Stepping into the school gate, the Lin Ze family walked slowly.

There are too many parents of students on campus. When I first walked in, it was inevitable to feel a sense of shoulder to shoulder.

Anyway, it’s still early, and there is still a long way to go to class.

Just looking at the layout of the campus, there is a large square after entering. There are two asphalt roads on both sides of the square, which lead to the stadium and the school history museum.

In the center of the square is a wide four-storey building, with an air corridor on the 3rd floor connecting the buildings in the back.

If nothing else, those should be school buildings.

At this time, the school building is still blocked, and it is not allowed to enter until after class placement.

The specific situation of the class, according to Senior Sister said, will be feedback to each student through the Source Card.

As for how to respond, Lin Ze has no idea yet.

“Big Brother Lin Ze, your school is so big, it looks like a private town.”

Walking and walking, Lin Shiqian couldn’t help but exclaim.

Indeed, the interior of Danshui University is very active. Just looking at the diagram shows that the interior of the school is divided into several areas.

The main components are six school buildings, a natural ecological park, a dormitory complex, a community area, and an unknown area named “Second World”.

Such as the stadium, school history museum, library, campus cafeteria are more incidental, the site is not small, and can not be compared with several major areas.

“It seems that a lot of construction funds are needed to build such a Card Master University.”

Lin Yongming also commented.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Yongming’s desire for photography has come up again. Although he did not bring a dedicated camera, the photography technology is there, even if he uses a cell phone to shoot, he can make a movie.

Lin Yongming took the take action machine, turned on the camera, and found a suitable angle. After pressing the camera, his face changed.

“How is this going?”

“what happened?”

Ye Wanqiu asked in doubt, and the family took a look around, but found out that what Lin Yongming had shot was actually dark.

“I seem to remember that Card Master University is not allowed to shoot, but they did not specifically emphasize this point, it seems that there is a coping strategy.”

Interfering with the shooting of cell phone, Lin Ze does not know how to do it, but it must be related to the card.

Lin Yongming has actually heard such a statement, but thought that it was aimed at the interior of the school building. I did not expect that the outer circle of the school would not be allowed to shoot.

It’s a pity to put away the cell phone. The family hasn’t gone further, and the time for class shift is coming.


At ten o’clock, Lin Ze activated the Source Card and Winged Kuriboh appeared, but he couldn’t see any change.

But it didn’t take long for Lin Ze to feel a slight tremor in the card in his hand, a line of light blue text composed of Magic Power appeared on the card surface.

[Name: Lin Ze, Class: 1st-Year Elite Class! 】

“Elite Class?”

Lin Ze muttered, can’t see, is there such a vision in school?

discerning eye!

“Elite Class? I heard that Card Master University only allows the most promising group of freshmen to enter the Elite Class. The Elite Class has the largest number of people.

But relatively independent, there is a saying that Card Master University actually only has two classes, namely Elite Class and other classes. “

Lin Lan also knows a lot, explained.

“Big Brother Lin Ze is Elite Class, so to speak, Big Brother Lin Ze has great potential.”

Lin Shiqian didn’t understand that many, just kept happy.

“Well, that makes sense.”

Lin Yongming is satisfied with nodded.

“The son is awesome.”

Ye Wanqiu also praised happily.

Being able to be assigned to Elite Class is indeed a joy.

However, Lin Ze is still curious. Could it be that Danshui University just fancy his Abnormal Source Card before assigning him to the Elite Class?

Although the Abnormal Source Card is relatively rare, it also represents the aptitude of awakener’s card aptitude, which may be a genius or a bad one.

That’s why Lin Ze feels that Danshui University has a vision and discerning eye.

Immediately after the class was assigned, Liu Jun’s phone number was called before Lin Ze entered the school building.

Liu Jun said with great interest that he was assigned to Class 3, and explained it with a bit of ostentation, saying that the first six classes of Card Master University can be said to be the Important Class.

Apart from Elite Class, the Important Class is undoubtedly the best class.

Lin Ze smiled, but he backhanded that he was selected to the Elite Class, and Liu Jun hung up the phone without saying a word, apparently not looking for trouble.

Soon, the Lin Ze family, who had not traveled far away, quickly entered the school building. It was relatively easy for them to enter the school building before the influx of troops from behind.

In front of the school building, there are several senior seniors and a Teacher who is presiding over the order and by the way acts as a guide.

There are too many freshmen reports every year. If it is not stabilized, the school building will be a mess.

After Lin Ze walked in, the middle-aged Teacher who looked kind and enthusiastically asked enthusiastically which class he was assigned to.

When I learned that Lin Ze was assigned to the Elite Class, the middle-aged Teacher could not help but praise him, and the senior students around him couldn’t help taking a look at Lin Ze.

These older seniors know the concept of Elite Class better than anyone.

Say the most intuitive data, Danshui University’s Elite Class, Card Master success rate is over 90%!

And like the Ordinary Class, seven or eight Card Masters per class are hard to come by.

The Important Class is slightly stronger, but the Card Master success rate will not exceed 50%.

Being able to enter the Elite Class almost means that the student is not far from the Card Master!

“Student, Elite Class is on the side of Building 4, and walk directly from the third-floor corridor in this building.”

The middle-aged Teacher laughed and said that the look at Lin Ze was more eager, and the students of Elite Class were the best batch of seedlings in Danshui.

After Lin Ze thanked the family, they went up to the third floor together, and soon saw the sky corridor. Going down the corridor, they soon reached Building 4.

Danshui University’s school building interior is actually similar to the general university school building interior.

It’s just that the various photos hanging in the corridor are not celebrities and great people, but some famous Card Masters who have graduated from school.

Lin Ze did not know what famous Card Masters were born at Danshui University, but I was a bit surprised to see that graduate students can also be recognized on the wall as celebrities.

“It’s almost time to open the door? When I came here, I saw that the other class was already open. Why is the Elite Class still not moving?”

“Obviously, this is highlighting the speciality of the Elite Class. It is normal for Danshui’s most concerned class.”

“Hehe, guys, might as well get to know before the start of class? Wouldn’t it be easy for us to make a name for ourselves when we gather together?”

Lin Ze was not close to the Elite Class, and some students’ voices were heard in the distance.

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