“Energy? You mean millennium matter?”

Nie Feng not at all concealed the meaning, actively reached out and pointed the wall of the tower, where a layer of flowing azure matter was faintly visible.

The amount of azure matter here is obviously more abundant, and even without the Card Master to activate it himself, it starts to be active in this space in a balanced manner.

“Millennium matter?”

Hearing this new term, Lin Ze was interested.

Not only him, the glory students around, most of them have not heard of this word before, but they all know that azure matter is one of the necessary conditions to trigger the slab card.

Nie Feng smiled and explained: “In fact, even I haven’t quite clear millennium matter. It’s not perfunctory. The name of this thing seems to be specifically named and spread from the World Alliance.”

“World Level Alliance, that is, standing at the Legendary Nine at the Peak of the World?”

Lin Ze was even more surprised. I didn’t expect that the level of millennium matter had risen to the level of the nine.

But think about it too, after all, this is a rare substance that triggers a slab card.

slab card, but even ordinary A-Rank Card Master may not be able to summoned card directly.

Must rely on millennium matter in order to successfully start.

Moreover, this only refers to ordinary slab card.

If it is the powerful slab card with the pattern in Nie Feng’s mouth, how much will it achieve?

At that time, maybe even the S-Rank Card Master had to resort to the millennium matter to get it started.

If you think in this way, wouldn’t you say that the role of millennium matter even reaches the level that S-Rank Card Master attaches great importance to?

Of course, these are just Lin Ze’s brain supplements. It is not known what the truth is.

However, this kind of millennium matter is indeed quite special and powerful.

Lin Ze gave everyone a little time to digest their emotions. After a short while, Nie Feng opened the mouth and said, “You are now in the position of the Tower of Glory.”

“Don’t look at the overall height of the Tower of Glory over 10,000 meters, but in fact, the really effective challenge floor is only 12 floors.”

“Take you here this time, just to try it, do what you can, don’t think about hitting floors above 5-Layer at one time. Although the Tower of Glory is good, it is just one of many links in the Glory Class.

“There are many links that will also open your eyes and benefit a lot. It is a wise choice to enjoy all of this.”

“I really died in the tower. The Glory Class is not as humane as you think. It was a special trip to send your corpse home, but instead came to a sea burial and deal with it on the spot.”

Nie Feng’s words were a little speechless, but no one took it to heart.

The challenge itself is more interesting than his Jinx.

The challenges related to the Super Source Card are truly exciting.

It seems to understand this point, and Nie Feng has not consumed the enthusiasm of everyone, and simply announced: “Now you want to enter the upper level, you only need to activate your own Source Card and let the Source Card release a small amount of Source Power.”

Source Card’s Source Power can actually be understood as the Magic Power of the card itself. The strength of this Magic Power is often negligible. No Source Card has ever been actively used in combat.

But here, Source Power has become the key to Card Master.

Lin Ze’s eyes turned to little fellow, and little fellow immediately understood.

A hint of Spirit Source was released, and Lin Ze’s cheeks suddenly appeared a large number of brown vein patterns, and those vein patterns extended labyrinth marks along the sides of his cheeks.

With the appearance of those traces, the silhouette of Lin Ze suddenly turned into a ray of brown rays of light, and suddenly rushed to the top of the Tower of Glory.

Nie Feng’s pumps suddenly shrank, staring up and staring at Lin Ze’s disappearance, so that the surrounding students disappeared one after another, but did not attract his attention.

Quietly, all glory students disappeared thoughly.

Nie Feng, just like the dream party, woke up and looked away. Some incredible muttered: “The vein pattern just now is Divine Mark? That Lin Ze’s Source Card is mixed with Divine Mark?”

As the top of the alliance, his strength reached Super Source Level no matter how clear it was.

A large number of Divine Marks are piled up and brewing. After growing up, it may be derived from something called Divinity.

In China, the source card mixed with Divine Mark, even if it is only a small amount of Divine Mark, will not exceed one hundred people!

Only four people can accumulate Divinity in Nie Feng’s perception!

One of them is the leader Zhou Zongyu of the Card Master Alliance, while the other three are little known, S-Rank Card Master Mr. Yaozong, known as Invisible Emperor, and Alliance’s Two Chiefs, Li Zixiang and Li Guichuan.

What Nie Feng doesn’t know is that even Di Ziity of Li Zixiang and Li Guichuan was given by Zhou Zongyu himself.

Therefore, suddenly I saw Divine Mark mixed with Winged Kuriboh, Rao was Nie Feng’s personality, and couldn’t help but lose some self-control.

This is really a major discovery!

Is the Individual Points King Lin Ze of the National New Asset Tournament? I did not expect that the little fellow who had helped by accident had such amazing card talent.


It is unknown if Nie Feng’s overreaction due to some phenomena caused by little fellow here, Lin Ze at this moment is flying quickly to the top.

According to Nie Feng, the overall height of the tower here has exceeded ten thousand meters, which means that the depth of this deep sea is likely to approach or exceed ten thousand meters.

In this case, it takes time to cross the floor once.

However, Lin Ze did not wait too long, and soon, with the fade of the brown vein pattern on the cheek, the figure of Lin Ze steadily landed on a flat place.

The material of the ground here is the same as that of the preparation layer. It is also a gray-black paving of an unknown material.

What is obvious is that the Tower of Glory 1st Floor is much smaller than the preparatory floor.

However, as a battlefield, there is still plenty of space here.

Of course, it is unknown whether the waiting for Lin Ze will be a duel like a resource room, or a duplicate challenge.

Lin Ze is not in a hurry, but first carefully observes the surrounding environment, little fellow is quite tacit, and enters the state of depth perception in advance to help him detect the surrounding situation.

Although it looks very empty here and seems to be free of any furnishings and obstacles, the crisis is often time consuming, and Lin Ze is not confused by simple surface phenomena.


After a while of perception, the little fellow suddenly pointed at the brown vein patterns imprinted on the ground.

Yes, here is the same as the preparatory layer. There are also a lot of brown vein patterns similar to this, but the outline is more clear than the preparatory layer.

At least Lin Ze saw it, it seemed to be some kind of monster’s stump and broken arm, scattered all over the field.


Pointing at those little fellows with brown vein patterns, they suddenly yelled in surprise and panic.

Hearing his voice, Lin Ze was also a little unexpected.

Those vein patterns start to reveal life aura?


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