Hai Dafu and the rest entered Tian Family Villa's underground storage room.

The underground storage room looked like a wine cellar.

The top quality wine, red wine and white wine are all over the place.

Furthermore, the basement was quite spacious. Other than the wine shelves, there were also famous calligraphy and paintings, expensive antiques and collections.

"Forensic Medicine, I'll leave this place to you." Guo Zhaoyun didn't look like he had a guilty conscience at all, so she seemed very natural.

Guo Zhaoyun gave them instructions as he walked out, and Hai Dafu said to Jiang Chao and the others, "Chen Cong, Jiang Chao, you three will act separately.

"Also pay attention to the value of the items here. When touching them, be careful." Hai Dafu was also afraid that Jiang Chao and the others would do something rough and destroy the things here.

Hai Dafu was more experienced than Jiang Chao.

For example, a bottle of Romanee-Conti on this wine shelf would cost at least twenty thousand yuan this year.

As for this bottle of Romanee-Conti's words, '1993', after accumulating over the past 20 years, the price of this bottle of red wine outside would definitely be over 100,000 yuan.

The life of a tycoon was not the same.

Jiang Chao was still dreaming of owning a house of his own right now, but looking at's house, forget about how envious this villa was, just the things in this underground storage room could easily be sold in an auction for a high level Auction.

Jiang Chao and the others came, but he seemed to have nothing to be afraid of.

This confused Jiang Chao the most, while Chen Cong and Thaksa were in charge of inspecting the wine shelves.

Jiang Chao held the medical cotton ball in his hand.

Jiang Chao paid attention to every corner in the place. If Tian Wenhui's death was here, under the state where his blood was congealed, and a long time would pass by, he would turn black. Jiang Chao did not dare to misplace a single lead, and he was slowly searching for it.

While Jiang Chao and the others were searching the underground storage room for clues, Guo Zhaoyun walked into the big hall.

The robust driver respectfully waited for Guo Zhaoyun.

Guo Zhaoyun then turned to the driver and asked: "Have you found out where Tian Xin is now?"

"Not yet." The driver said honestly.

"Tell Xiao Yong to hurry up. Also, have him send some people to keep an eye on this Jiang Chao, this Jiang Chao might be related to Tian Xin." Guo Zhaoyun instructed.

"Yes, President Guo." The driver immediately agreed.

"After you find her, follow what we said before and send Tian Xin to the mental hospital. This time, ask Doctor Wang to give her an additional dose." Guo Zhaoyun said again.

"Understood." After Guo Zhaoyun made the arrangements, the driver immediately followed suit.

"Tian Xin, if you want to play with me, I'm afraid you are still too inexperienced. I'll let you know what it means to be old or old. " As Guo Zhaoyun thought about this, his lips curled up into a ridiculing smile.

Guo Zhaoyun had a very deep background.

On the surface, she seemed to be the general manager of the Run Feng Estate, one of the legal successors to Tian Wenhui's inheritance.

But in reality, she was a member of a mysterious organization, and the reason she obtained Run Feng Estate was to provide the operation funds for that mysterious organization.

The strength of the mysterious organization was even more unfathomable. The mysterious organization was inextricably linked to the strange Sword Sealing Tower in the desert of Taklimakan.

Furthermore, the secret information that Guo Zhaoyun had obtained from Master Zhang was related to a treasure map.

Jiang Chao and the others searched the underground storage room for a few hours.

Hai Dafu was not idle either. He was more experienced than Jiang Chao and the others.

But just like how an expert appraiser would always be fooled, Hai Dafu was wrong this time.

In this underground storage room, there were no valuable clues at all. Even if Hai Dafu summoned Sun Shanwu from the Technical Room here, using the Rumino reagent to test his reaction speed, it would still be useless.

Ruminol, also known as luminescent ammonia, would destroy evidence by using the Luminol reagent to search for bloodstains at the scene of the crime.

Therefore, a professional medical examiner would not use this move unless it was absolutely necessary.

The principle of the Lumino reagent was to facilitate the oxidation of iron ions contained in the hemoglobin in the blood. During the oxidation process, no matter how cleanly the scene was cleaned, traces of blood could still be found.

However, after Sun Shanwu used the Luminol reagent, which was Luminescent Ammonia, there was no Luminescent Decomposition on the floor.

This meant that the basement was not the second scene of the crime.

"Let's call it a day. This case doesn't look like it can be rushed either." Hai Dafu frowned.

It was not like Hai Dafu had never encountered such a cruel case.

If this continued, Tian Xin's case would become a deposit case.

Jiang Chao seemed to have thought of something, and said: "Section Chief, I also think of a place, we can go there for a try."

"Where?" Hai Dafu said in surprise.

"Top floor balcony." Jiang Chao said.

The rooms in the villa, including the basement, had all been searched without any clues.

However, they had previously neglected a place, which was the balcony on the top floor.

The reason why Jiang Chao mentioned about this place was because he suddenly had a whim. Tian Wenhui's corpse did not undergo a Criminal Investigation Technology Section autopsy, but instead went to the local hospital's forensic examination room.

had also heard Hai Dafu mention the autopsy certificate given by the local hospital that the skull was seriously injured and had died from excessive blood loss.

And this statement contradicted the examination report for Criminal Investigation Technology Section and Technical Room again.

Originally, Jiang Chao thought that it was a fake report from the local hospital, but now, he thought of another possibility. The Criminal Investigation Technology Section and examination report from the local hospital were both real.

However, Tian Wenhui's fatal injury was on the head, and it was not caused by a blunt weapon. There was one situation where both parties' inspection reports were valid, and it was not contradictory at all.

That was the first scene on the stairs, where Tian Wenhui's head struck the stairs and he fell into a coma with blood flowing from his head.

Someone then brought Tian Wenhui to the top floor of the balcony and pushed the unconscious Tian Wenhui down from the balcony, causing him to die.

Jiang Chao's assumption was only based on a conjecture that he had to rely on a genuine exploration tool to confirm this conjecture.

Hearing Jiang Chao's words, Hai Dafu decided to let him try his luck at the top floor's balcony.

With a total of three levels of Tian Family Villa, Tian Wenhui fell down from the stairs on the second floor.

Reaching the third floor's staircase, Jiang Chao seemed to have thought of something and said: "Wait a moment."

"Brother Sun, try sprinkling some luminescent ammonia on this step." Jiang Chao said.

After Sun Shanwu heard this, he took a look at the bottle which contained the light blue liquid.

There was still about two-thirds of the light blue liquid left.

"Do you want to try all the steps on the third floor?" Sun Shanwu said.

"Just try this one." Jiang Chao also knew that the reagent on Sun Shanwu's hand wasn't many.

He pointed to a set of stairs and said to Sun Shanwu.

Sun Shanwu also gave Jiang Chao some face, and sprinkled the luminescent ammonia on the stairs.

Seeing that, Jiang Chao rushed up to the third floor and pulled up the curtain on the stairs to the third floor.

When Jiang Chao came down, he saw that Hai Dafu, Chen Cong and the others had all squatted down.

"There is indeed blood in this area." Hai Dafu's face became serious.

"Jiang Chao, your judgement might be right." Hai Dafu personally and carefully extracted the blood trail.

"Could it be that the blood stains on the stairs were caused by the dead bodies being injured?" Chen Cong who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke out.

Chen Cong's words were strict.

Hai Dafu then opened his mouth: "It should be when the dead person was unconscious that they dropped onto this flight of stairs. Jiang Chao's judgement is not wrong, the most suspicious point is that Tian Wenhui's room is on the second floor, why did they send him upstairs?"

After taking the blood sample, Hai Dafu brought Jiang Chao and the others to the balcony on the top floor.

The balcony on the top floor did not belong in a room. It was the only crime scene they had overlooked.

And this time, Hai Dafu didn't need to rely on the luminescent ammonia that he obtained to discover the remnants of the blood samples on the balcony on the top floor.

Looking down from this position, if one were to see it from a height of three stories, it was very likely that it would be fatal.

"Sun Shanwu, you go down alone to take your samples. Chen Cong, Jiang Chao, and the other two follow me down, don't alert the others." Hai Dafu told Jiang Chao and the others to keep it a secret.

Jiang Chao and the others also silently followed Hai Dafu downstairs.

When Hai Dafu and the rest reached downstairs, Guo Zhaoyun had some matters to attend to and had already left. The person in charge of the Foundation asked Hai Dafu and the others, "Section Chief Hai, how is the investigation going?"

"Nothing." Hai Dafu covered up.

Hai Dafu then asked the person in charge a few more questions.

Hai Dafu doing this was obviously to stall for time.

Sun Shanwu took this opportunity to investigate the sample outside.

When Sun Shanwu returned, Hai Dafu said: "We have already closed the basement door, we are very grateful to all of you to cooperate in the investigation."

"It's alright, Section Chief Hai, if you still need to investigate the site, our Foundation will still cooperate." The manager of the foundation said with a smile.

After waiting for Hai Dafu and the others to get on the scene of the investigation, Sun Shanwu then said: Section Chief, from the area around the balcony, we discovered a large amount of blood stains, it seems like Tian Wenhui was pushed down by someone to the ground and died.

"Now, everything is hypothetical. Take this blood sample and go back to appraise it. If it really is Tian Wenhui's blood sample, then we have to proceed with our next investigation." Hai Dafu said.

Hai Dafu and the others returned to the city police station.

At least Tian Xin's case had progressed a little.

In truth, the culprit was Guo Zhaoyun, but the current chain of evidence was still insufficient to apprehend him.

Just as they were about to get off work, Jiang Chao went to find Shi Shubing.

Shi Shubing, on the other hand, was busy dealing with a criminal case and was getting busier than ever.

A city with tens of millions of cities might lack a Disneyland and an Eastern Jewel Pagoda, but the only thing they lacked was the grudges of fighting and killing.

"Captain Shi, I'll bring Dongdong back first." Jiang Chao informed Shi Shubing.

Right now, Shi Shubing's office was surrounded by a few excited family members.

Some were crying while others were cursing. It was even more lively than the pork stalls in the market.

It was hard for Shi Shubing to fight against four people on her own. If it wasn't for the Zhao coordinating from the side, she would have been unable to hold on for much longer.

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