
Shh ~

The smoke of blackish-purple is constantly escaping from the palm of wheat straw, and the green energy of her within the body is gradually peeling off and regenerating like a poisonous snake, replacing it with a new blackish-purple energy.

“kuooa ~”

Little fellow issued a warning that after the energy of wheat straw was transformed, it turned into Dark Source Energy.

Lin Ze is already familiar with this kind of energy. Even if it is a long distance, Lin Ze can recognize the root of that energy.

It’s violent, dark, and endless, as if you can’t peer into the abyss at the bottom.

Not only that …

little fellow screamed again soon, he felt something wrong, no, it should be said to be very wrong.

“Hey Jeff, Naba, and Dust, sorry, that guy may be a monster. If I do n’t do this, I may die here, so please do n’t complain too much, the pain will soon end. . “

Mai straw turned around with a smile, but what he said was that Naba and Chen, who were approaching him, were confused.

They will be in a hurry and rush over. In fact, it is guessed that wheat straw will liberate Dark Source Energy within the body, but the core of that powerful force is not at all within their control. Even if it is used forcefully, it will be used by must. Time is kept to a minimum.

Therefore, in order to prevent wheat straw from excessively mobilizing Dark Source Energy because of falling into a fierce battle, and eventually swallowing the irreparable evil, Naba and Dust decided to share it with her, and at the same time liberate Dark Source Energy Core. Speed ​​out the enemy.

It can be said that Naba and Chen are very interesting, and such a decision was made in a short time.

Of course, aside from the friendship of the same race, the main reason for the two of them to make this choice is to successfully complete the will of the female Sir Wang.


The bewildered Black Jeff stopped suddenly, but expression was a drastic change. Just now, a violent twitching pain came to his heart, as if the heart had been hit with an inexplicable blow.

“Energy … is running away.”

Naba suddenly fell to his knees. Two huge deep pits appeared on the ground, and the energy lighting of blackish-purple was looming in his huge body.

“Are the highlights finally coming?”

Combined with the information disclosed by little fellow, Lin Ze has realized what it looks like. The situation seems to be moving towards a bad direction, but in fact, it is actually a “beneficial” trend for Lin Ze.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The blue-white beam is still radiating. Behind the straw, a blackish-purple barrier extending to its head undulates a lot of energy ripples, like a large puddle washed by heavy rain.

Mai straw did not ignore the movement behind him, but stared forward with a playful smile, a finger erected, which was connected to two blackish-purple energy tubes, one thick and one thin, continuously The Blackish-purple of Dark Source Energy.

Looking along the two line pipes all the way, you will finally find that the two ends of the line pipe connection are Naba and Heijie!

“Ah-!!!! Straw!”

The black jeff under severe pain showed his face and kept rolling or standing up on the ground. He already knew what was going on, even if he didn’t understand why wheat straw could do this, but Does not prevent him from predicting his end.

The struggle lasted only fifteen seconds. He lost his voice and covered his chest with his hands, curled up to death in the shape of a snail, a large organ shard mixed with blood scattered around.

The giant mountain-like Naba fell to the ground five seconds later, and a silhouette in a coma emerged. It was dust.

However, the moment the dust appeared, he was linked by a blackish-purple wire tube. He was seriously injured and died in such a coma.

Papa ~ Papa ~

The blackish-purple’s lightning is dazzling, and the eyes are also transformed into blackish-purple’s wheat straw standing in place, looking at his hands with a look of excitement, experiencing the power of complete liberation.

The light green dress on her body has completely shattered. Around the exquisite curves, there are multiple blackish-purple fumes scattered.

“Such me, should I be your opponent?”

The straw is full of smiles, not to speak to Lan Bai, but to where Lin Ze is.

After confirming the current situation, Lin Ze did not deliberately hide his position any more, just let Yinlu hide in a safe position and be ready for support at any time.

Azure ’s Wind Element surges, Lin Ze slowly rises into the sky, looking towards the only enemy left at this moment.

“So, what do you feel?”

“Good cunning temptation, but you are right, I like it very much. You within the Body ’s Light Source Energy, want to completely absorb that power, and be overwhelmed by that power, you can promise me Request? “

Mui straw blinked his eyes and turned his back, saying harmless to humans and animals.

“Although you are very sincere, sorry, you can only die here today. This is a treat I give you, a prediction about your future.”

At the same time as saying this, a lot of Super Source Power has emerged in front of Lin Ze. Under this surge of Super Source Power, the brown card suddenly flipped. When this card flipped, it actually infiltrated a little Lan. Bai’s light spot.

“Human, it ’s really cruel, but that ’s not bad. Will your predictions come true?”

The smile on Mai Straw’s face is extremely bright, but the blackish-purple lightning current flashing all over her body has become more dense and violent, and she is better adapted to the boiling power within the body.

“Roar —— !!!”

On the sky, the roar of the giant dragon sounded, followed by the dazzling blue-white rays of light, among the dazzling rays of light, the giant dragon of azure’s eyes, with both grace and majesty. Coming, aloof and remote hovered high.

“That’s ~”

In the eyes of Mai Straw, there is a hint of intoxication, looking up at Blue-Eyes White Dragon’s eyes, just like watching a peerless craft, the artistic sense of beauty is simply incomparable.

“If so, 60%.”

What Wheat Straw refers to is the probability of her death today. From this probability, she does have good confidence in her current strength. Even though her opponent is Blue-Eyes White Dragon, she still feels He has a 50% chance of winning.

“What kind of existence is there, I want to see it quickly.”

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