
Patter, patter!

The rainstorm is pouring endlessly, the gloomy between Heaven and Earth, the layers of rain curtains blur most of the field of vision, Chen Si glances behind him, there is a cliff, and behind the cliff is the Dark Sea Territory that raises waves from time to time, Sea There were no ships on the Territory, and only the occasional shadow rushed to the surface, which was the Super Source Beast living in this Sea Territory.

And in front of Chen Si, several Super Source Beasts that are constantly roaring are approaching.

This situation is by no means the most dangerous of the dangers that Chen Si encountered in card life. To him, it is not a desperate situation. However, Chen Si ’s beating is undisguised killing. intent.

For the militant Chen Si, it was extraordinary shame and humiliation to be hunted down by a few Super Source Beasts that were completely within their ability to solve.

Because of Li Guichuan’s warning, Chen Si rationally chose to avoid war, but didn’t expect things to reach this point and jumped into the sea? With his survivability, there is no need to worry about this.

However, the Super Territory Beast forcibly forced the Sea Territory behind him.

“Even if you jump into the sea, you are very likely to encounter beasts. Sorry, you are in big trouble.”

Chen Si quickly got rid of the entanglement, smirking and looking at the Super Source Beasts that forced him to have such a difficult situation.

Killing intent boiled in my heart, Chen Si, who could not hold back, raised his arm, Super Source Power surged, heavy rain poured, and a louder roar sounded than several Super Source Beasts.

A deep purple monster appeared. The limbs of the monster had at least the thickness of a water tank, a pair of horns on the head, fierce eyes, and two dense rows of teeth with more than a hundred teeth. There were hard gray mane on the back. These bristles stand up like spikes, and their height is more than five meters.

The monster of this genealogy is called Berserk, which is just like Chen Si’s character. It also has a strong demand for battle.

Fighting is inevitable.

Ten minutes later, a thick roar sounded, and the spines on the back seemed to have grown wildly. Bellard, who formed a steel thorn wall, shook his body, warm blood, and the last Super Source Beast. Corpse all flew together.

“hu ~”

Chen Si takes a deep breath, spit out the cold in his lungs, these strengths are generally more difficult than he imagined in the Super Source Beast in the fifth or sixth gear. They all seem to be affected by some strange power. Erosion. While controlling their will, this erosion also gives them more powerful power.

“A group of disturbing guys.”

Chen Si, who calmed down the enemy, decided to leave as soon as possible, but he was not sure of the confrontation, which made Li Guichuan feel troublesome.


The sound of a heavy breaking wind suddenly sounded. Even if the wind was violent, the suddenness of the sound was still strong.


Billard snarled and quickly stood in front of Chen Si. He curled his body together as hard as possible, leaving only the thick spikes on his back, which made it look like a strengthened steel hedgehog.

Ding, Ding, Bang …

The sound of continuous collision sounded, and at least a dozen or so steel spikes broke off from the back of Blackard, and the black blood immediately penetrated the body. These steel spikes were like a part of its body, and a large number of cracked bands I can imagine the pain.

Chen Si looked around all around quickly, but found no trace of the enemy. In fact, even the handle flew suddenly, with destructive power and sharpness, like a hot knife through butter to wound Bellard. From which direction the black gold tomahawk appeared, he could not be sure for the time being.

“Even if it is a hunted person, the insight is so weak, it will inevitably reduce the hunter’s joy and sense of accomplishment in this hunting. In this respect, even killing you a hundred times, it is not too defiant. “

The sound of defeating sounded suddenly, Chen Si’s eyes shifted, this time he successfully locked the enemy, a short man with hands clasped behind his head, walking in a casual pace toward the rain curtain.

“Oh, hello, please be honored, this is the greeting from the hunter, although the content of the greeting may not be friendly, yes, it is a bit bloody.”

Shortly stood down, beckoned a few meters away from Chen Si, and the black gold tomahawk inserted in the back of Ballard flew back like a boomerang, and landed firmly in his hands.

This black gold battle axe, the axe alone exceeds one meter, and is gripped by the shorty letter of one meter 6 or less. A strong sense of disobedience is generated.

“Billard, kill him.”

Chen killing intent, screaming, Berserk? Even if he has been injured, Bellard still squeezes out the roar of roar from his throat, his forelimbs trample the ground back and forth, and at the same time the dirt splashes, he must rush out .


I don’t know why, Chen Si stepped over the top of the Super Source Power step without any sign, and jumped off the cliff without hesitation.

Billard disappears as Chen Si turns around.

Fight? Do n’t be kidding, even if Chen Si is an occasionally uncomfortable war-fighting faction, he understands one thing when he sees shorty at first glance. The other party is not an opponent he can cope with. The level between the two sides is more than one level. Once he fights, he will be killed in minutes.

If you really die in battle, you may still be in luck. You may be in a worse situation. Although Chen Si not quite clear what is happening now, from the urgency and seriousness in Li Guichuan ’s words, do n’t It’s hard to imagine that the problem mostly comes from Dark Source Ancestral World.


Killing intent boiled the moment before, it seemed that he would be slaughtered in a few seconds, but the next moment was so straightforward, Chen Si changed his face faster than flipping the book, making shorty slightly stunned, but then It turned out that a smile gradually emerged.

“Right, right, so that’s right, the prey that is struggling is the interesting prey, and it is the object with a little hunting value.”

Strangely, shorty just smiled blindly, not at all.

pu chi ~

The sea water suddenly splashed up to 10 meters high, some even fell on the edge of the cliff, under the dark sky of heavy rain, a huge whale-like magic shark leaped like a dolphin, thick and thick in its two rows, Between the dense black jagged teeth, the blue-stranded Chen Si was forcibly opening the magic shark’s mouth with his hands wrapped around Super Source Power to avoid swallowing himself.

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