Under Swords of Revealing Light, all the dragons felt that the power of within the body was subject to some kind of restriction and could not be poured out to the enemy, but they also felt that the effect of that sense of restriction was gradually disappearing. A means to sustain indefinitely.

Lin Ze also knows this kind of thing. In fact, the effect of Swords of Revealing Light on the dragon can only be maintained at most about 15S. According to the original effect of the card, this time should be doubled.

But there is no way, these super-level Super Source Beasts have been able to produce varying degrees of immunity to various negative effects, unless the cards at the same level or above them can play a transcendent effect.

However, even if it is 15S, for Lan Bai, it is sufficient enough for an offensive cycle, she will not be interfered by any attack, which is a huge advantage.

The energy is tumbling inside within the body, Lan Bai take action keeps on, various energy beams, light shots, and cutting lines take turns to enter the battlefield. After the giant space reluctantly hides, her goal changes to the mountain giant dragon. The goal is to short-term Within first settle an enemy.

Tempest is not idle, the vortex around him has condensed again, and he is still in a condensed state after reaching six vortex. This is to break the limit, and facing a powerful enemy, he can only have an effective attack.

As for the mountain giant dragon, it was only followed by a scalp tingling when it was followed by Lan Bai. The contempt for Lin Ze because of Kiseitai had disappeared. It now realized that Lin Ze was not a simple and ordinary Human Card Master. .

Several gems immediately approached the mountain giant dragon. This is how Gem Dragon transferred the gems that were originally guarding the rest of the giant dragon to help the mountain giant dragon overcome the difficulties temporarily.

These gems have turned into light blue light nets, and the light nets are superimposed together to form a very reliable guard. After Lan Bai ’s wild bombardment blasted through the light nets, he actually left only a few small mountains on the giant dragon. Potholes.

This level of trauma is still not to be ignored for the strong dragon race of the fleshhy body, but it is not serious enough. The effort of the Gem Dragon has finally helped the giant dragon to save his life.

As everyone knows, this is the plot against Lin Ze and Lan Bai.

Lin Ze, however, used Kiseitai to invade the body of the giant dragon of the mountain. In this case, naturally, this “stop magic station” that provides continuous recovery cannot be collapsed.

The mountain giant dragon was originally a Super Source Beast with a lower rank. Even if Kiseitai could not get the full Magic Power recovery effect on it, it still brought Lin Ze 2000 or more Magic Power recovery value every ten seconds.

In this case, Lin Ze’s Magic Power is basically unlimited, and it can be completely squandered.

Even if the current situation is limited by Magic Power’s limited help, if you can consume Magic Power without worries, it is another matter.

Magic Power operate, the brown card flips, Lin Ze immediately activates the Special Spell Card “Fusion Recovery”, retrieves “Fusion” and Sparkman, and then immediately activates Polymerization, fuses Sparkman and the Bladeedge in Card Disk, and releases Elemental HERO ・ Plasma Vice.

Immediately after Plasma Vice appeared, he folded his huge armor-like arms together. At the moment of separation, a burst of golden lightning current screamed out, and the target pointed directly at Gem Dragon.

This is a special effect of Plasma Vice, but also a special skill, at the cost of a card enter dormancy period in the card deck, causing the effect of forced destruction.

Lin Ze knows that this kind of powerful damage, even if Super Source Beast can save the damage, but there is no law to avoid damage, continuous forced damage, that is continuous huge damage.

Magic Power is pouring in nearly 1000, and Plasma Vice quickly completes three forced destruction effects.

bang! bang! bang!

Gem Dragon’s sparkling and crystallized body surface suddenly appeared cracks. These cracks quickly cracked, shattering, and dropped several irregular gems. If they were sold, they might be able to sell for a good price.

“What did that human do?”

The closest bomb to the Gem Dragon, the giant dragon, first noticed the condition of the opponent, and asked in amazement.

“Probably the directional power of the card.”

Gem Dragon didn’t seem to be new to this, and the injuries on his body didn’t cause it to over-react. Instead, it seemed as expected. It just looked up at the three lightsabers hanging in the sky. The effect of those lightsabers About to disappear.

Note that Swords of Revealing Light is not just Gem Dragon. Most of the giant dragon’s mood at this moment is restless because of the existence of Swords of Revealing Light.

Only when Swords of Revealing Light disappears will they be able to regain their right to attack, and now, the effect of that Swords of Revealing Light is over.

At that time, as long as the human who had not yet Super Source Transformation was killed, Lan Bai was self-defeating, and their ideas were straightforward and correct.

“3 … 2 … 1!”

With the depth perception of the little fellow, Lin Ze counts the moment when Swords of Revealing Light is about to disappear, and just before that, the magic power of Lin Ze within the body is flowing madly, regardless of the need to maintain the consumption of this card .

Swords of Revealing Light The first 30S of the non-consumption phase, after 30s, requires 20 Magic Power per second to maintain, and the total consumption is 600.

According to previous experience, the maintenance time will be halved, that is, 15S will require 600 Magic Power consumption.

Consumption after one minute is as high as 50 points per second, and in the current situation, it is half a minute later.

Consumption can be said to be terrifying abnormally. After half a minute, Lin Ze is unable to bear it.

However, the current situation is that through the role of Kiseitai, Lin Ze’s Magic Power recovery per ten seconds is 2000, so the seemingly huge consumption, until the consumption continues to deteriorate, can not cause him any trouble at all!

At this time, the giant dragons who thought they were out of the trap and approached to prepare for the activated offensive were shocked to find that the sense of trapping suddenly came again.

To make matters worse, in front of Lan Bai, dazzling rays of light, an eye-catching blue-white light barrier has condensed. The cessation of a few seconds has not been in vain, she is planning to kill.

Compared to the signature move “Burst Stream of Destruction” that cannot be easily triggered, this time the “blue-white light barrier” formidable power is inferior, but this is still a “big move”.

Not only that, the azure vortex expanded to eight in front of Tempest has also merged, forming a terrifying vortex with a diameter of more than 15 meters. The vortex is quietly rotating, but no one will doubt the formidable power.

The blue-white light barrier and Chaos Tempester did not give the enemy any time to surprise or return to life, they were activated in vain, and moved towards the dragons to attack and kill!

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