hua hua!

The pouring rain is still there, and the whistling of the wind is getting more and more loud. Combined with the sky which is gradually becoming blackish-purple, it seems that there is a sense of sight that the end of the world is coming.

Lin Ze is leaning against a large tree with a blue-white light barrier on his head. This is provided by Lan Bai, which can easily isolate the storm and Lan Bai, standing beside him, quiet. Waiting.

dīng dīng.

The sound of running sounds, even in this environment, is still very clear, which means that the person coming is probably a “heavyweight” creature.

The little fellow has already issued a warning. From his warning level, it can be judged that the opponent’s aura strength reaches the Divine Source beast level, and the number is two.

The footsteps quickly approached, two monsters were one after the other approaching Lin Ze’s position. The humanoid monster was running in front of it. The head was like a slime, and the mouth opened and closed. Fluidity.

The humanoid monster is almost naked and strong, with only a few gauze wrapped around his waist, gray skin, and a double-edged axe in his hand. The edge of the axe is seriously rusty. Staleness.

Slightly behind is a human-shaped lion, golden in color, with sharp hook-shaped long tails that look like scorpion tails. When shaking, a golden powder is secreted. This powder is wrapped with poison. .

In principle, the two monsters should have been only in the category of powerful Super Source Beast, but after mutation, their battle strength reached Divine Source beast level, and even the Super Source Power within the body also went smoothly. Evolved into Divine Source, but not too pure.

Their purpose is also quite clear. There is no nonsense. They rushed to Lin Ze with an undisguised killing intent. It is not that they are unwilling to talk more, but after being controlled by Dark Source Energy. Only the instincts of fighting and slaughter remain.

Bang, bang, bang …

The blue-white rays of light shone, and the three blue-white beams radiated as they split out, and dozens of blue-white beams split. A firepower network was formed, covering two humanoid monsters that could not be avoided in the future.

The dark blood penetrates, and the humanoid monster with more than a dozen blood holes roars and throws the double-edged board axe in the take action. blue-white beam strikes.

Lan Bai did n’t take any action to deal with two monsters that could reach the Divine Source beast level. She did n’t need to expend too much energy. With the firepower of the basic tricks, she could easily suppress them. Outside 100 meters.

噗通, bang!

When the two monsters were less than 50 meters near Lin Ze, they finally failed to resist the continuous strikes of the blue-white beam, and they all fell to the ground. shattering.

From start to finish, the gray-skinned humanoid monster only throws an axe, as for the other, it is even worse. The whole process rushed, and the fart didn’t have half a time to cool in the halfway.

[Source Force + 300]

[Source Force + 300]

Brown subtitles appear one after another, Lin Ze is slightly confused, but only reached the Divine by mutation Source Two monsters at the beast level can each provide 300 source power?

It should be known that the original straw strength of infinitely close to the sixth grade of Divine Source’s wheat straw is just the source of this value.

mutation ……

Just a little thought, Lin Ze easily thought of the key to the problem, and was invaded by the powerful Dark Source Energy. The source of the value of the two monsters is naturally as the tide rises, the boat floats.

Compared with the increase of the source power, there is another thing that makes Lin Ze happy—the death of these two monsters has increased his Divine Source by 1 point.

In this way, after these mutations, within the body Divine Source is not pure monster value is higher than expected, Lin Ze within the body’s Divine Source successfully reached 27 points, which is not far from the 2nd-stage .

Lin Ze has begun to look forward to it, looking forward to the arrival of more beasts. These monsters are simply wonderful mobile resource packs.

Leaning against the big tree, Lin Ze waits quietly for the next “victim” appeared.


The wind is howling, in a valley on the terrain of Heaven’s Line, there are slightly narrow mountain walkways. The three corpse are incompletely scattered, and the rain has not been completely. The warm blood is dissipated, and the bloody smell in the air stimulates the human brain and nerves.

“How about, aren’t you going to run away?”

With a playful chuckle, a shorty holding a black gold tomahawk took two steps forward, a few steps in his field of vision. 10 meters away, a young man who was not yet thirty years old subconsciously wanted to step back, but suddenly stood stubbornly.

The young man’s face was filled with tears mixed with rain, his eyes were full of anger and killing intent, all three of them walking with him were killed, and they were killed by the immediate enemy in a very short time, those Both are trusted companions who have been born and died more than once in the Isolated Territory.

The picture that ca n’t stop flashing in my mind is the scene where the black gold tomahawk split their bodies at a very fast speed. At that moment, he just felt like dreaming, came back to his Senses is cruel reality.

The enemy ’s strength is far above himself. Young men are very aware of this. Whether they choose to desperate or escape, the end result must be death.

“It’s a good look, you must want to kill me, right? I might as well give you a chance to make your dreams come true, would you?”

shorty Showing an expression of enjoyment, he flipped the black gold tomahawk in his hands at random, and suddenly threw it gently.

Fat ~

The nervous young man immediately flashed, the black gold tomahawk fell down, cracks spread on the ground, and water accumulated splashed on all sides.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not kidding, as I said, to give you a chance to kill me, just rely on that weapon.”

shorty put your hands behind your head, He walked slowly and relaxed, and raised his neck deliberately, motioning to the other side to cut it like this.

“You must die!”

The young man is almost gnashing teeth, but instead of trying to pick up the black gold battle axe on the ground, he fully mobilizes the Super Source Power within the body. , Red card flip.

嗖, bang!

The colorful silhouette rises, the next moment, the sky candy bursts in the sky, it is as gorgeous and eye-catching as the fireworks, the most strange thing is that ‘shorty’ is in the middle of candy fireworks, with keen interest pleasure Eat those sweets and swallow them with sugar coating.

Special Trap Card, the last candy celebration!

The effect of this card is to mark a target. The target cannot be unmarked by hiding, staying away, stealth, or Avatar within one hour. During the marking, the target’s whereabouts will be continuously exposed. .

The final candy celebration does not have any lethality or control effects, but it can continue to mark the existence of the enemy, and this mark is difficult to shield. As for the mark, it is actually short in the sky. ‘Eating candy scene.

These sweets will not scatter, but will continue to follow shorty for an hour, until the illusory shadow ‘shorty’ eats them completely.

pu chi ~

The sound of the neck being chopped came, and the black gold tomahawk flew without any signs, and the young man’s head was easily split off. The Super Source Power at the neck of the opponent failed to resist the attack. .

“Sorry, I personally prefer to come and go freely, this nasty prey is still more lovely to die.”

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