“Special Field Card? Use the capabilities of Special Field Card to trap those guards first. The mountainside mouth is to you like no one. You can walk freely. After entering King City, you can think about hunting. Brother , Worthy to be you. “

Lin Ze, who has been using the Special Field Card for a long time, almost forgot this cāo) technique. Now I hear it from my brother. It is indeed a good strategy.

“However, if I do this, I will be separated from you for some time. During this time, you need to pay attention to your safety and remember not to mess around.”

Lin Ze didn’t ask too much, after all, it was their adventure, and excessive involvement was not a good thing.

Several people are also nodded, all understand this truth.

“Then let me play.”

Lin Ze laughed, using Tempest, quickly bī) near one of the mountain passes, there is no mole car in and out of that mountain pass, and you can see a large number of guards immediately when you approach the past. Is a living person, not at all too much wisdom, but battle strength is very reliable.

Aside from these living dead, there are a few casual guards wearing armor, these guards should be commanders of the living dead, they are not Source Beast, but foreign clansman wagging their tails to Crimson Life King.

These foreign clansman are basically unable to stay inside the King City, obviously not at all by the Crimson Life King.

However, this errand of the guards is also a beautiful one. There is wine every day. As long as the mole car is checked as usual, what about the security work?

Do n’t be kidding, even those restless foreign clansman will not even think that they are breaking into King City. The number of living dead in each pass is more than fifty, which is basically a group of monsters stationed, which can be called a copper wall.

The guards who have held such a mentality all year round are sitting leisurely at the mountain pass and drinking at the table, yes, it is just to this extent.

In fact, Crimson Life King doesn’t even care if they are guarded by heart. It is enough to have those who live and die.

“This is a pot of wine that I secretly got from the mole car. Can you guess what kind of wine it is?”

A brilliant smile appeared on the face of a blue armored guard, and he untied the hip flask attached to it. The hip flask looked quiet and beautiful, faintly exuding an extremely exciting and mellow taste.

“Is it the unusually precious blue heart wine in King City? The taste of the blue heart wine is awesome. I have been here for a few years and I have had the chance to taste it once.”

Another blue-lined guard with a slightly tall and light face brightened his eyes and obviously had a keen interest in the wine gourd in the hands of his companions.

“Lan Xinjiu? Are you afraid of this style? What is Lan Xinjiu, compared to the pot of wine in my hand, it is not too much to say that it is rotten.”

The blue one defender’s curl one’s lip disdainful, lightly shaking it, poured a little liquor into the porcelain bowl of the tall and thin guard, the liquor was actually red, as if it were beautiful and bloody alluring, full of strong attractive force.

“Crimson wine! It turned out to be crimson wine, but even those Royal Family rarely drank it, how could you …”

The tall and thin blue armored guard was shocked, but the former was proud of his face, and was about to say something, but he suddenly passed a blast of wind, and then he was inexplicable.


The Blue Guardian squeezed his hands against the conditions, but there was no touch of the hip flask, and some were just erratic air.

“This wine seems to be good. Shouldn’t it be a problem for someone who gives me this good wine?”

Lin Ze showed a kind smile on his face, and tossed the flask in his hands casually, watching them finally reacted, both of them looked towards them with vigilance.

Especially the former, the precious fine wine that was finally obtained was taken away in this way. Where can he calm down, his fingers tremblingly pointed in the direction of Lin Ze, but before he could not scream, he found that the surrounding area rose in vain. With a large number of towering buildings, he was placed in a completely strange environment.

As for the living and dead people who had been facing Lin Ze for the first time, because of the sudden appearance of the building, their feet were out of balance. Many of them fell because of this, and they fell fiercely to the ground.

Although this level of impact can’t affect the living dead much, it at least temporarily limits their access to Lin Ze.

“Welcome to my world.”

Under the moonlight, like a crane in a flock of chickens, standing among the many buildings, at the spire of the tallest building, Lin Ze’s half of his cheeks were bathed in moonlight and his tone was gently opened.

“What the hell … what happened?”

The blue armored guard who was still thinking about his fine wine was a little scared at the moment. The sudden change was a scene he had never experienced before.

Not all foreign clansmans of the Isolated Territory are aware of the existence of Card Master. As an ordinary Human Race foreign clansman, the experience of the Blue Guardian is limited. The most highlight moment in his life may be the moment when he holds the scarlet wine.

“That guy will be shredded.”

In contrast, another tall and thin blue armored guard was relatively calm, but there was some trembling in his voice. For some reason, he always felt that even if there were a large number of living dead, it was not at all. Man speaking calmly.


“Great, was that Special Field Card just now? Brother Lin Ze worthy to be Super Source Rank Card Master, all types of cards are hand-made.”

He Wang, who successfully passed the mountain pass, couldn’t help admiring his eyes and his face.

“Zihan, are there any guards ahead?”

Lin Lan ignored him completely and asked Li Zihan that although they are now entering the mountain pass, it does not mean breaking into King City, and King City has to be further ahead. This is just a checkpoint that’s all.

“No, although there are many powerful aura hidden in King City, it seems that not at all will send someone to guard the city gate.”

Li Zihan looked at Xingzi’s detection results and said a bit surprised and excited.

In this way, they have already entered the mountain pass and they can go straight to King City and kill.

“There may not be a so-called city gate at all, but this is not surprising. After all, there are already a group of monsters. Why do monsters need to do more?”

Lin Lan wasn’t surprised. He looked at it, but was able to see the outline of a city.

It can only be determined from faint capture that King City is very large and extremely large, but the building structure in the city seems to be almost the same as Human World, such as the design inspiration obtained from Human World or cards.

It’s no surprise that these powerful Source Beasts have met Card Master.

Human Card Master is not a silent existence.

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