The building collapsed, glass shards and broken walls were scattered throughout the scene. The original Skyscraper scene was already a mess, all traces of battle.

From beginning to end, it was only Lan Bai who launched the offensive. Even so, several Super Source Beasts that focused on resisting have died one after another. These Super Source Beasts are not small characters. Even if they have a big gap with Mobius, but Nor is it a normal Super Source Beast.

According to the rating given by Alliance, Super Source Beast is roughly divided into B-Rank and A-Rank, but the level within the level is uneven, assuming that it is divided into ten gears.

There is no doubt that Mobius can be at least the 8th Grade, and these Super Source Beasts are at the fourth or fifth block level, which is at the mid-level of B-Rank.

But these Super Source Beasts can only be regarded as appetizers for today’s Lin Ze. Lan Bai is too powerful.

In order to compete with the current Lan Bai, at least Mobius’s level of existence is needed. Even then, it is only a rival. The probability of defeat is at least 70%.

Lan Bai’s current strength, if converted into actual attack points, I am afraid that it has reached more than 10,000 points, the ultimate of the red card is XNUMX taels.

That being said, this number is not out of reach for the Super Source Rank Card Master.

Back in the original Card Master League, King of 100 Beast Cai Junjie’s Super Source Card Kenkin had an attack point of over 12,000.

The so-called extreme is not without methods to break through, just need to give bonus to cards with matching energy.

However, the Super Source Card has such terrifying formidable power before the Card Master has reached the Super Source Level. I am afraid few people dare to imagine this.

It is precisely because of such power that Super Source Beast, which used to be difficult to fight in the past, has become an appetizer in front of Lin Ze at the moment.


The battle situation has the absolute upper hand, but the little fellow did not forget to remind Lin Ze that there are two Super Source Beasts, one of which is the mechanical Super Source Beast that is in sight, and the other one has been hidden from the beginning, it seems to be planning what.

“That guy seems to be liberating his energy.”

Lin Ze’s perception will naturally not lack the movement of that Super Source Beast. The energy of liberation is particularly obvious in the perception, and it is gradually being amplified.

The price of energy liberation is also anomalous. It seems to be losing its own life strength. So what is the purpose of this product?

Lin Ze can’t help but think of this, but he is not in a hurry, Self-destruction in this scene is undoubtedly stupid behavior.

In contrast, it is better to level the other mechanical Super Source Beast first.

Lin Ze’s idea Lan Bai immediately realized that her eyes had long been locked on that mechanical Super Source Beast. Somehow, the other party was stopping in the form of war chariot.

A closer look will reveal that under the war chariot’s car, a large red vein pattern is gradually diffused, spreading on that ground.


Lan Bai didn’t think about the meaning of the other party’s behavior, because before that, she had already raised her hands and released dozens of blue-white beams. These light beams naturally penetrated the other party without the other party’s action.


The shattering sound sounded, the mechanical Super Source Beast did not have the shattered on the spot in the slightest suspense, the ground cracked, and the debris was mixed with glass debris not far away.


The little fellow suddenly pointed at the direction of the mechanical Super Source Beast shattering, where a large number of red vein patterns gradually generated a mysterious mechanical array, and the red light scattered on the surface of the array was full of high temperatures.

I noticed that Lin Ze did n’t hesitate to release Skyscraper without any hesitation. Just before he released the scene, a shell-like silver-gray metal bomb suddenly appeared in the array. This bomb was finally liberated. Super Source Beast of self energy.

zi zi.

The magnetic field made a series of chaotic sounds. Lin Ze, who was originally calm, suddenly expressed changed. What about pit father? Scene cancellation failed?

zi zi, zi zi

The magnetic field collision sound is still sounding, and Skyscraper still seems to be in a state of being released, so it is not that the cancellation is failed, but the cancellation time is prolonged.

The reason for the extension is probably caused by the two Super Source Beasts. This is not surprising. These Super Source Beasts often have strange special effects.

Lin Ze did not continue to panic, but immediately planned to resist Negate Attack to resist, even if he could not completely block the impact, at least he could gain time.

“give it to me.”

However, before the card was activated, the light voice sounded, and Lan Bai’s entire body suddenly turned into a large group of blue-white rays of light. This rays of light quickly surged to the core source of the explosion in front.

Centered on the place where the silver-gray metal bomb exploded, it was like a tsunami, all intact, collapsed buildings and land along the way were covered by rolls, and the explosion energy was spreading at a speed of 200 meters per second .

The rapidly spreading energy quickly came into contact with Lan Bai, which turned into blue-white rays of light. At the moment of the energy collision, the air on the contact surface showed a lot of twisted traces, and then a scene of surprise was staged.

I saw the original fierce anomaly, as if If the Gods block, then kill the Gods if the Buddhas block, then kill the Buddhas. After encountering the energy light ball incarnation by Lan Bai, the violent and unstoppable The momentum actually faded instantly, like a tiger and a domestic cat.

More amazing things are still behind. The energy light ball of Lancar’s incarnation is gradually enlarged. On the other hand, the energy source of the explosion is constantly shrinking, as if the domestic cat was reprimanded by the master, shivering.

In less than five minutes, the suicide linkage of the two Super Source Beasts was leveled, and Lan Bai incarnation’s light ball overflowed with a lot of light spots, and finally returned to the prototype.

“Hu hu”

Lan Bai exhaled softly. It seemed that the hand that had just stopped the explosion energy source caused her a substantial consumption, but it was just consumption, not any harm.

Lin Ze felt that he had lost some of his Super Source Power within the body, but this is not surprising. If Lan Bai can really achieve a hundred wins at no cost, it will make him feel unreal.

After all, this is the era of Card Master. Even if Lan Bai has the best strength and potential, Lin Ze needs the help of Lin Ze, which is the source of her energy.

The stronger Lin Ze becomes, the more terrifying Lan Bai’s power will be.

“Okay, just run on this momentum and continue.”

Thinking about it, Lin Ze can’t help but pull himself together, and keep getting stronger in the battle. This is the meaning and fun of the battle.

Feeling the surging Super Source Power within the body, Lin Ze found that the 2nd-stage Super Source draw, indeed, is much faster than the 1st-stage.

It hasn’t been long before that Lin Ze has reached a Super Source progress of about 10%.

Although the degree of Super Source is far less efficient than that of Lan Bai, from the perspective of actual combat synthesis, the speed of Lin Ze’s improvement is to complete the explosion of Lan Bai.

zi zi.

The sound of the magnetic field collision sounded again, this time, the completely destroyed Skyscraper finally began to lift.

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