The crowd’s exclamation sounded before they saw a blue-purple Fusion Vortex emerging. Among the vortex, the illusory shadows of three HERO Cards flashed, Avian, Sparkman, and Bubbleman.

With Polymerization as a medium, the three cards quickly gathered together, and the blue-purple vortex accelerated to spin. After a moment, a gust of wind surged, and a Tempest vigorous silhouette dropping from the sky.

“Whoa, Brother Lin Ze, Brother Lin Ze, what kind of card is this? It seems to be very windy?”

He Wang’s eyes were straight, and his heart was shaking. He rushed to Lin Ze and asked.

“Brother Lin Ze, is this also an abnormal-card? But it seems that four cards are flashing at the same time, right? Is this a special form of card expression?”

Zhang Wenqi is also inquired with a strong interest and curiosity.

“Lin Lan, what level is your big brother, four cards? This doesn’t seem to be something a C-Rank Card Master can do?”

Li Zihan was also a curious winked eye, but instead of asking Lin Ze questions, she looked towards Lin Lan.

This girl really likes Lin Lan, but will not perform anything because of Lin Ze’s outstanding performance.

Rather, it is the opposite. Lin Lan’s big brother can be so good. Isn’t it a kind of happiness that belongs to Lin Lan?

It’s important that Lin Lan be happy.

“If I say Super Source Level, would you believe it?”

Lin Lan suddenly looked towards Li Zihan, and asked directly.


Li Zihan stayed a little bit, and held her a bit cute, as if he had never thought of such an answer at all, so that his brain had a noticeable short circuit.

Somehow, seeing her expression, Lin Lan even felt a touch of … pleasure?

Perhaps it was because some fellows were shocked just like him.

The older brother’s cultivation innate talent, I am afraid that looking at the world new generation are among the top existence, Lin Lan thought so.

“This card is called Tempest. As for the fusion reaction you see, it is indeed an application of Special Spell Card. You should also have the opportunity to come into contact in the future.”

Lin Ze didn’t care to tell them this. Alliance had known about the fusion card, but had no response to it.

Sometimes, novelty does not cause too much attention. The most important thing is its own strength.

Compared with the integration of this Special Spell Card, the presence of Light Mark Divine Seal and Lan Bai on Lin Ze is a shock to the entire China Card Master Alliance and even the world!

The appearance of a man named Zhang Ze, who was suspected to be one of the nine of the World Level Card Master Alliance, let Lin Ze know that there are some secrets that can not be hidden if you want to hide them.

In today’s era, no one is interested in over-exploring personal secrets, and personal will and determination are things that the world values.

“Brother Lin Ze, can you ask a relatively private question? What data and capabilities do you have in this Tempest?”

He Wang really likes Tempest, and he doesn’t even bother to reveal the jealousy of the magic fist and deca that followed.

Lin Ze also did not hide it, and briefly introduced them to the data values ​​of Tempest.

But when the words came out, the He Wang people were completely stagnant.

“2800, but the data upper limit of the black card is only 2000.”

The male student, who rarely spoke before, suddenly said in amazement. His name was Du Chuan.

“So it’s not a black card, it’s not surprising that attack points break through 2000.”

Lin Ze said indifferently, but Du Chuan kept asking.

“But, even abnormal-card should not break the extreme bondage of 2000, right?”

Theoretically, an abnormal-card with attack points or defense points higher than 2000 is considered to have formed Energy Transformation. It should only be used by the B-Rank Card Master.

Wait … B-Rank? !!

Du Chuan’s mind suddenly passed the possibility of terrifying, and quietly looked again towards Lin Ze’s sight was no longer simple respect, but raised the stormy sea.

“There is nothing good about keeping people on tenterhooks. In fact, I am a Super Source Rank Card Master.”

Du Chuan’s expression could not be hidden at all, and Lin Ze did not intend to continue to tease them after the capture, and stated his own rank frankly, and a little granular Magic Power appeared on the palm as proof.

“Super Source Power!”

Zhang Wenqi was the first to shout. His father was actually a B-Rank Card Master in Alliance. Because of this father, he was able to have a comprehensive understanding of Super Source Power.

As far as he knows, Super Source Power is the symbol of B-Rank Card Master, but if it is just a B-Rank Card Master, Super Source Power within the body is very rare, and it must be carefully calculated to use, even if there is very little Rank Card Master will actively operate Super Source Power.

Because of this, Lin Ze’s profligate Super Source Power even shocked him. Combined with what Lin Ze said just now, Zhang Wenqi immediately believed in it.

Really Super Source Level! Only the Super Source Rank Card Master can do that.

“Super … Super Source Level.”

Compared to Zhang Wenqi, who turned pale with fright, and Du Chuan who was stuck in a long period of stagnation, He Wang is still a little bit hazy. He is not too clear about the concept of Super Source Level.

If Lin Ze says he is a B-Rank Card Master, He Wang may digest it faster.

But even so, He Wang also quickly tasted the meaning of Lin Ze’s discourse based on some clues about Super Source Level in his memory, and immediately exaggerated to make a worship gesture.

“Kneeling, Brother Lin Ze, I served it, I really did, brother, you don’t seem to be a few years older than me, right? Why is there such a huge gap between people? Until yesterday I returned I am convinced that I am a “genius”. Now I know that, compared to a real genius, I am a younger brother and a younger brother! “

He Wang was quite agitated, crying dad’s stance, which really regarded Lin Ze as a living Divine Immortal.

“Lin Lan, you have a good big brother, but you have not lost at least. I believe you can do it, I will be your faithful witness.”

Li Zihan had already reacted at this moment, and instead clenched his fists, he made a very aggressive statement.

“Thank you.”

Lin Lan smiled slightly and didn’t say much, but he could see that he was in a good mood, not because of Li Zihan’s statement, but because of the sincere joy of Lin Ze’s achievements.

But this expression was completely different in Li Zihan’s eyes. The heartbeat speeded up, Lin Lan. Is he … moved by me?

We, can we, can we, can we … Ah no, no, you can’t think too much now, you have to calm down, calm down, Xiaoli student!

Li Zihan’s mind was chasing, and his thinking became even more confusing than when he learned that Lin Ze’s Super Source Level.


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