The eyelids are slightly heavy, and the brain still feels throbbing.

Lin Ze tried hard to open his eyes, but there was always a sense of oppression that blocked his will.


The voice of little fellow sounded faintly in the ear, accompanied by a warm Source Power.

That seems to be the Spirit Source that the little fellow is liberating himself.

Under the care of Spirit Source, Lin Ze clearly felt that the drowsiness in his consciousness had been dissipated, and the almost scattered consciousness was re-aggregating.

After waiting for a long time in this “conscious drowsiness”, Lin Ze’s eyelids gradually opened, and the huge purple dog-head, swallowing red tongue, instantly came into view.

Looking at that dog-head up close, Lin Ze was obviously startled, and under such a stimulus, he accelerated his consciousness.

The moment he opened his eyes, Lin Ze stepped backwards in conditioned reflection, widening the distance from the dog-head, and the Magic Power filled with the body was ready to be called at any time.

He recognized that the huge dog-head in front of him was the dog-head hovering over Between Heaven and Earth when he was watching Divine Altar in the distance.

It stands to reason that there should be no place for such a place.

Lin Ze, aware of this, glanced down quickly and couldn’t help it again.

Under his feet, a layer of transparent bubbles floated in the air, and Lin Ze was in such a narrow space.

What you can see through the bubbles is the vast lush forest area below several hundred meters and the long river winding along certain lines.

It is clearly a flying restriction zone, but Lin Ze is now at an altitude of several hundred meters or more, less than five meters directly in front, which is a huge purple dog-head of unknown significance.

All in all, you need to sort out your thinking about how you are in such a place.

There is a layer of transparent bubbles surrounding him, Lin Ze can detect this.

As for the role of these transparent bubbles, according to the perception of the little fellow, it seems that a strange energy layer is attached above it. This energy layer can help Lin Ze ignore the flying restriction effect here.

Speaking of which, on that huge dog-head, there is also aura that emits this strange energy.

Working hard to remember something before the coma, Lin Ze quickly recalled the scene of fighting with the red haired man as hard as he could.

“Is this a preliminary assessment?”

This kind of thing is not difficult to associate, Lin Ze can be sure that these energy layers are given by the red haired man.

This is the permission to set foot on Divine Altar, and Lin Ze had no time to think before.

How do they successfully reach Divine Altar in the flying restriction zone? It is unrealistic to think about it.

But now it seems that it should be the assessment of those two Alliance people.

Lin Ze, who had sorted out his thoughts, no longer had to worry about how he reached the sky, but set his eyes on the huge dog-head.

Speaking of which, shouldn’t this dog-head sculpture be based on Divine Altar? Where did that huge Divine Altar go?

That’s right, the pure dog-head at this moment exists independently. It is from float in midair, instead of strikingly standing in the center of Divine Altar, as Lin Ze observed before.

As soon as Lin Ze’s line of sight met the purple dog-head, the purple dog-head suddenly showed a weird and greedy smile, and the purple light burst out from his eyes.

The two rays of light fell into Lin Ze’s sight, and Lin Ze’s eyes were suddenly rendered as a kind of deep hallucination purple.

The feeling of discomfort like being struck into the orbit by strong light lasted for several seconds. The moment he recovered, the scene in front of Lin Ze suddenly changed completely.

The huge altar, centered on the purple dog-head, moved towards all around and expanded wildly. In less than half a minute, a huge altar with a diameter of more than 1000 meters was formed.

On the ground of the altar, huge inscriptions emit the rays of light of moss green, and continue to pour into that huge dog-head.

As it was seen on the ground before Lin Ze, the scene at this moment should be what Divine Altar should have been.

“Sure enough, it’s Divine Altar. There are no other people around for the time being. Am I the first to arrive?”

Lin Ze began to think about this issue. This assessment is obviously the priority to get more rewards.

Having said that, after arriving at Divine Altar, according to common sense, there should still be various severe assessments.

But from the surrounding situation, there is no such sign for the time being.

This is an extremely empty area in itself. Beyond that huge dog-head, the strange inscription on the ground is more interesting.

But even a little fellow, there is no way to easily identify the identity of that huge dog-head, but it is clear that these dense inscriptions on the ground are transmitting energy for that dog-head.

It can be seen that the dog-head sculpture is something that requires huge energy to support, and it is likely to be the core of Divine Altar.

Faced with this situation, Lin Ze thought about it and started to try the way of Magic Power output, hoping to have some reaction or activation with dog-head.

Magic Power emerged, but at this moment, Lin Ze did not wait for Magic Power to further apply that dog-head, and the dog-head suddenly stretched out his red tongue.

The Magic Power distributed by Lin Ze was forced to spit out by that dog-head without him towing.

Not only that, but after swallowing this Magic Power, it was eager to absorb dissatisfaction and greed.

Lin Ze’s Magic Power within the body was suddenly sucked away by 30% before he stopped.

Dog-head doesn’t seem to be able to absorb Lin Ze’s Magic Power further unless he proactively supplies it.

Such a result was unexpected by Lin Ze. I did not expect to give the other party a little sunshine, and the other party immediately became a hundred times brighter.

The most troublesome thing is that Lin Ze noticed that after exposing to Divine Altar, the exaggerated Magic Power recovery effect on “Land of Miracles” has disappeared completely.

Not only that, even the natural recovery of Magic Power itself seems to be subject to some invisible containment.

Following this trend, it takes at least a quarter to completely restore Magic Power within the body.

And Land of Miracles, it’s both extremes!

Lin Ze looked at the red tongue with a headache, and looked at his purple dog-head with a urged greedy look, and there was an urge to chubby each other.


Little fellow is like reminding something softly.

Lin Ze, who has always trusted the little fellow, can’t help but surprisedly said: “little fellow, do you want to indulge this guy?”


Little fellow is very decisive, and seems to be very determined.

Seeing this, Lin Ze’s hesitation was dispersed, and also said with a smile: “Since you have said so, then this guy is cheap.”

With that said, Lin Ze looked at the purple dog-head with a smile and opened his arms refreshingly. Magic Power did not reserve the operate.

“Come on, enjoy yourself.”

The purple dog-head was also completely rude, the red tongue moved, opened his mouth wide, and took the brain out of Lin Ze within the body’s Magic Power.

Within ten seconds, Lin Ze within the body’s plentiful 2000 Magic Power evolved into a state of exhaustion.

The greed in the purple dog-head’s eyes still hasn’t dissipated because of this, and suddenly a burst of purple glow was shot again, and that purple glow instantly covered Lin Ze!

Like a little purple man, Lin Ze, was surprised to find one thing-

After the Magic Power dried up, the Super Source Power covered in dust in his mind was also drawn by that purple dog-head!

Purple dog-head, there is a way to dig out the Super Source Power covered in dust in his mind!


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