director has carefully selected the show and the actors, and the actors’ performances are very dedicated and hardworking.”

Lin Yongming said: “It’s okay, it’s another year, the new year, I hope our family is all right, happy and safe.”

Some strange glances at his father, Lin Ze couldn’t help teased: “Unlike your style, old fogey, according to your usual habits, at this time, you should choose several shows foul-mouthed and point to Jiang Shanyi Bocai is right. “

Lin Yongming said “hehe”, refuting himself: “When did I become such a mean person? Nonsense.”

Lin Ze’s eyes were slightly condensed, and old fogey was indeed abnormal.

At this moment, Lin Lan suddenly said, “Dad, mom, Qianqian, and the older brother. It’s getting late. I’m going to bed first. Happy New Year.”

“happy New Year!”

Lin Shiqian immediately jumped up to his place, closed his eyes and raised his arms to celebrate, unusually happy.

Lin Ze looked at the nervous younger sister and couldn’t help saying with a smile: “Okay, at night, Qianqian, watch out for neighbors complaining downstairs.”

“Big Brother Lin Ze, Aunt Uncle downstairs and their children are clearly watching the Spring Festival Gala!”

Lin Shiqian’s rebuttal is well-founded.

Lin Ze had already figured out a countermeasure, and immediately “outspoken” and said: “Qianqian, go to sleep now, and you will see a packed red envelope in WeChat tomorrow morning!”

“I’m going to sleep now!”

As soon as he heard the red envelope, Lin Shiqian immediately lifted his dual watch and flashed back to his room.

“This child …”

Ye Wanqiu laughed loudly, and then went to rest.

Lin Yongming glanced at Lin Ze, saying nothing but ending with a smile: “Little Ze, Happy New Year.”


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