Lan Bai ’s voice continued to sound in his mind, and at the same time as the sound rang, blue-white light particles appeared in large numbers, and these light particles were moving towards the center of the gathering.

Lan Bai ’s aura is more intense and becomes stronger during the condensation of light particles. When these light particles converge into a blue-white silhouette, it means that Lin Ze successfully completed the fusion.

In the process of melting the source, Lan Bai is also becoming stronger. Her Source Rank is rapidly improving. This is the Divine Source accumulated before the absorption of Lin Ze in one fell swoop.

Blue-white light particles are constantly condensing. Lin Ze ’s heart calms down and feels the changes in his mind. Every time the light particles condense, there will be a subtle resonance in his mind.

Quietly feeling the changes in the mind, this perception does not last as long as imagined, the speed of light particle condensation is accelerating, and it is still accelerating.

It seems that melting the source is not an obstacle for Lin Ze at all. This process is more like Lan Bai absorbing energy quickly.

The fusion source speed symbolizes the compatibility between Super Source Card and Card Master, while the compatibility between Lan Bai and Lin Ze has reached the level of unimaginable.

Generally speaking, the compatibility between Super Source Card and Card Master will not be low, but even so, it takes one day to complete, even Zhang Kun, it took nine full hours.

Now, Lin Ze is about to complete the source of fusion. From the beginning to the present, only five minutes have passed, and the speed of light particle condensation is still getting faster and faster.


Five minutes later, all Lan Bai light particles seem to have entered the final sprint stage, suddenly condensed together, a silhouette of a slim girl emerged, Blue long hair fluttering, pure and powerful light source aura scattered outside.

According to Lin Ze’s perception, today’s Lan Bai, Source Rank has been increased from Rank 5 to Rank 7 in one fell swoop, and is close to the strength of Rank 8.

This progress is completely within Lin Ze ’s expectations. He successfully promoted to A-Rank, and Lan Bai will naturally cross the large source threshold of Rank 7 naturally.

In Lan 7 of Rank 7, the overall battle strength is already worlds apart.

“Lin Ze …”

Lan Bai looked at Lin Ze intently, spoke softly, and at the same time stretched out the take action palm to him, she turned into light and shadow and then quickly integrated into Lin Ze within the body.

In the chest, a feeling of softness and coldness came out. Apart from these, more importantly, Lin Ze could feel the continuous Super Source power is pouring into his body.

A lot of energy belonging to Lan Bai is obviously contained in these energies. Lin Ze opened his eyes and tried to operate a trace of Super Source Power, the original white Super Source Power, but at the moment it brought a trace of blue -white Ze.

The super source power mixed with blue-white is much stronger than ever. Not only that, but to feel the super source power within the body, Lin Ze found a very terrifying thing.

Ten thousand points!

A full 10,000 points of Super Source Power, this is the energy that Lin Ze currently has, as A-Rank, he owns the Super Source Power!

“Is this A-Rank …”

Lin Ze looked down at his open hands, the surrounding rays of light were gradually fading away, and he completed the melting stage , Began to turn back.


alliance building, at the entrance of the 7th floor.

Zhang Kun, who was eating apples, suddenly saw a silhouette of Lin Ze, the powerful Super Source Aura, almost knocking his teeth away.

“What … situation?”

Zhang Kun’s face was dull and dazed, and the situation in front of him already involved his knowledge blind spot.

This time it took Lin Ze to enter the Divine Source room a little longer than before. Zhang Kun thought he was in trouble. Although he also thought about the possibility of triggering the melting source, if he calculates the melting source How could the time needed flash out so quickly.

However, Lin Ze ’s strong aura is not deceiving without concealment, which means that he has indeed completed the melting stage and entered A-Rank.

How long did it take before and after Rongyuan? Seems to be in the early ten minutes? This can also include the time to kill a 10th Grade Divine Source beast.

“Brother Kun, thanks to your blessing, I finally triggered Rongyuan smoothly this time, but Rongyuan completed too fast, which made me feel a little unrealistic.”

Lin Ze each The emotion of minding their own business is invisible and put a knife in Zhang Kun’s heart.

Rongyuan is too fast, is this what people say?

In the face of such a junior, Zhang Kun has the urge to vomit blood. He admits that he is just lemon, but there is no way, this product is so sour!

“Lin Ze, wait, do n’t go here.”

Zhang Kun finally reacted, strongly suppressed the shock in his heart, and took the elevator to leave when he was busy. This is Reported this to Zhou Zongyu.

It did n’t take long for Zhang Kun to return, with the news of Zhou Zongyu ’s appointment.

Lin Ze is not surprised, he still has self-knowledge in his heart, knowing that he is too talented this time, has set off a huge wave throughout the Alliance.

Twenty-year-old A-Rank Card Master.

The fusion source completed in ten minutes.

Ten thousand points of Super Source Power.

No matter what it is, it is enough to make people dumbfounded and make some so-called geniuses feel ashamed.

alliance building, Seventeenth Layer.

When Lin Ze came up, Zhou Zongyu was sitting at his desk and waiting. After seeing Lin Ze, he stood up in front of his eyes and did n’t say any more words this time, Instead, he looked at Lin Ze like a rare treasure.

“Well, it ’s really A-Rank, and there is such a pure Divinity, no wonder it has such a high degree of compatibility with Blue-Eyes White Dragon.”

For Lin According to the information of Ze Super Source Card, Zhou Zongyu naturally knows, and he is also very clear about what Blue-Eyes White Dragon means, so in order to help Lin Ze grow, he does not care about these rare Divine Source resources in Alliance.

“Lin Ze, I know that you are only twenty years old now, at this age, you should not have assumed such a heavy responsibility, but this crusade army needs your strength, and now you are fully qualified Battle as the core battle strength of Alliance. “

Lin Ze responded equally earnestly. This is something he has already decided and will not regret it.

In the pursuit of strength, Lin Ze also wants to do something with his own strength. He may not be able to change the world with his own power, but if the world needs to change urgently, he will do what he wants.

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