The second A-Rank Card Master who tried it was more nervous, but before he squatted down, he had adjusted his mind to a peaceful state, and while he gently placed his palm on the brown slab, his eyes Suddenly it becomes soft, like looking up close to your loved one.

“Maybe it’s good?”

Zhang Ze smiled kindly, with a little more energy in his eyes, and seemed to be interested in the attempt of this A-Rank Card Master.

“It was quickly attracted, yes.”

Li Guichuan nodded with his arms around is equally good at the prospect of this A-Rank Card Master.

The last remaining waiting A-Rank Card Master saw this scene, can not help but think, as if something vaguely understood.

The faint light source on the brown slab began to flash, and the light yellow light ring began to flow along the palm of the A-Rank Card Master. After a few flows, it finally merged into its back.

The speed of the light ring is relatively slow, and the time is passing slowly and unknowingly. Half an hour has passed, and the fascination on the face of the A-Rank Card Master gradually becomes more painful.

“Somewhat bad.”

The smile on Zhang Ze’s face narrowed slightly, his eyes slightly changed.

No one responded, but kept waiting. In this silent wait, another half an hour passed, and the time just passed an hour. The long-held A-Rank Card Master was suddenly bombarded by a light source. Flying away seems to have achieved a certain mission.

“There is no danger.”

The smile on Zhang Ze’s face became bright again, and a little smile appeared on Zhou Zongyu’s attention, but the emotion was not too strong.

“Divinity acknowledged him!”

Li Guichuan’s performance was quite exciting. After a long time, China finally appeared Card Master selected by Divinity again. Even with this light source Slab that has not yet been developed, the selected success rate will increase, but this is still the case. It’s a rare thing.

“Did I succeed?”

The A-Rank Card Master that was successfully recognized by Divinity couldn’t help but get excited. He has rarely been so happy. He quickly touched his back with his backhand, and there was a clear tingling sensation. Five Light Marks are constantly disappearing. , And it gradually became apparent.

“Five Light Marks is a sign of initial approval by Divinity.”

Zhou Zongyu smiled nodded. In any case, the re-appearance of the Card Master recognized by Divinity in China Alliance is a good thing to celebrate.

It’s just that the Divinity Aptitude of this A-Rank Card Master is a little worse than Li Zixiang and Li Guichuan, both of whom have been recognized by Six Light Marks that year.

Considering the differences between Light Source Slabs, the actual gap will be a bit bigger.

“Zhu Qing, it’s your turn.”

Zhou Zongyu’s eyes quickly turned to the last one. If the other party can also obtain Divinity Aptitude, it will be a great thing for China.


Tower of Glory 6th Floor.

Light Source Holy Land.

Before the Light Source Slab containing the light yellow rays of light, Lin Ze’s forehead and blue muscles on his arms exploded, his body was like being washed with sweat, completely soaked, and “dīng dīng” kept coming from his back. Dull sound.

The initial tingling first evolved into scraping, and then splitting. In the end, it was like a few heavy hammers playing a mole game on Lin Ze’s back at the same time.

Even so, Lin Ze’s expression is still fully immersed in the Light Source Slab in front of him, as if not affected by external forces at all.

“Why, how … why not!”

Lin Ze is still immersed in his own world, but Penguin Swordsman is already horrified, his legs are beginning to feel a little soft, it has been ten hours!

That’s right, it’s ten full hours. This is a time that doesn’t even exist in Penguin Swordsman’s imagination. At this moment, it is really in front of the eyes. The strong vibration in the heart is intertwined with the unrecognizable truth. Feeling like a dream.

No, even in dreams, Penguin Swordsman has never dreamed so boldly, so fantasy.

What does ten hours of continuous trial mean? Penguin Swordsman is not clueless, but it is precisely because of the meaning of this thing that it is so lost self-control.

Legend Level!

That’s right, this is the duration of the trial of the Legendary. Penguin Swordsman has never witnessed the human of Divinity Potential to such an intensity, but it is said that such a person has reached such a state.

Too long time has made Penguin Swordsman forget about the existence of this legend.

Looking dumbly at the silhouette of Lin Ze, Penguin Swordsman could not speak for a long time, and the inner shock was hard to calm down.

You know, the Divinity Aptitude of the Legend Level is even far rarer than the Slab Spirit of the Legend Level.

Initially, Penguin Swordsman’s expectation for Lin Ze was to withstand at least Eight Light Marks to a level sufficient to use Rank 8 Slab Spirit. Such a degree can only be regarded as a qualified master, which wastes the potential of Rank 8 Slab Spirit.

Later, Lin Ze successfully persisted for more than five hours, and the number of light marks that he endured broke through to the tenth. He was able to fully deserving to become the master of Rank 8 Slab Spirit, joining forces and joining together.

Now, Lin Ze, who insists on ten-hour slab trials, bears at least twelve or more light marks, reaching a legendary level. The situation is completely the opposite.

Penguin Swordsman turned her head tremblingly and looked towards the other side. Although in time, Lan Bai also successfully absorbed Light Source Energy for more than ten hours, but if it was just that, she would not deserve to be Lin Ze’s Slab Spirit. !!

Such an idea permeated Penguin Swordsman’s mind, and it was unexpected. It never thought it would regret Slab Spirit of that strength.

No, maybe she’s far from the limit? !!

Penguin Swordsman suddenly realized that this matter was related to the potential problem of Lan Bai. From beginning to end, it seemed that it was talking to itself.

It thinks that it is extremely commendable to think that Lan Bai’s potential reaches Rank 8, but what will actually happen?

“It’s like dreaming. What kind of miracle will I witness?”

Penguin Swordsman’s face trembled and he burst into laughter for no apparent reason. At this moment, he felt that he would become a witness of history.

It looked back and forth between Lin Ze and Lan Bai, and finally fell on Lin Ze.

In any case, the trial will basically end with Lin Ze taking the lead. After all, the length of Divinity’s granting time is always shorter than that of Light Source Energy.

“Come on, my heart is not necrotic, don’t try to scare me any more.”

Penguin Swordsman’s smile gradually became abnormal, as if falling on Lin Ze with a challenging idea, no matter how much, Divinity’s giving is also limited, and time should be coming soon.

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