"Then go to my bedroom." Chen Cong thought for a while and said.

Jiang Chao and Chen Cong went to the bedroom and sat on the bed.

Jiang Chao stood to the side and checked Chen Cong's pulse.

Jiang Chao could be said to have opened his meridians without any help. After cultivating the Nine Suns True Spell, he was naturally more sensitive than normal people to feel the pulses.

From the pulse's intensity and frequency, not only was Jiang Chao able to determine whether a person's body was healthy or not, he could also determine where that person's illness came from.

But when Jiang Chao checked Chen Cong's pulse this way, he accidentally discovered that not only did Chen Cong have epilepsy, his heart was also beating strong and weak at times. It was also beating very quickly, at least twice as fast as a normal man's pace.

"How is it?" Chen Cong asked with a sickly face.

"The situation is not too good, Chen Cong, do you have heart problems?" Jiang Chao said after hesitating for a moment.

"Angina pectoris has been a frequent occurrence since the end of training." Chen Cong hesitated before he spoke the truth.

In the past, when he was in university, Chen Cong did not train very hard. During training, the training intensity was so strong that Chen Cong did not want to drag him down any longer.

But after the training ended, Chen Cong felt his heart aching, and the pain was getting worse.

"Maybe it's because you have too much activity, your body is weak, your heart is easily drained of blood, and you look like you have a cold. The best way to deal with your current situation is to rest at home for a few days." Jiang Chao said.

"Jiang Chao, my situation is considered serious. I still do not dare to go to the hospital." Chen Cong also studied medicine and thought that he had suffered from coronary heart disease.

"I can't say it's serious, but if you don't pay attention and your body doesn't adjust, then this disease will fall easily." Jiang Chao said.

"Chen Cong, take off your jacket, I'll give you a push." Jiang Chao said.

After Chen Cong heard this, he took off his jacket.

And when Chen Cong revealed the upper half of his body, Jiang Chao looked at Chen Cong's back.

Before he cultivated the Nine Suns True Spell, when Jiang Chao looked in the mirror, he felt that his body looked like a 'ribs'.

Now that he saw Chen Cong, Jiang Chao felt that he could be considered strong and sturdy. Although Chen Cong looked normal on the surface, but after taking off his clothes, his body became extremely thin.

Hu Xueying had taught Jiang Chao how to treat his illness before, and as time passed by, Jiang Chao gained more and more understanding of the meridians in the human body and the various methods to strengthen the body with Qi.

Jiang Chao placed both hands on Chen Cong's back as he slowly guided him forward.

And when Jiang Chao placed his hands on Chen Cong's back, Chen Cong felt a warm air penetrating his chest, and that kind of heart-wrenching pain, was also gradually dissipated by the warm air.

Jiang Chao helped Chen Cong to breathe.

Meanwhile, at the Blue Ocean Cloud Sky Bath.

The turtledove sat in a van with dark glasses.

"Did you see Chief B?" the turtledove asked coldly.

"Not yet, Brother Jiu. Brother Jiu, do you think that big boss B won't be afraid to come? " A lackey with an airplane head smiled apologetically.

"Do you really have a fucking whimsical imagination, Big B doesn't dare to come? That old fogey B has a lot of balls, but remember this, that old fogey B is an old fox, he probably made some arrangements beforehand, so you guys should keep an eye on the situation around you. " The turtledove glared at some of the hoodlums beside him.

"Then Brother Jiu, are you still going in?" The head of the plane said.

"This is truly bullshit. He dares to enter even when he likes it? Do I not dare to enter?" The turtledove glared at him.

Chief Boss B asked for Tan Huanxi and the turtledove through the spicy chicken in the morning.

Tan Huanxi told the spicy chicken to tell the boss that the meeting location was in his Jade Sea Cloud Sky.

The time big boss would decide, but even the scheming Tan Huanxi did not expect that the big boss would directly set the time at night.

Seventeen minutes later, a black Maserati CEO stopped in front of the gates of the Cloudy Heavens Sect.

A youth who looked to be about 14 or 15 years old and wearing a black suit alighted from the car.

The young man held an umbrella in his hand as he cautiously looked around.

When the young man saw the van of the turtledove, he sized it up.

The young man then opened the umbrella in his hand and placed it in front of President Maserati's car.

The youth then opened the car door, and a man wearing a domed hat got off.

This man wearing a dome shaped hat looked to be around Tan Huanxi's age and wore a pair of glasses.

He was wearing a grayish-brown windbreaker.

"Let's go, we'll meet our old friends." The man in the domed hat said with a faint smile.

"Someone is watching." The youth holding the umbrella spoke in a daze.

"Let those trash monitor us. Number 13 is finally at an end. It's time to end their self-directed farce." The man wearing the domed hat had a smile plastered on his face.

The man with the domed hat walked into the blue sky with the young man.

And in the van with the turtledove.

The guy with the plane's head wondered, "Brother Jiu, don't you think that old man with the hat is Big Boss B?"

"Yes, it's him! Fuck, big boss B this guy, he only brought a child with him. All of you get off the car. Take a good look. See if he brought anyone else!" The turtledove said with some worry.

In a fierce battle between gangsters, it was as if they were taking advantage of the situation.

The underworld didn't talk about righteousness and morality, playing dirty was a common trick used by these people.

Other than Dove, the rest got out of the car, but when they came back, the guy with the plane's head said, "Brother Dove, I didn't see Chief B bringing someone over, but his driver is still in the car."

"Rookie, tell the person you're in contact with to continue waiting. Stay in this car and watch the situation. The others will follow me inside." said the turtledove.

"Yes, Brother Jiu."

The turtledove had been so careful, but once he got out of the car, he began to swagger.

They entered the blue sky above the sea.

A waiter immediately came over with a smile.

"Brother Dove, our boss is waiting for you in the bathing pool." The waiter said with a smile.

13th, Hongyi. Both sides have been clashing frequently recently.

Tan Huanxi, Zang Jiu, and the big boss of Hongyi met each other in the Jade Sea's Cloud Sky.

And at Chen Cong's home, Jiang Chao was circulating Nine Suns True Spell, taking care of Chen Cong's body.

Jiang Chao tried the method that Hu Xueying taught him on Chen Cong's body.

40 minutes later, Chen Cong's coughing stopped, and his heart gradually returned to normal.

"Chen Cong, drink more water these few days. Pay attention to your rest and also take care to air out when you are not in the bedroom. Don't close the windows too tightly, or else the air will become airless, which will easily produce germs." Jiang Chao said as he took his hand off Chen Cong's back.

"Feeling better?" Jiang Chao asked again.

"Much better. Thank you, Jiang Chao. " Chen Cong wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"We are all colleagues, Chen Cong you are too polite, it's getting late, I will go back first." Jiang Chao stood up.

Jiang Chao was also currently drenched in sweat. Nine Suns True Spell was the most positive method, when pushed to the limit, the surface of his body would unavoidably exude hot sweat.

"Let's sit for a while longer, Jiang Chao." Chen Cong asked for his to stay, somewhat embarrassed.

"No, I have to go to work tomorrow. Chen Cong, you don't need to be too anxious to go to the unit. Jiang Chao intentionally asked.

If Jiang Chao did not specifically say that, then Chen Cong would probably go to work the next day.

It was not that Jiang Chao did not want to involve Chen Cong in the case, but Chen Cong's current condition did indeed require a few days of rest.

"Alright." Chen Cong hesitated, but still nodded his head.

After Jiang Chao and his farewells, they drove back to the city police station.

But Jiang Chao was not there yet, so Shi Shubing called Jiang Chao.

"Jiang Chao, come to the Cloudy Heavens in Bi Hai now. There might be a situation over here, we need two medical examiners there."

"And the other one is?" Jiang Chao asked.

"Not yet." Shi Shubing spoke the truth.

She was the first Jiang Chao to contact her.

After Jiang Chao heard this, he recommended, "Captain Shi, how about Thaksa and I go? We have experience dealing with this kind of thing."

"Then, within 25 minutes, come with her to the side of Jade Sea's Cloud Sky." Shi Shubing looked at the time and said.

"Alright." Twenty-five minutes was indeed a little long, but at least Jiang Chao was driving a car called the Bmw X5.

When Jiang Chao reached the entrance of Thaksa's courtyard, he was already at the entrance of the small district.

Although she was tired during the day, Thaksa was afraid that she would be eliminated.

"Jiang Chao, do you know what kind of case it is?" Thaksa asked as he got on the car.

"I don't know. Captain Shi told us to come here within 25 minutes, but we have less than 9 minutes." The red light in front of him lit up, and Jiang Chao immediately rushed out.

Jiang Chao spent another three minutes to get to the scene.

Shi Shubing looked at Jiang Chao and Thaksa, but did not reprimand them.

Of course, if it was someone from the Criminal Police Division who was late, Shi Shubing would definitely teach them a lesson.

"Captain Shi, are you still here today for the Shang Kun case?" Jiang Chao asked curiously.

No, Shang Kun's case, the shooting case, as well as the two gang leaders involved in your group battle this morning, tonight we will meet at Bi Hai's Cloud Sky side, and we will call for the monitoring system. There are already many hooligans waiting nearby, and the situation is extremely tense. Shi Shubing explained.

"Captain Shi, why didn't the police arrest all these people? If they were all captured, there wouldn't be so much trouble …" Thaksa, who was at the side, did not understand.

"We also want to capture all these scum, but these scum

We can't just grab people without catching them by the tail. " Shi Shubing explained.

Inside the Jade Sea Cloud Sky, Tan Huanxi, Dove and the big boss B sat together.

The three of them were all naked in the water.

"Old B, do you remember when I was young, you invited me to take a bath in a nearby hot spring?" Tan Huanxi said while beaming.

"Of course I remember. That day when you just came out of the police station, you insisted on looking for a woman. I didn't have any money at that time, and this is an outdoor bath. I brought you here to see a woman for free." Chief B's hair was already bald, and he looked ordinary. If it weren't for the clothes he wore, it would be impossible to tell that he was above average.

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