Lin Ze’s room.

Looking in front of his brother, Lin Ze nodded.

Lin Lan immediately operated Magic Power. Today, he has also reached the realm of E-Rank Card Master. The magic fluctuations are more obvious. The brown card is flipped. A diamond-shaped crystal and a dark yellow object appear. The surface of this object emits a faint light. golden glow.

With the emergence of this golden glow, countless places on the surface of the diamond-shaped object are quietly connected by points to form a strange pattern, that pattern is vaguely like a kind of bird, but it is not clear.

“Older brother, my card seems to be able to achieve evolution by consuming the energy of the target monster. Not only those Source Beasts from the Isolated Territory, but even the Card Master’s Battle Card can also be used as an evolutionary nourishment.”

Lin Lan explained in detail that this ability sounded powerful, but it was also the reason that made him uneasy.

“I can’t control its draw, so I made a lot of mistakes at this National New Asset Tournament.”

Lin Lan’s tone was apologetic, but he didn’t get horny.

“It turned out to be this way. This is not your problem. It can evolve by drawing energy. Why is your Source Card more like a Super Source Card? Moreover, the Super Source Card cannot draw the energy of the Battle Card.”

Lin Ze showed a lot of interest in his brother’s cards. According to his brother, isn’t it easy for Sun Essence Soul to evolve?

“Try it out.”

After thinking about it, Lin Ze decided to give it a try, Magic Power operate, brown card flip, Rocket Warrior’s silhouette flashed out, this card has been with him for a long time, but recently lost the chance of fighting.

But right now, Rocket Warrior should still be able to cause some trouble for Sun Essence Soul.

But soon Lin Ze knew that his judgment was wrong, and it was very wrong.

The Rocket Warrior just appeared, and before the fight began, I saw the golden rays of light on the surface of the Sun Essence Soul suddenly shone, as if a predatory golden hand was condensed. This big hand failed to respond with Rocket Warrior. The speed restrained his throat.

Rocket Warrior is choked by those golden hands. Not only that, his vitality is falling rapidly, the most weird thing is that even if Lin Ze wants to take it back, he can’t do it.

Sun Essence Soul seems to have a strange ability. The enemies it targets can’t escape at all. Generally, Card Master can’t force it back. Naturally, he can only stare, and then try to kill Lin Lan in a short time.

“Older brother.”

Lin Lan’s complexion changed slightly. He also couldn’t recover Sun Essence Soul. Sun Essence Soul had extremely obvious instability. It was just a simple summon recovery, but once he entered the state, no one could stop it.

“I know.”

Lin Ze nodded, pushed forward with the palm, and Granular Magic Power emerged. A small piece of Super Source Power quickly approached Sun Essence Soul. That golden hand suddenly released and turned to Super Source Power, as if it hit a better one. prey.

But at this time, Super Source Power was not a soft persimmon. The golden hand had just been touched and was immediately blown into the sky.

Lin Ze ’s expression was slightly surprised looking towards Sun Essence Soul. If it is not wrong, its aura has been improved a bit. Although Super Source Power has exploded that predatory golden hand, that big hand still successfully intercepted him. A little Super Source Power.

“Sure enough, it’s amazing.”

After taking back Rocket Warrior, Lin Ze turned Wildheart activated again, but this time, Sun Essence Soul did not react.

Maybe it is not possible to gather a second predatory hand in a short time, or because it is digesting the Super Source Power within the body, so there is no take action.

Of course, it may also be felt by the threat of Lin Ze. If you take action at will, you may be threatened by shattering.

However, speaking of which, even as a source card, Sun Essence Soul can enter dormancy even after shattering, and it is a good man after a few hours or ten hours.

“Rogue card.”

Thinking of this, Lin Ze couldn’t help but give a very high evaluation. Rogue is not a derogatory term, or in card circle, the more rogue the card is, the more shameless it is, the more powerful it is.

“Older brother, is there really no problem?”

Lin Lan asked after a moment of silence.

Lin Ze knows what he is thinking because of the instability of Sun Essence Soul. If it is a normal match, Lin Lan is simply not convenient to use it. Even when uniting others with Source Beast, Sun Essence Soul accidentally hurts friendly forces. possibility.

“With such a powerful card, you should be happy, just don’t know, to what extent this card can evolve. Although you are very reluctant to say this, Isolated Territory is really a paradise for you.

Knowing the heavy side of this world, Lin Ze didn’t want his family to be involved, but since Lin Lan has such an excellent talent, he should let him play his light and heat, especially when he has fully changed. Under the premise of strong determination.

“Isolated Territory… speaking of which, the school has indeed organized such activities recently. Although not in the name of the school, I have the idea to participate, but …”

Lin Lan said the voice gradually faded.

“This is a good thing, when?”

“One day after the New Year.”

“The organizer is your student?”

“Well, he is also a participant of this time National New Asset Tournament, and now also reaches the level of E-Rank. At our level, it is enough to go to the Observation Level Isolated Territory.”

What Lin Lan is saying is true. The lower limit of the Observation Level Isolated Territory is indeed E-Rank, but if the record is exceptional, there is a way to mix in even if it is not E-Rank. Lin Ze did so at first, but That trip was extremely dangerous.

Compared to Lin Ze at the time, Lin Lan was able to go to Observation Level Isolated Territory justified, especially against the shining aura such as the XNUMXrd National New Asset Tournament scoring.

However, in general, even if it is an Observation Level Isolated Territory, there are very few Card Masters below D-Rank to go, but in terms of strength, Lin Lan’s battle strength is more than conventional D-Rank Card Master.

“Then there is nothing to hesitate to go with them. At that time, when there is just enough time, I will go there for fun.”

Lin Ze simply made a decision for Lin Lan.

“Older brother, are you going too?”

Lin Lan was very surprised. In his opinion, going to the Ranked Isolated Territory with Lin Ze’s strength is definitely overkill, but if there is an older brother oversee, it is indeed a good layer of protection, just …

“Why, are you older brother my dignified Super Source Rank Card Master still willing to help you?”

Lin Ze can see through Lin Lan’s superfluous thoughts at a glance. This younger brother looks good on the surface, in fact, he also has a strong victory desire in his heart, right?

After all, it’s brother. In this respect, Lin Lan and Lin Ze are quite similar.

“Older brother, you say, Super Source Level?”

Lin Lan was immediately distracted because he captured amazing information from Lin Ze’s words.

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