
Li Guichuan is standing on a hillside. In front of him, dozens of cards flashing cyber rays of light make up a small card wall, flowing slowly.

These electronic cards are generated by the ability of Spy Kid. This ability can record the information of the target Card Master and form “information? source cards” through Super Source Power. The source cards are marked. It is the intelligence of many Card Masters.

【Fang Zhibing】

Coordinates: Super Source locked (√)

Vital signs: good

Combat status: Not in combat

The intelligence information of the source card is quite simple, but its role is no small matter. Li Guichuan can fully control the status of each Card Master with these cards, and can use Super Source lock to open up a path to Card Master. Fast route, timely support for the bad Card Master.

Alliance has selected Li Guichuan as Lin Ze and the others guarantee and protect for a natural reason. Even if Li Guichuan cannot act with everyone, it can still ensure the safety of everyone.

Even if several people are in danger at the same time, as long as they are locked in Super Source, Li Guichuan can even provide assistance at a very long distance to help the other party overcome difficulties.

Of course, this is true, but here is Super-Risk Level Isolated Territory after all. To absolutely eliminate danger is undoubtedly a dream. Unless you can copy dozens of Li Guichuan and make one-to-one personal contact for everyone protection.

No one expects that farce, and there is someone who is able to explore the territory of death at this stage, and it is all those who are ready to sacrifice awareness and courage to merge with strength.

They are not little babies who need to be taken care of by personnel but without great care. They are chasing power and chasing power. They will represent Alliance and stand on the vanguard for humanity in the future.

Strength is not gained in vain. For ease, no one will choose to set foot on this extremely dangerous Super-Risk Level Isolated Territory.

The last source card slipped in front of Li Guichuan’s eyes. After confirming that everyone was temporarily safe, he yawned, squatted down on the hillside, stretched left and right, pressed his thighs, and stood back in vain. looked towards the distance.

Looking over large fields and yellow grass, you can vaguely see a group of birds that resemble Crow in the distance. Those birds are the size of a goshawk, and they look like they are agitated in chaos. Dark clouds.

These Crow flapped their wings wildly and accelerated at irregular speeds. During the flight, they collided from time to time, causing both to fall.

“What’s going on?”

Li Guichuan cares a little, but he hasn’t acted yet. He is still carrying a very important task. Whether that task is necessary depends on the development of the situation.

But according to Alliance’s conjecture, that task is likely to start.

“Will there be that courage? The courage to cast aside all considerations for face, I really hope you do that, miscellaneous people.”

Li Guichuan’s face suddenly appeared with a embarrassing and enthusiastic smile. The things he had been waiting for a long time are likely to happen in the near future, which made him a little bit painful.

Silvermoon canopy.

Lin Ze in closing his eyes suddenly opened his eyes. After the battle that day, about two days passed. The two days have allowed him to adjust all aspects of his body to Peak.

When it comes to recovery ability, Lin Ze will definitely make most Card Masters envious, especially the recovery speed of Super Source Power. Lin Ze can be called abnormal.

“Very good, I thought you would cultivate for a long time, thinking that if there is an insect race invasion, I will cover you.”

Yinlu looked at Lin Ze with a surprised look, and was surprised by his recovery speed.

You can hear from the tone of her talking, this girl is not a thankless wretch, and she has obviously changed her attitude towards Lin Ze who helped her stop the insert race.

Unfortunately, Yin Lu sister not at all actively shares the meaning of energy source.

During this period, Yinlu also had a special explanation for this, saying that the lack of an energy source would cause the energy of the Silver Moon Tree to fall into a complete withering state, and her ability would be lost as a result.

It’s a pity, but Lin Ze not at all hasn’t talked much about it.

The energy in the energy source is good, but compared to the source of power obtained when killing wheat straw, the Divine Source, and the advanced card wall that is about to be liberated, it is nothing.

“Really? Then I should thank you for protecting me?”

Lin Ze stood up, rubbed his shoulders, and felt the full energy surge inside the body, quite satisfied.

“Thank you for your help. I know what is known as the Grace Tubao, oh, this is for you.”

Yinlu raised her right hand, circled her index and middle fingers, and squeezed each other gently.

啵 ~

A sound like a blister burst, the air trembles gently, and a drop of round, translucent water drops appears, which looks like dew drops.

“Source of energy?”

Lin Ze’s voice is a little surprised, although it is just a drop, it is exuding a clear and strong energy aura.

“No way, no matter how much it will affect the Silver Moon Tree.”

Yinlu was a little sorry, and said with a little frustration, but soon, she suddenly gave Lin Ze a fierce look.

“Hey, what’s your look?”

Lin Ze at this time, indeed, is full of unbelievable eyes, and actively offers the source of energy. This kind of thing does not look like Yinlu would do.

After all, Yin Lu ’s attitude to Lin Ze ’s impression was resolute and undiscussed. He never compromised with him. Did n’t expect that within a few days, his mind would change, even though it was just a source of energy. The smaller part can reach about 10%.


Lin Ze beckoned, and under the traction of Magic Power, the drop of water approached, and before Yin Lu had a remorse, he swallowed it.

The warm and strong feeling instantly hits the chest and lungs. Lin Ze, who was full of energy, now feels refreshed, and his body becomes lighter and lighter.

The so-called energy source is actually a kind of heavenly materials earthly treasures that can help the Card Master provide energy. This thing can also be used as some raw materials for energy cards, which is very precious.

Lin Ze closed his eyes and realized the state of within the body, Divine Source is floating.

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