"But we were at the scene just now, Jiang Chao you saw that there were no traces of it being flipped over, and the Thai Buddha tablet and sandalwood bracelet on the dead person's neck are both very valuable, but the culprit did not take it for granted, which means that the possibility of the culprit plundering and murdering us is very small, and the element of revenge is more."

"In other words, if the culprit was a member of a gang, his status would not be low?" Jiang Chao guessed.

Since Ah Jiu Liu was an elder member of the 13th Underground organization, his residence must be worth a lot of things, but the criminal did not move at all, meaning that the other party was not lacking in money.

However, as for the matter of the case, leave it to Captain Shi and the others. We will just provide them with the evidence and directions. " Qiu Ning said.

Qiu Ning gave the Necropsy Report to Shi Shubing who was waiting patiently.

After Shi Shubing looked at the Necropsy Report, she asked Qiu Ning: "Professor Qiu, did the killer use a towel to strangle Ah Jiu Liu?"

"Yes, and this person should have a criminal record. His anti-detection awareness is very strong. I saw that there are no scratches on the corpse, so it would be very difficult to obtain fingerprints." Qiu Ning said.

"Alright, I'll report this to the Leader." Shi Shubing nodded.

It was obvious that this was a case of revenge, but whether it was an act of retaliation from Hongyi or not, they had to investigate further.

After taking the Necropsy Report, Shi Shubing immediately drove to the city police station.

And because Qiu Ning still had other things to say to Jiang Chao, Jiang Chao didn't ride with him.

Furthermore, Qiu Ning would have to drive the investigation car back to the city police station soon.

"Jiang Chao, go back to school next Thursday. You have both your diploma and diploma out, and they will be issued uniformly next Thursday morning." Qiu Ning said.

"Alright, Sister Qiu." Jiang Chao nodded.

"You can consider yourself lucky. Next week, there will be a recruitment event in the school. Other than the three of you who were specially recruited to the city police station, the other new graduates will also have to submit their resumes at the recruitment event." Qiu Ning sighed.

The current employment situation was really not optimistic. After finishing the Medical School, there were still a lot of graduates from other industries.

When Jiang Chao heard this, he let out a wry smile and said: "Sister Qiu, Intern Forensic Pathologist's examination deadline is three months, didn't Section Chief Hai say that, in the end, there might be one or two people remaining. If my grade is not up to standard, then what happens to me …"

"Work hard. It's getting late, what do you want to eat?" I'll treat you. " Qiu Ning said.

"There's no need, Sister Qiu. I still have some matters to attend to tonight, so I have to return early." Jiang Chao laughed.

Because Dongdong was staying at home, Jiang Chao knew that Hu Xueying's injuries had not recovered yet, so he could not always let Hu Xueying go out to buy food for him.

"Then I'll send you off." Qiu Ning knew that Jiang Chao was currently living in the small district beside the city police station.

She drove Jiang Chao back to the city police station.

After Jiang Chao bade farewell to Qiu Ning, he walked to the door of the rented house. When he arrived at the door, he was surprised to find an old woman who was dressed in a red woolen sweater that was in her fifties crying in a low voice.

Jiang Chao sized up the old lady who was wearing a red sweater and felt that she looked a little familiar.

"Auntie, are you alright?" The old woman's clothes were a little shabby. Furthermore, the weather was now hot, and wearing a woolen sweater seemed a little abnormal. However, Jiang Chao did not discriminate against it.

When the old lady saw Jiang Chao, she awkwardly wiped her tears away and did not communicate with Jiang Chao either. She quickly walked down the stairs.

The old lady's strange actions made Jiang Chao a little confused.

Jiang Chao glanced at the old lady's back, he wanted to ask some questions.

After all, the fact that a stranger was crying right in front of their home made them feel a little panicked.

But after thinking about it, Jiang Chao still took out the key to open the door.

As he walked in, Jiang Chao smelled the aroma of food.

Jiang Chao went up to the attic where he was meditating.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Hu Xueying slowly opened his eyes.

"If there's no food, there's something in the heat preservation pot in the kitchen." Hu Xueying said.

"Xueying, did you make it yourself?" Jiang Chao asked curiously.

The oil hood in the kitchen wasn't broken, but it didn't work as well. With the smell of food coming from the house, someone must have been cooking at home.

But since Dongdong was young, the only one who cooked was Hu Xueying.

"There's nothing strange about cooking. Did you see that woman outside the door just now?" Hu Xueying brought up the sobbing old lady at the door.

"I saw her. That auntie is really weird. She is standing at our door and crying." Jiang Chao said.

"This is the second time she's been here since we moved here. I saw her through the peephole in the anti-theft door. She should be the woman in red from the photo we found when we rented the house." Hu Xueying said.

"That woman in red?" Jiang Chao frowned, he recalled that when he rented the house through the agent, he found an incomplete photo in the bathroom.

At that time, the picture was still scattered all over the place. At that time, Jiang Chao and Hu Xueying had pieced together the picture and the woman's face in the picture was incomplete. However, Jiang Chao could still remember the red woolen sweater.

Now that he thought about it, it was no wonder that when he saw the old lady just now, Jiang Chao felt that she looked familiar. The old lady's red woolen sweater was actually worn by the woman in red in the photo.

"Looks like something really happened in this house. Otherwise, that auntie wouldn't have come here twice."

"Paper can't hold a fire. After living here for so long, what exactly happened in this house will spread to my ears sooner or later. Alright, go eat first. After you finish eating, rest for fifteen minutes and then start cultivating." Hu Xueying said.

Under Hu Xueying's supervision, it was impossible for Jiang Chao to waste even a second.

Listening to Hu Xueying, Dongdong had already eaten. Jiang Chao went to the kitchen to open up the heat preservation pot. The greedy smell of the food made Jiang Chao unable to refrain from inhaling two breaths.

Jiang Chao never thought that Hu Xueying could actually cook such good food. After tasting it, Jiang Chao could not help but admire Hu Xueying's skill, his cooking skills almost reaching the level of a professional chef.

Flowers two apiece.

In the Fifth People's Hospital of Ha City.

Jiang Chao was unable to enter the Inpatient Department, but Guo Zhaoyun appeared in the single room that Tian Xin resided in.

Right now, there were only Guo Zhaoyun and Tian Xin in the room.

Tian Xin's eyes were ringed black, her face was haggard, and her lips were somewhat shriveled.

"You bitch …" Sooner or later … You'll be punished by the law. " Tian Xin said with a slightly weak aura.

Although Tian Xin's aura was a bit weak, her eyes still stared at Guo Zhaoyun with intense hatred.

As the truth of Tian Wenhui's case was revealed, step by step, Tian Xin finally understood that her mother was killed by Guo Zhaoyun and her father's death was also caused by Guo Zhaoyun.

Yet looking at such a Tian Xin, Guo Zhaoyun didn't reveal the slightest bit of fear or guilt.

Instead, her lips curved into a smile as she picked up an injection bottle.

"Little girl, do you know what this medicine is?" Guo Zhaoyun said to Tian Xin with a face full of smiles.

Guo Zhaoyun's smile was filled with confidence, as if Tian Xin's words were unable to escape her control.

"B * tch, let me tell you, maybe tomorrow, at the latest the day after tomorrow, everything will come to light. At that time, not only will you not get anything, you'll also have to pay for everything you've done!"

"And I will personally skin you and pull your tendons out!" Tian Xin bit her lips to the point that they almost broke out of her hatred.

Hearing that, Guo Zhaoyun laughed: "Then I will be waiting for that day, little girl, let's continue with the previous topic, this bottle of medicine is called ergot diacetate, it is commonly known as hallucinogen, it is known as LSD. In the past, when you were trying to treat depression, there was a LSD, but at that time I gave you a small amount, it was just a hallucination.

"But from now on, I'll ask the doctor to give you an increase in the dosage of this medicine. This medicine will make you suffer a life worse than death, but if you're willing to tell me the true whereabouts of the meridian, I can spare you the pain of living."

Guo Zhaoyun leisurely took out the LSD injection and gave Tian Xin two choices.

After Tian Xin heard this, she glared at Guo Zhaoyun. Tian Xin struggled, but her hands and feet were tied to the side of the bed.

Tian Xin really wanted to go down and tear off Guo Zhaoyun's clothes. She hated this slut in front of her to the bones!

"Slut, I will never compromise with you. You just wait. Sooner or later, I will make you suffer a hundred times more than I do!" Tian Xin's eyes were bloodshot, and she said with her shrill voice.

"Is that so? "It seems like you really don't want to drink. A bottle of LSD doesn't seem to be enough for you. I'll get the doctor to prepare more for you." Guo Zhaoyun was still smiling merrily.

After she leisurely finished speaking, she actually left Tian Xin's room.

But after coming out of the single room, Guo Zhaoyun's expression immediately became gloomy and gloomy.

"Tell Doctor Wang to increase the dosage of the medicine on Tian Xin. Also, ask Xiao Yong to contact Luo Xiaofeng, I want to meet her personally." Guo Zhaoyun said to the driver who had been waiting for her at the door.

"Yes, President Guo." The driver immediately said respectfully.

In this society, there were many people who were like gold and jade, but for the sake of profit, their minds were covered in dust. They were like walking corpses, no matter how bright their appearance was, they emitted a disgusting rotten smell from within.

Jiang Chao only practiced the Nine Yang Sword Technique on the balcony at night.

Tomorrow is a new week, Jiang Chao also wished to go to work full.

After he finished cultivating the Nine Yang Sword Technique, he returned to the pavilion and started cultivating.

This piece of jade seed could still be absorbed by Jiang Chao for a long period of time, but Hu Xueying's piece had obviously dimmed down.

According to Hu Xueying, when the jade seed material looked dark and muddy, it could not be used anymore.

The next day, Jiang Chao woke up early and went to the city police station.

Originally, he had planned to communicate with Dongdong yesterday to let him return to school. However, after thinking about what Dongdong had experienced, it was best to let him adjust at home.

After going to the Criminal Investigation Technology Section, Director Zhu and Sun Shanwu did not disappoint as expected, and the blood test was already completed.

"It's the same as the blood sample collected at the first crime scene. The bloodstain at the location of the fall should be Tian Wenhui's bloodstain." Director Zhu said.

As for Hai Dafu, he looked at the blood test report that Director Zhu handed to him, furrowed his brows and said, "Director Zhu, if we can find Tian Xin, pairing Tian Xin's blood with this blood sample and prove the connection between the two, is it more convincing legally?"

"Yes, but the condition is that we have to find Tian Xin." Dean Zhu had also heard of Tian Wenhui's case.

Shi Shubing however, walked to the entrance of Hai Dafu's office.

"Jiang Chao, what are you doing here?" Shi Shubing asked curiously.

Jiang Chao stood hesitantly at the door to Hai Dafu's office.

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