
Black Jeff’s feet sent a strong airflow. After chopping up the remaining two Giant Germ, he not only did not cause problems due to the virus’s backlash, but instead approached high altitude faster.

He has discovered the existence of Tempest, and immediately understood that Tempest is the most powerful enemy now, and the three viruses are not on a level at all.

“You guy, a few days ago, you assisted your companion to commit the heinous sin of the queen who pretended to be an insert race? Seeing your courage, I will make you die more happily, but you You have to tell me where the human is now. “

Black Jeff’s icy smile appeared on his face as he took off, and he still had time to speak.

Tempest at a higher level is completely ignored, and the scarlet-red lightning current emerging from his body means that he has been blessed by United We Stand and the battle strength has reached Peak.

A strong Wind Element surge, these Wind Elements quickly moved towards the center to condense, Tempest turned into a fierce wind, and moved towards Black Jeff rolled out.

Black Jeff in the sky has been unavoidable, but he did n’t give up the idea of ​​collision. His hand-sawtoothed long sword burst into a dark luster, and a wave of dark energy emerged. The energy wave was faintly visible. Lightly bursting lightning.

This wave of energy quickly burst out and landed directly on the incarnation Tempest.

zi zi bang!

The sound of continuous collision sounded, and the wind and energy fluctuations seemed to fall into a tough tug-of-war. After colliding with each other for a few seconds, the black energy wave appeared leaks, and the black energy light spots collapsed.

The silhouette of Tempest is also lifted from the strong wind, but at the moment of lifting, he waved his wings and lifted off once again. At the same time, the wings were folded together and spread out. Hundreds of thousands of feather blades wrapped in Azure Wind Element Fall like flowers.

Unable to forcibly lift off again, Black Jeff, who had fallen in a free fall posture, gritted his teeth slightly, raised his arms, and then made a throwing action in the air.

The zigzag long sword began to zoom in at the moment of flying out, and grew larger during the flight. As the zigzag long sword zoomed in, centered on it, the energy fluctuation of black constituted a large circle. shape.

In the circle, all the feather blades are enclosed by a leak.

The serrated long sword disappears in vain, and the circle disappears.


It’s like the sound of a huge balloon bursting, the moment the circle disappears, all the feather blades are like being buried with it, disappear without a trace.


The sound of shattering came from the ground. Black Jeff fell to the ground in a squatting position with one hand. All around his feet was a shallow pit spreading out of ten several meters. A lot of silver moongrass was lifted up, flying around him. .

“How is it, Jeff?”

The pink race with the pink wings, the dust race named Dust, walked slowly, looked at the sky and turned towards Black Jeff, who had just landed, no longer had any sense of taunt.

Although it is only a brief fight, Chen also understands one thing. The enemy this time will be tricky.

He is not referring to Tempest, but to humans around Tempest.

Either Dust or Black Jeff knows very well that their greatest enemy will never be Tempest, which seems to be a powerful Tempest, but it is also the existence of that human using, and is responsible for disguising the female Sir Wang before Like monster.

In other words, that human is their secret mastermind, and it should be the most troublesome guy.

From the strong performance of Tempest, it can be imagined that the human must have a good power. Even if their four insect race guards are launched together this time, they must be cautious, and they cannot ignore the enemy at will. .

The black Jeff’s insert races obviously have a lot of wisdom, and they will never make the same low-level or even comical mistakes as the previous insert races.

But even if you think about it, in this mind of Black Jeff and Chen, there is still no possibility of failure in this mission.

The enemies are strong, but unfortunately, they will be stronger.

“It seems more tricky than you think.”

Lin Ze, who observes the situation a little far away, makes an evaluation. According to the preliminary battle between Tempest and the enemy, the strength of that insect race is not inferior to Tempest, and it may even be almost on par with him.

If the other two insert races have the strength close to him, then the three insert races will be a very good battle strength.

Of course, just so, Lin Ze is fully capable of dealing with it, even without Yinlu’s assistance.

But that is the ideal situation. Is He Jeff’s strength really the same as the surface, and whether his two companions will be above him, or even far better than him, and may exist in the dark? Enemy and enemy reinforcements.

There are many things to consider, and now it’s time to make a little confirmation.

Remembering here, Lin Ze suddenly operated Magic Power, the brown card flipped over, and the sound of magnetic field collision appeared.

With no warning, it covers a large area of ​​the Yinyue Plain, and many high-rise buildings rise in vain. The bustling night city, Skyscraper is formed.

Tempest stands at the spire of the tallest building, with a bright full moon behind him.

As for Lin Ze, he is standing on the rooftop of an inconspicuous building next to Yinlu.

“No matter how many times you look, you are really impatient with this move.”

Yinlu commented with some excitement. She obviously did not have much contact with the outside world. Even the existence of Card Master was unknown, so she did not understand the principle and existence of Special Field Card.

Facing the unknown, this little Loli is obviously curious, but this is only limited to the premise that Lin Ze is an ally.

Yinlu also did not at all. Forgetting her position, it was only a brief excitement, and she soon realized what she was doing, deliberately holding her face to cover up the mentality just now.

Doing that kind of expression is equivalent to telling Lin Ze that he has let go of him? That would absolutely not work!

“Is this … mentioned by the female Sir Wang, belongs to power of cards?”

The dusty astonished fanned the wings behind him, and looked at the surrounding environment in surprise.

“It should be right. In this case, it is undoubtedly the Special Field Card, which means that the human behind the scene is here.”

Black Jeff ordered nodded, while looking around, he did not forget to add:

“The human will appear here, including the response from the card just now. This should be more than just a coincidence, it is more like a preparation made in advance, so it seems that he had long thought of our arrival. . “

“Already thought about it this way, so he didn’t hurry up and escape?”

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