Cards come to the world

Chapter 272: Swordsman Immunity

At the same time as the voice fell, Secondary School simulated Yuan Yu's magic drive, and the black-bottomed card was flipped over.

With a roar, a blue dragon with teeth and claws emerged.

Although it was being cruel, it was helpless that this blue dragon did not have wide dragon wings, but only a pair of ordinary claws and claws, which were about the size of an ordinary big dog.

It can be described as a pet dragon.

Black background card, childlike dragon.

Attack power/1400, defense power/1000.

"Haha, welcome to the trial, activate the special effect of Tongqulong!"

The second-year senior laughed with his hips on his hips, and Tong Qulong roared again.

Immediately afterwards, two black lights flashed past, a white tiger whose head was about the same size as a Tongqulong, with blood-red eyes exuding a ferocious aura, and a blue-colored eagle hovering in mid-air emerged.

What must be explained is that the seemingly fierce white tiger has a huge turtle shell on its back.

The cyan eagle with a sharp hawk has no eyeballs in its eyes, but marbles.

This made the two fighting cards, which were small in size but not weak in momentum, completely reduced to comedians.

Childlike tiger on a black background card.

Attack power/1600, defense power/800.

Black background card children's fun eagle.

Attack power/1800, defense power/800.

The appearance of the two Tongqu Fighting Cards is due to the special effect of Tongqu Dragon.

When this card is summoned, it can randomly and unconditionally summon two combat cards with offense and defense points below 2000 and with the word "Children's Fun" from the deck.

"The puzzle of victory is formed in this way, and any struggle is powerless in the face of this great power."

The middle school senior looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, but immediately showed an appearance of being overwhelmed by the cold.

Lin Ze's head is full of black lines. Compared with those funny and childlike fighting cards, he is more concerned about why the simulation source can talk so much this time?

If I remember correctly, the simulation source should only be able to say one sentence.

The senior was frantically adding drama to himself, and Lin Ze couldn't help feeling a little dizzy.

"Because I already have three battle cards with offense and defense points lower than 2000 and with the name "Tongqu" on my field, at this moment, the special magic card, "Tongqu Special Front" is activated. "

"The effect of this card is that when the three children's interests are achieved, the offense and defense of two of the children's interests cards can be divided by 2, and the offense and defense of the remaining child's interests card will increase by that value."

At the same time, because of the special effects of Tongqulong, Tongquhu and Tongquying, both offensive and defensive points were reduced to 800/400 and 900/400.

Therefore, Tongqulong's offense and defense soared instantly, reaching the level of 3100/1800.

It can be seen that although the second-year seniors talk a lot of nonsense, they are still extremely proficient and powerful in applying their own card system.

As for Lin Ze, with the intention of shutting up the other party, he did not hesitate.

Driven by the magic power, the fusion vortex was born, and the phantoms of Flash and Clayman quickly emerged.

At the same time, the huge Tongqulong roared, and a strong sound wave spread out.

Silent Swordsman only felt that his body was about to explode because of this, so he had no choice but to insert the sawtooth epee into the floor, support his body, and gritted his teeth to hold back.

But Tong Qulong took this opportunity to take the initiative to step forward, opened his mouth and bit the silent swordsman's shoulder fiercely, and the obvious teeth marks and blood seeped out.

Seeing that Tong Qulong was about to tear off the whole piece of flesh and blood on his shoulder, accompanied by the sound of low thunder, a lightning network made of fine lightning quickly enveloped him.

No matter how fierce it is, under the irresistible destruction, Tong Qulong still seems unable to escape the fate of being broken.


Two broken sounds sounded one after another, but Lin Ze's expression changed slightly.

It is not Tongqulong that is broken, but Tongquhu and Tongquying who have been reduced to soy sauce because they are too fragile after contributing their own strength.

"Ha ha,

Unexpectedly, don't be surprised, this is another effect of "Children's Fun Special Front". "

"The fighting card that benefits from this card can save itself from being destroyed once due to a battle or a special effect by sacrificing the other two childlike cards in the linkage effect."

The simulation source of the second-year seniors began to explain according to the set lines.

Lin Ze, who was already used to it, directly ignored the other party's instructions, driven by the magic power, and the lightning giant's hand lingered with lightning, quickly forming a thick lightning arrow.

The lightning arrow pierced through the air, rushing towards the childlike dragon that was biting the silent swordsman.

Seemingly feeling the threat posed by the lightning bolt, Tong Qulong was willing to let go. Turning around, a roaring sound wave easily destroyed the lightning bolt and continued to spread.

The lightning giant withdrew one step earlier, and at the same time built several lightning bolts again, and threw them at Tongqulong one after another.

Although Tong Qulong's attack power is as high as 3100 points, his defensive power is relatively weak.

Although the card masters couldn't get a definite answer to the offensive and defensive data of the battle cards, they were able to make low-error judgments by sensing the aura of the magic power.

This can also be regarded as an advanced skill as a card master, and it is also a skill that Danshui has specially taught.

Now that Lin Ze is a D-level card master, this kind of skill is not too difficult for him.

What's more, with the help of the little guy, it's even more powerful.

Therefore, feeling that Tongqulong's defensive power is limited, Lin Ze intends to try to force the opponent to death by relying on the joint strength of the Silent Swordsman and the Lightning Giant.

At the same time that the lightning giant released lightning bolts continuously, the heavily injured silent swordsman had already recovered under Lin Ze's unconditional supply of magic power.

The Silent Swordsman slanted his sawtoothed epee in his hand, and a white cyclone suddenly emerged and quickly condensed.

This is brewing his own big move!

Tongqulong, who caught the silent swordsman's movements, first repeated his old tricks, relying on the tried-and-tested sonic attack to easily resolve the lightning bolt thrown by the lightning giant.

Immediately afterwards, he went straight to the silent swordsman, intending to interrupt his power accumulation.

But Lin Ze has already been prepared, driven by the magic power, and the powerful enemy blocking the way is launched!

Tong Qulong, who had originally made up his mind to crush the Silent Swordsman in the charging state, seemed to have a sworn hatred with the Lightning Giant at this moment, and ran madly to attack the Lightning Giant.

At this time, the second-year middle school senior activated the magic power again, and the black-bottomed card was flipped over.

A phantom of a castle leaping above the book, a children's story book with special magic cards.

The effect of this card is that it can cause a combat card to be unable to launch any attacks for three seconds.

While being unable to launch an attack, it actually means that the Silent Swordsman's charging action will be forcibly interrupted.

This is definitely a heavy blow to the Silent Swordsman who worked so hard to accumulate energy.

This time, the middle school senior didn't give any explanation, but Lin Ze looked relaxed.

If it is a special trap card, it is indeed effective.

Can special magic cards?


Just as the children's storybook was about to activate its effect, the castle above it suddenly collapsed.

This is not a sign of a successful launch for children's storybooks.

On the contrary, this card failed to work successfully!

Special effect of Silent Swordsman LV5.

Immune to any magic card effect of the enemy card master!

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