
“Looks like a lot of trouble around.”

At the same time, Lin Ze temporarily chose to hold back troops without moving, so that little fellows could perceive it closely, and asked Tempest to take advantage of the high altitude to observe what was happening around him.

Lin Ze is mobilizing within the body Magic Power. Although he has experienced a series of fierce battles before, his Magic Power within the body is still quite sufficient. The source of death is Super Source Power.

In order to kill the mighty Ice Blue Mammoth, Lan Bai even incarnation Blue-Eyes White Dragon and released the signature move “Burst Stream of Destruction”, which caused Lin Ze to consume a lot of Super Source Power.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

The only good news is that the recovery speed of Lin Ze Super Source Power is different from ordinary people, even if it consumes a lot of money, but just give him another day to recover.

Lin Ze dodged behind a huge gigantic rock on the Gobi Desert, waiting for the information from Tempest.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

“insect race?”

Tasting the information brought back by Tempest, Lin Ze lost his thoughts.

According to Tempest, this Gobi is all about silhouettes of various insert races. The number of these insert races is not huge, but the quality is extraordinary. Each one has at least comparable to ordinary Super Source Beast. strength.

This is undoubtedly some of the most exaggerated things. You should know that the number of those insert races is not huge, but the total is at least a thousand.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

A lot of these elite races are marching. They are carrying a lot of resources. Those resources even include the Divine Source beast, which is the Super Source Essence of Divine Source. .

Spirit, but it contains the existence of Divine Source. Although there is no way to directly improve the Divine Source of the Card Master, it can improve the Divine Source physique of the Card Master. Strongest A-Rank aptitude of Card Master.

The explosion rate of the spirit is low, but it is more spicy than the ordinary Super Source Essence.

Because of this, each of the gods is a dream product in the heart of Super Source Level and even A-Rank Card Master, especially the outstanding gods of grade.

For Lin Ze, improving his A-Rank physique is secondary. The key is that the Divine Source provided by the god spirit can be directly used in God’s Descent Category, which will greatly improve the Egyptian God. Awakening speed!

“Moving supplies … I don’t know if I can try to grab it.”

This tempting interest makes Lin Ze forget about the danger for the time being, instead thinking about how to “borrow” the spirit from those insect races to observe one or two.

“Let ’s look at their specific strengths first.”

Although Tempest has some speculation, in order to fully understand the comprehensive ability of the subject, you need to actually know it.

Lin Ze is full of action immediately. He doesn’t intend to take action rashly, but intends to try to follow those insect races.

Unsurprisingly, the insect races are the kings who contributed these materials to them. If they can fully understand their course of action, it will be a lot easier to start in the future.

Feeling Lin Ze’s idea, Tempest immediately took a take action, Azure’s Wind Element was brewing, and quickly surrounded Lin Ze to help him fly high.

Since you want to track, you naturally choose the most secure and reliable tracking method.

There are more than one insect race in Gobi, and the course of action is different, but the final destination is always the same.

Lin Ze chose to follow the insect races that carried the spirit action. With the help of Tempest’s Wind Element, more than ten minutes later, he successfully saw the silhouettes of the insect races.

That is a batch of about two hundred or so insert race teams. There are five or six insert races in the team. The most noticeable one is undoubtedly the extremely large figures in the front of the team. .

It ’s hard to find the characteristics related to the insert race on their bodies. They are all walking upright. The naked muscles of the body give a hard look at a glance. They clenched red fists and clenched tightly. From time to time, lava-like hot liquid flows from the gap between your fingertips.

Behind these large Head Insects, a pair of deep blue film wings slowly fanned, helping them maintain low-altitude flight, that is, flying, in fact, about 20 cm above the ground.

In the sky, Lin Ze simply glanced at a few of them, and his eyes suddenly fell on the center of the insert race, a humble short insert race.

This insect race has a soft cotton-like body. The body is only the size of a normal cotton candy. A silver-white meniscus blade extends from both sides of the cheek. These two blades are inserted into the hard wasteland of Gobi. Stopped cutting the ground.

Lin Ze can feel that this is the unsophisticated, hidden race in the insert race queue, is its leader, and it is also likely to be the strongest that insect race.

The reason for this speculation is that Lin Ze felt that the blade antenna of the insect race that was inserted into the ground was constantly transmitting some strange wavelengths. The range of this strange wavelength transmission was quite wide enough to cover. The entire insect race team.

More importantly, the top of this insect race is facing a round, smooth and round like white jade. Judging from the Divine Source aura that this thing inadvertently reveals, this is what Tempest said That piece of spirit.

Lin Ze’s eyes were already wide, and after a long while, the thief followed the Gobi and looked at the endless Gobi in front of him. Suddenly there was a little throbbing in his heart.

“Just play with you.”

Lin Ze’s thoughts moved, Tempest immediately pushed forward the take action palm, a raging wind set off, and quickly shrouded the insert race to the ground.

An unexpected scene was staged. This tentative gust was successfully cut into the insert race team. More than a dozen bad luck insect races were involved, and blood and broken limbs flew right away. Many insect races were blown away, and after a few steps, they either barely stabilized the figure or were blown aside.

“Guji ~ Guji!”

A screeching sound of unknown meaning sounded. The insect races looked around, but didn’t pay half attention to the altitude, but after being alert for a moment, they continued to choose the road, as if nothing was wrong.

“Have fun?”

Lin Ze from the sky was already stunned, and the amazing response of the insect race really surprised him.

“Come again.”

Lin Ze is a little unbelief, and continues to use Tempest to mobilize the wind in the same way, but this time is even more powerful.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

These ghost races actually fell into the pit and got up, and immediately fell back.

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