
In the depth of the canopy, the perception of the little fellow has achieved results, but it is worth mentioning that even the little fellow in depth perception took nearly ten minutes to notice the surrounding anomalies.

In the induction of the little fellow, the source of energy should be hidden by a special force. If you want to find the source of energy, you must try to break the special force.

Nevertheless, Lin Ze has no semi-nodded clue as to how to break that special power.

little fellow said it seems easy, but it’s hard to find direction in practice.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

“What about Special Field Card?”

Lin Ze suddenly thought of this, which is also his usual trick, this move can often create magic effects.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

Do it when you think. Lin Ze has no hesitation. Magic Power operates. The magnetic field collision sounds. Within a certain range, Skyscraper begins to form.

zi zi.

The collision sound of the magnetic field intensified without any warning. Skyscraper was suddenly shattering.

“kuooa ~”

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

“It seems to work.”

Lin Ze had a smile on his face. He was not at all foolish. Just when Skyscraper was destroyed, he clearly captured the power of pure and sacred.

Although it was only a trivial moment, it was still seen by Lin Ze.

Skyscraper was smashed by that force, and then the other party immediately eliminated all sense of existence, which means that the other party was indeed afraid of the impact of Skyscraper.

Magic Power operate, Lin Ze is flipping a brown card in front of him.

The collision sound of the magnetic field sounded again. This time, it is an ancient block with large gears turning, which is Geartown.

zi zi bang!

The sound of the magnetic field collision has intensified again, but this time, the time of the collision is obviously delayed, and the release of Geartown has been completed at least 80%. If it is later, it will be successful.

“Because Geartown has a higher energy level? Or don’t have more energy to deal with it continuously?”

The smile on Lin Ze’s face is more intense. The power just now is not so simple as being activated. It has existed for a longer time, about a second.

One second has helped Lin Ze determine one thing. Someone is indeed here. That person is the releaser of the pure and sacred power, and he has lost his existence through some ability. sense.

It’s not just the existence on the surface, but the isolation to another space, and it will not be affected by any attacks. However, the coverage of the Special Field Card is very likely to bring the opponent out of that space. come out.

The other party may also notice that it is not good, and then take action one after another.

“I ’m the most indispensable person, but it ’s actually time.”

Lin Ze deliberately raised his voice, regardless of whether the other party could understand, or whether he could hear it. While talking, Magic Power re-operated.

The Special Field Card to which Zombie World belongs is flipped, and the sound of a magnetic field collision sounds for the third time.

At the same time as the magnetic field collided, Lin Ze’s attention was highly focused.

“It’s good to show up. I can release this ability at least 10,000 times.”

Lin Ze Hu’s voice floated out immediately.

zi zi bang! zi zi bang!

There is obviously a little more shake in the sound of the magnetic field collision. Zombie World is about to form at this moment. At this crucial moment, the power of pure and sacred suddenly rises, and the card of Zombie World belongs to it. Still so shattering.

“Big bastard!”

The destruction of Zombie World did not affect Lin Ze’s mentality at all, because a voice enraged with anger and dissatisfaction rang in vain and passed into his ears clearly.

This is a slightly soft and pleasant female voice with a bit of tenderness, a little Loli sound.

Lin Ze turns his gaze with interest, where a dazzling silver rays of light is slowly transforming into a petite figure.

About a few seconds later, the dazzling rays of light began to disappear. When the rays of light completely disappeared, a small silver-haired Loli wearing a light dress appeared in Lin Ze’s vision.

“What, what?”

Loli was just about to yell and blame Lin Ze for her “shameless” persecution, but before she had time to speak, she was stimulated by Lin Ze’s fiery eyes.

She has an uneasy subconscious.

Lin Ze will show that kind of look not because he is a wicked Loli, but because he finds one thing-

The silver-haired little Loli in front of him seems to be the so-called “source of energy”!

This means that the energy provided by the Silver Moon Trees is essentially concentrated on her.

“Don’t delusion, this is the result of everyone’s hard work, I will not give you the slightest amount of energy to you, or those hateful insect races.”

Silver-haired Xiao Loli had a firm expression. She also wanted to understand the key to the problem and guessed the purpose of Lin Ze’s trip.

“insect race?”

Lin Ze, who heard the word from the other person’s mouth, had an unexpected expression, suddenly reminiscent of the inky mark left in the flat land.

“Little Missy, the black mark engraved on the canopy, is it left by the insert race?”

Lin Ze didn’t care about the other person’s bad attitude towards himself. That was expected, and he asked casually.

“Don’t call me by that strange title. You and those insect races are obviously jackals of the same tribe. Don’t put yourself aside.”

The silver-haired little Loli is “scolded” by the fierce babies, but it looks like it seems to be braced after courage, presumably to be able to give a little more majesty in front of the suspected enemy, so as to make Lin Ze Retreat with difficulty.

Obviously, Lin Ze’s previous successive Special Field Card and some bluffing words have caused a small pressure in Loli’s heart.

“Yes? Since you won’t let me say that, you should always tell me a name? It belongs to you.”

Lin Ze is very cooperative, but his heart is laughed. It seems that the small Loli in front of him is easier to deal with than he imagined.

“Yinlu, this is my name, and, I advise you to leave quickly, before I am completely angry.”

The little Loli named Yinlu’s momentum somehow extinguished, even though the words on his mouth still showed a lot of “fierce”.

“Silver Lu?”

Lin Ze smiled inexplicably, girl, are you endorsing Babao Porridge or peanut milk? How much endorsement fee did they charge?

The thoughts in Lin Ze’s mind disappeared quickly, and they are now sorted out.

According to Yinlu, those insect races have even arrived in this Silvermoon Plain, and some people have passed the offensive of lightning current. After reaching the top of the Silvermoon Tree, they left the mark of the insect race. After disappearing.

This means that the coverage of those insert races is larger than Lin Ze imagined.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Unfortunately, those insert races will be the product of trouble left by Dark Source Ancestral World.

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