Valley of Dragons.

There was already silence around, and the Valley of Dragons dominated by the giant dragon was left undisturbed. Lin Ze did not choose to leave, but digested the Super Source Power within the body in situ.

A 70-degree Super Source Power means a brand new stage, which is inferior to the real Super Source Level, but far exceeds the energy intensity of ordinary reserve Super Source Level.

It takes a certain amount of time to fully digest this energy, but it is not a very troublesome process. It is like putting the harvested fruits into the back basket, and the completion is just a matter of time.

But in the process of digestion, no one will undoubtedly speed up the progress of digestion. As for the remote mountains giant dragon and dark purple giant dragon, the strength of the two goods is average. On the premise of knowing the death of the remaining giant dragons, I dare not dare. Hastily returned.

Even if he tried to return to the activated raid, Lin Ze still had 3rd-layer protection from little fellow invincible scarecrow Tempest. As long as they were normal, they could not return to die.

To sum up, the current Valley of Dragons is indeed a good digestive environment. Lin Ze soon found a raised boulder in the valley, sitting on the top and digesting the energy within the body.

Little fellow is closely aware of the surrounding wind and grass. Although it is probably safe here, there are always accidents.

The hours were fleeting. Fortunately, during this period, not at all anyone came to bother, Lin Ze very smoothly digested the Super Source Power within the body. With the digestion of these Super Source Power, within the body originally The depleted Super Source Power is rapidly growing.

Not only that, the total amount of Lin Ze’s Magic Power also increased with the rise of Super Source Power.

For the Super Source Rank Card Master, Super Source Power is the core of measuring strength, but it does not mean that they will be lagging behind in Magic Power.

You know, the red card corresponding to B-Rank or even the Super Source Rank Card Master needs Magic Power’s support.

It’s just that Lin Ze’s situation is different.

When he realized that Ancient Gear Golem could be sustained with a small amount of Super Source Power, he realized one thing.

For the Card Master in this world, perhaps only the core skills of Super Source Card require the support of Super Source Power. The rest of the time, Super Source Power is more often used as a means of fighting for Card Master itself.

However, Lin Ze is that all cards with Source Rank can be maintained by Super Source Power at different levels, which greatly reduces the burden on Magic Power.

Therefore, for Lin Ze, Super Source Power is much more important than Magic Power.

Feeling the gradually surging Super Source Power within the body and the Magic Power which easily soared to 5000, Lin Ze couldn’t help but be filled with joy. This feeling of getting stronger was really wonderful, and some people couldn’t bear to stop.

I was immersed in such emotions, and it was another two hours. The sky was dark, Lin Ze’s mental appearance reached the extreme, his eyes were bright and vivid, and within the body was the boiling Super Source Power.

If the total amount of this Super Source Power is converted in units, it is at least 80 or more, which is definitely an amazing number. You must know that the ordinary Super Source Rank Card Master does not have 100 Super Source Power within the body. about.

Lin Ze is still far from the official Super Source Level. Not only is the progress of the Super Source Power reaching 100, but the most important point is the final integration stage. Only when Lin Ze and the Super Source Card are merged, will they be born. Out of Peak’s Super Source Power.

To what extent, even Lin Ze himself cannot imagine, but it is full of expectations.

“Before the new year comes, I don’t know if we can increase the progress of Super Source Power to 100.”

Lin Ze whispered softly, his eyes suddenly turned to the invincible Scarecrow, and the meaning was quite obvious.

The Valley of Dragons is the information provided by the invincible scarecrow. This is indeed a good place for cultivation. If you can explore a similar area, Lin Ze is also expected to reach 100 Super Source progress in one fell swoop.

“Ka ka.”

It seems that I read Lin Ze’s idea. The invincible scarecrow shook the head without thinking. It refused quite decisively. It really did not know which corner of the world would be more dangerous than the Valley of Dragons.

I want to come, after all, the Super Source Beast sealed in the Tower of Glory 7th Floor is mainly for the preparation of the Super Source Card Master service, and the 9th Grade Super Source Beast is naturally the limit.

Lin Ze suspects that even looking at the entire Tower of Glory 7th Floor, it may be difficult to find a second 9th Grade Super Source Beast.

As for 7th Grade and 8th Grade, this kind of Super Source Beast is actually the target of Lin Ze’s favorite. After digesting the energy of within the body, Lin Ze discovered one thing. Although he is now stuck at the 70 breakthrough mark, but It is not far from the breakthrough.

No need, as long as you can draw a Super Source Power provided by 7th Grade Super Source Beast, you can do this right away.

“It’s okay, I’ll look for it next, thanks to you today.”

Lin Ze didn’t care, such an ending was within his expectations.

“Ka ka!”

The Invincible Scarecrow said a few more words, all of which were words of gratitude in return, but it also said that afterwards it would not be able to act with Lin Ze, it would condole the dead fellow.

“Then there will be a period later.”

Hearing the little fellow’s translation, Lin Ze waved his hand and did not plan to stay here. Although it is late at night, it does not have a big impact on his actions.

At this stage, Lin Ze’s night vision is quite outstanding, and he will not be bothered by the night environment.

Lin Ze operates Tempest. With the help of Tempest ’s flight-ability, he directly rises to the sky. This is to quickly search. The Tower of Glory 7th Floor is extremely vast. It is not easy to find a powerful Super Source Beast.

However, Lin Ze also has a solution, not just relying on the perception of little fellow, he is deliberately looking for the energy house distributed on the 7th floor.

Not surprisingly, a little further away from these energy houses, it is easier to have a powerful Super Source Beast. This is the Alliance ’s help to these students and reduces the death rate of students.

In this case, even if the student and the mighty Super Source Beast are fighting so fiercely that their lives are threatened, there is still a way to avoid it.

As for being closer to the energy house, those Super Source Beasts are not idiots, and not all Super Source Beasts will be as big-hearted as the team of Super Source Beasts ambushing Lin Ze.

After all, the energy house is where they cannot break in forcibly, and it is easy to let cooked ducks fly away.

During the flight, Lin Ze has been observing whether there is an energy house nearby. During this period, he also encountered some relatively weak Super Source Beasts.

This is the existence of the so-called third or fourth gear level. For this type of Super Source Beast, at least for Lin Ze, it can only be regarded as a dessert after meal, or a more difficult dessert.

Fortunately, the accumulation of less is more, and the more it is, the more it eats. After all, this belly is still full.

The search continued until dawn. In these seven or eight hours, Lin Ze solved at least fifteen or more low- and medium-level Super Source Beasts, and these Super Source Beasts also helped him to break through the 70 mark. Reached a level of 71.

When Double Happiness was approaching the door, shortly after dawn, Lin Ze successfully found the tracks of several energy houses!

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