Among the high-rise buildings of Crimson Building, Lin Ze is still picking good things in treasury. Although there are a lot of things here, there are not many that can really catch the eye.

Of course, this is based on Lin Ze’s standards. After all, he is now a Super Source powerhouse. Even some Black Rank Super Source Essence may not be worth it.

Compared to harvesting treasure, Lin Ze now pays more attention to another thing. He has been here for a while, but no second person has come in, as if aside from the crimson woman, this symbolizes the crimson King City The highest crimson building was empty.

This is very counterintuitive. Even if there is some kind of meeting in these Source Beasts, the defense should not be slackened to such a degree. Shouldn’t it be too confident in their own strength?

It is indeed possible to think this way. It is very likely that Crimson King City has not encountered an invasion for many years and has never fallen into passive King City. Naturally, it has forgotten what hurt.

Lin Ze didn’t pay too much attention to this matter, no matter what the crimson King City had in mind, his actions would not be affected by it in the slightest. No one came, he continued to pick and finish.

Glancing at the crimson woman who trembled slightly on the wall, the other party had lost the battle strength, and even if she stood up, she could not pose any threat. Tempest was guarding Lin Ze.

What’s more, after Energy Transformation, Lin Ze’s own physical quality is already amazing enough, especially under the premise of touching Super Source Power.


Crimson building, first floor.

In the center of the cobweb-like line, a huge red dot beats like a heart, striking and violently.

“Guys, what do you think of this prey? It seems to be a very strong opponent.”

Below the cobweb line, there is a throne carved by a huge crimson gem. On the top of the throne sits a man wearing a red robe and two crimson fireworks bloom from time to time. On both sides of the throne there are standing Seats for the rest of the Royal Family.

In total, the number of Royal Family reached about twenty.

These people are on the first floor, but they don’t have much reaction to the high-level treasury incident, as if that is irrelevant.

“The prey this time seems to be human. The Card Master in the outside world can’t be wrong. I once played with them. It is indeed a group of guys who are difficult to entangle.”

The answer is a Source Card with only the skeleton all over, showing the skull. He is mostly a Zombie-Type Source Card.

“Killing humans is not good for us now, after all, we have not made that choice.”

This time it was a monster with a face like a steering wheel.

“Choose, indeed, but to capture as many humans as possible before making a decision, it can be considered to be prepared in advance.”

The men on the throne quietly conveyed a message that made the expressions of the Royal Family in the hall slightly change. Such a decision will dominate their future destiny.

If you follow that path, there is no possibility of turning back, but the temptation to become stronger is indeed too amazing. If you don’t make a choice, you can only stay where you are forever.

“All in all, after the woman ’s trap is set up, we will take action together. I have a hunch that this time the opponent is not ordinary goods.”

What the man on the throne said was a shock to everyone, and they had never heard the Crimson Life King, who often dominates the fate of others, give such a high prey.

However, the Royal Family have no opinion on this. There is no so-called Royal Family dignity in their consciousness. The Royal Family is just a good name that’s all. To achieve the purpose is the only important thing.

Lin Ze, who had no knowledge of himself as a prey, was still slowly picking treasure. Although he was relaxed, the little fellow was still dedicated and continued to maintain depth perception.

In this kind of perception, the little fellow’s eyes suddenly looked with doubt, looking towards the crimson woman who seemed to have given up the struggle, to be more precise, the blood that was gradually seeping from her body.

The blood is dark red and vaguely emits a spirit-like irritating aura, which is growing sharply as she keeps losing blood within the body.


The little fellow immediately told the situation to Lin Ze, but Lin Ze was only eyebrow raised, and smiled: “Sure enough, this is not without movement, but this is only fun. I came here for fun. If it is too boring, it is inevitable Disappointing. “

At the same time these words fell, the crimson woman’s eyes suddenly released the bloodthirsty red glow. Then, without any signs, her body suddenly burst into a sky full of blood dances. The irritating smell expanded dozens of times in an instant. , Completely covering the entire room.

Within the body Super Source Power surges, Lin Ze can feel that by inhaling this aura, the nerves of the brain will gradually become chaotic, and even make people have an impulse to commit suicide.

This seems to be the aura that the devil persuades people to fall to hell, but Lin Ze is unmoved, and under the circulation of Super Source Power, this degree can not affect him at all.

However, these dark red blood flowing in the room did not stop there, they were constantly moving towards the inside of the room, compressed, extremely fast, from all around to Lin Ze, as if to wrap him in it.

If the inside of the body is heavily infused with this blood, even Lin Ze can’t completely ignore it, but that’s all.


Tempest poked out the right hand, a violent Wind Element suddenly whistled out, completely smashing the blood in front of it like an angry dragon, then violently smashed a wall completely, fresh air circulated from the outside, washed away A little irritating aura.


The sound of breaking air struck, and the spurs scattered on the wall at the moment of the shattering of the wall came from the outside. There was not one of the spurs. At the same time, there were two at the feet of Lin Ze and on the right.

The three pullback bars are all abrupt, but Lin Ze has no meaning of evasion at all. Some Super Source Power on the surface of the body forms a strong shock. The three pullback bars are all shattering when they hit near.

Lin Ze figure flickered, and suddenly jumped out from the shattering wall mouth, the wind came on his face, he flicked his fingers forward, and a burst of Super Source Power shot like a laser, instantly turning a face like a steering wheel, extremely thin, face, shoulders The body of both the head and the arm was punctured by a barbed monster.


The shattering sounded, the attack from the other side was abnormal, but the death was also sudden.

But while the other was shattering, a deep blue big hand suddenly broke through the air, held Lin Ze’s neck, and locked him in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, about seven or eight kinds of offensives hit with fiery flames, sharp arrows of water blue, and so on.

This is to capture Lin Ze’s stagnation period and force him to die in midair.

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