

The whip entangles Dark Magician like a python. Due to the exhaustion of energy, Dark Magician has lost its ability to break out of the current predicament, and azure magic staff has fallen out of his hands.


The blue-white beam penetrates the air from the direction of the interior hall. The speed is extremely fast, but Amu still reacts. He not at all removed the whip in his hand, but blasted the light beam with his free hand. .

light beam shatter wiithout the slightest suspense, bursting out a lot of crystal blue-white light spots, at the same time, a huge roar sounded.

Amu looked up. The ceiling of the atrium was penetrated by more than a dozen blue-white beams. The stone carved with the pattern was scattered like flowers. The torrential rain poured in, and the Dark Magician’s silhouette disappeared. .

Whether it’s Dark Magician’s last struggle or Lan Bai’s initiative, it’s just a cover-up for retreat.

Lin Ze originally had no intention of returning to the same way. He is very clear that even if the Dark Magician in this state is doing his best, there is still a limit to the time that can be created. It may be better to break away than to break into this. The interior of the palace is even more difficult.

“I won’t let you go.”

Although he was stunned, Amu’s response speed is absolutely top-notch. He can’t see his bulky feeling at all. He controls the light gray light ball and stabs into the ground with a long whip.

‘Nightmare Bone Whip? ’

Looking at Lin Ze who was fleeing to a high place, Amu made a strange interception action. He controlled the whip into the ground under his feet, and the ground cracked as the whip drilled into it, and gravel spattered.


In the perception of the little fellow, a dangerous aura came. Lin Ze, who was blessed by Tempest Wind Element, turned sideways. Under the dark sky that was exposed due to the shattering of the ceiling, the black whip was obviously thicker than just one piece. The bone spurs in each section looked cold and deadly, and the long whip hovering around several circles looked like a dangerous bone dragon.

Lin Ze ’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Magic Power merged with Super Source Power. He planned to activate the last card Magic Cylinder. Little fellow was already in front of him to avoid accidents.

No one is sure whether the Rank 4 card Magic Cylinder can block or even reflect the monster-like Amu’s offensive.

“hehe ~”

The joyful laughter sounded suddenly, and a huge monkey face appeared in the air without warning, and the monkey dug its nostrils without any discipline.

Perhaps because this behavior was too ridiculous, the bone dragon that originally attacked Lin Ze turned around. Many bone spurs penetrated the monkey’s face, and the big monkey’s face was immediately stabbed into a sieve, but it remained before disappearing. Unscrupulous laughter.

Lin Ze looked at the scene in amazement. The monkey face just now didn’t really appear out of thin air. It belongs to the card aura, and it is a high-level card. The effect of that card effect.

‘Is anyone here? ’

Lin Ze flashed such an idea in his mind, but the action did not stop. God-given opportunity. With the help of Wind Element, he and Lan Bai quickly flew to a high place outside the palace.


Amu’s face became ugly, and his soles broke the ground, rushing outward like an artillery shell.

“Sorry, you can’t leave yet.”

Suddenly there is a sound in the air, the golden rays of light flashed, the gorgeous card flips, and it is a gold card that can only be called by the A-Rank Card Master!

The illusory shadow of a glacier emerges, the cold air is diffused in the mid-air, and the surrounding rain is affected and frozen into broken ice.

ka ka ~

The cold air enveloped Amu’s strong body and spread to all parts of his body. Amu, who had risen into the air, was forcibly frozen. When he lost his mobility, he suddenly fell to the ground, and a huge pothole appeared on the smooth ground.

gold card, Special Trap Card, extremely frozen.

The effect of this card is simple and rude. It can forcibly freeze a target. The time is taken from the strength of the target. The sound of ice cracking from the pit can be heard to break the special effect of this card. Amu It only takes two seconds.

“Combat should be given to experts in this area.”

Xie You threw the Rubik’s cube that was restored in the take action, and the Rubik’s cube expanded dozens of times to form the size of the house. At the same time, the “easy passage” construction was completed, he stepped into the Rubik’s cube.


The angry roar sounded and was restrained by Xie You’s two gold cards to save his life. Amu’s mood was extremely bad, especially when the enemy was released.

However, Amu did not try to chase again. With the ability of the enemy, even if time is limited, he should have completely run away at this time. In contrast, he is more concerned about the current status of the Emperor Dragon. The enemy is from the Emperor Dragon. Ran out of the hall.

Three steps and two steps. After recovering the long whip, Amu rushed back to the inner hall immediately. Before entering, his back suddenly produced a chill, and when he stepped into the inner hall, he saw It was a scene that made him unforgettable all his life.

The Emperor Dragon suit standing in the huge array of energy disorder is completely broken. On the body, there are five heads with extended necks dancing fiercely. They are dark, earth, water, inflammation and wind. Attributed dragon head!

This is the true body of Emperor Dragon, the pseudo-Sovereign level of Dark Source Ancestral World, which controls Five-Headed Dragon with five powerful elements!

“Emperor, Sir Emperor Dragon …”

Amu bowed her head a little uneasily, letting go of the enemy, even if he had done everything he could, but it was still a huge misconduct that could not be forgiven.

“In two hours, kill them all.”

However, Emperor Dragon’s response was completely beyond Amu’s expectations. The indifferent voice suppressed the infinite killing intent. Even in this case, he still did not completely lose his mind.

“Understand, Sir Emperor Dragon!”

Amu immediately responded, although he would like to ask one more question, in this situation, what should they do, from the point of view of the enemy’s arrogant invasion, the human ’s battle strength this time is more than their estimates.

“I won’t give them any chance.”

Emperor Dragon seems to see through Amu’s idea. The five necks shake violently. The five heads above suddenly spit out different element rays. Five rays condensing their elements are focused in the same direction, which is array. central.

Between the ray release, a rock-sized, unusually strong object is gradually forming.

At first, Amu also looked at this scene with a little doubt. But after five minutes of rays, an incredible expression suddenly appeared in his eyes. At this moment, he finally realized that the shorty companion had previously given to China implicitly. What is meant by “big game”.

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