When and him were initially being followed by Guo Zhaoyun's people, he and Tian Xin had chosen to slip away in the midst of Birch Forest and escape, avoiding the pursuit of Guo Zhaoyun's people.

Looking at the van that had stopped in front of him, Jiang Chao had a face full of suspicion. What were they stopping for?

"This place looks really dark and cold. How scary." Thaksa said somewhat fearfully.

"Thaksa, get off the carriage first. With me here, you don't have to be afraid. Jiang Chao said calmly.

Thaksa nodded.

Even though Thaksa was a mixed race, she had grown up within the Ha City. She looked around for a while before saying, "Jiang Chao, if my memory is correct, this place should be the unmarked cemetery in the northern suburbs, right?"

"Yes, their actions are very strange. Thaksa, you follow me. Try your best not to make a sound." Jiang Chao said.

"Okay," Thaksa nodded, "This group of people are really bold, even though I am studying medicine as a medical examiner, I do not like coming to this kind of gloomy place."

"Lower your voice. If you speak too loudly over here, it will be easy for the other party to notice you." Jiang Chao made a gesture of silence.

And Thaksa did not dare to follow Jiang Chao behind.

If Jiang Chao was alone, he naturally didn't have to worry about anything. But now that he was with Thaksa, Jiang Chao's advancing speed had become much slower.

Dozens of meters away, Rooster and a few of the hoodlums had removed the woven bags containing the bodies of the turtledove from the trunk of the van.

At this moment, Tian Chou's forehead was covered in cold sweat.

He reported his boss and watched as his boss was killed by someone.

They were all the subordinates of the turtledove, so they were allowed to handle the turtledove's body by themselves. It was done at Tan Huanxi's behest, the turtledove had already been 'dealt with by the family law', and Tan Huanxi would definitely take over as this year's representative.

If they did not listen to Tan Huanxi, not only would they not have a place in the society, they might even be in danger of losing their lives.

"Heaven Chicken, don't be afraid. Now that the turtledove has fallen, if we don't choose a new position, how are we going to survive in the society?" The other hoodlum, knowing that his heart was in turmoil, started to enlighten him.

"Amin, do you think the others who are following Brother Jiu will take revenge on us if word of this gets out?" Field Chicken seemed to be afraid.

"Revenge?" The other hoodlum was amused.

The other people are not idiots. Besides, the reason why we cooperated with the boss B to report the turtledove was also because the turtledove killed Ninth Uncle. It could be considered a meritorious general of the society, so what reason do the others have to take revenge on us? "" Another hoodlum said.

"Alright, stop f * cking daydreaming. Hurry up and dispose of the dead turtledove's corpse, lest you cause unnecessary trouble at night." Another hoodlum said.

"Then take the shovel and let's choose a place." After hearing what the hoodlum had said, he felt slightly more at ease.

The field chicken and the others carried the turtledove's corpse into the depths of Birch Forest.

Jiang Chao followed closely behind them.

Zang Jiu had always been a domineering person, but he probably never would have thought that the people he trusted would turn the tables on him.

After choosing an inconspicuous spot, they began to dig.

Seeing that, Jiang Chao quietly greeted Thaksa, and they temporarily returned to Bmw X5.

"Jiang Chao, what do you think these people are doing digging at night?" Thaksa was puzzled.

"Right now, I'm not sure either. Let's just wait and see." Jiang Chao had already guessed a few things, but Jiang Chao did not dare make any claims.

While Jiang Chao and Thaksa carefully waited in the carriage for nearly two hours, only then did Tian Chou and the others leave from the Birch Forest Graveyard.

He watched as the minivan turned on its lights and sped away.

Jiang Chao opened the car door and said to Thaksa: "Thaksa, let's get out of the car."

"Alright." Thaksa followed Jiang Chao out of the car.

Jiang Chao then brought Thaksa to the place where Tian Chou and the others were digging.

But at this time, the place was already filled up, and when Jiang Chao stepped on it, the soil that was filled up was extremely soft.

"Jiang Chao, do you think they buried something here?" Thaksa also noticed the abnormality.

"Let's try digging this way first. If there's really something down here, we can contact the Captain Shi later." Jiang Chao said.

"But we don't have tools like shovels or shovels." Thaksa was puzzled.

"And at this time, the hardware store is closed." Thaksa said again.

"Just pluck it with your hands. This soil is very soft." Jiang Chao didn't think too much about it.

After saying that, Jiang Chao immediately started his hand in.

Thaksa was startled, but she also squatted down and started to dig.

Fortunately, they didn't fill up the hole too deeply and only dug a shallow hole to cover it with a layer of soil.

Otherwise, Jiang Chao and the rest would have had to waste several hours here.

When they flipped over the soil that was filled with soil, both Jiang Chao and Thaksa were drenched in sweat. Although Thaksa was just helping by the side, her physique was still far too inferior to Jiang Chao's.

When she saw the woven bag, Thaksa immediately collapsed on the ground.

"Jiang Chao... "Open it up and take a look. See what's inside …" Thaksa gasped.

"Alright." Jiang Chao untied the woven bag that was tied up tightly.

And after seeing the 'item' inside, Jiang Chao's expression became serious.

The contents of the Weaving Bag was exactly as Jiang Chao had speculated, the contents of the Weaving Bag was the dead turtledove, and when Thaksa walked over to the Weaving Bag to take a look, she was stunned.

"..." How to... Was it a male corpse? "

"This person is the turtle-dove. It seems that what happened in the blue sky above the sea just now was completely unexpected to us." Jiang Chao said calmly.

"..." "Then what should we do now …" Thaksa treated Jiang Chao as his backbone.

"Contact the Captain Shi." Jiang Chao picked up his phone and called Shi Shubing.

Shi Shubing was still in the city center. She had fought with Tan Huanxi for more than two hours, but Tan Huanxi was indeed an old cunning fox.

Shi Shubing also had no evidence, so he could only detain him first.

Jiang Chao said that he had made a major discovery at the Birch Forest in the northern suburbs.

When Shi Shubing rushed to the scene with her police force and saw the turtledove's corpse, she was also surprised.

Just now, someone had reported that Ah Jiu Liu was killed by the turtle-dove, and even brought out evidence in support. He did not expect the turtle-dove to die just like that.

"Jiang Chao, it's getting late, you guys can go back first. I will contact the Section Chief Hai for your autopsy tomorrow." Shi Shubing said.

"Then, Captain Shi, don't be busy. We'll head back first." Jiang Chao also asked with concern.

Shi Shubing nodded. Of course, looking at the situation tonight, it would be impossible to not be busy to the point where it was too late.

Jiang Chao sent Thaksa back.

Although Thaksa was a little tired, she was still very excited. If she could settle this matter with the turtledove, then her examination results would definitely be higher.

"It's already past two in the morning. I'll see you in five hours." Thaksa laughed.

"Go to bed early and get up early. Don't go to the office and be listless." Jiang Chao instructed.

"Don't worry, Jiang Chao, you should also go back and sleep for a while." Thaksa said before they parted ways.

"Alright." Jiang Chao drove back to the city police station.

Back in the rented room, Jiang Chao went up to the attic and immediately meditated and started cultivating.

The next morning, Liu Yan ordered them to go to the funeral parlor instead of the city center.

Arriving at the funeral home, Liu Yan took the lead and brought Jiang Chao and the others to start inspecting the turtledove's body.

The turtledove is technically dead, but the state has its own laws and regulations. Apart from the execution by court, the other killings that have not been handled and approved by the Department of Public Prosecutions are illegal.

"The dead man looked as if he had been strangled." Jiang Chao checked and said.

"Based on what? There's more than just the bruises on his neck." This time, Liu Yan gave his authority to Jiang Chao and Thaksa, so they could freely display their powers.

Liu Yan pointed to the wound on the turtledove's head.

The turtledove's head had been smashed by someone, and the wound was likely made by a blunt instrument. The wound was irregular and had a large area of damage.

And the blood on the turtledove's face came from the wound on his head.

In the face of Liu Yan's doubt, Jiang Chao opened his mouth and said unhurriedly: "Sister Liu, look, even though his head was severely injured, his skull is not fractured, and the most obvious feature of the traumatic intracranial hemorrhage, the epidural hemorrhage, was not revealed. Although it was hit by a blunt weapon, the possibility of death from intracranial hemorrhage is very small.

"Besides, the deceased must have had a fight with someone. The head and face of the corpse were bleeding under the skin, which is a typical sign of strangulation."

"You are right. If there is no intracranial hemorrhage after the autopsy and your words are proven to be correct, then Jiang Chao, your assessment's evaluation this time will be excellent. But if you are blindly judging, then I am sorry, but I will give you a bad evaluation on your examination results this time." Liu Yan said without holding back.

Liu Yan was not like Qiu Ning, who would more or less take care of Jiang Chao and Thaksa by a little, while Liu Yan's score was purely based on their performance.

Liu Yan was so strict that he wanted to add on, but she was too scared to speak.

On the other hand, Jiang Chao said confidently: "Sister Liu, let's begin the dissecting. If I'm wrong, I'm willing to be punished."

"You said so yourself." Liu Yan started to use his electric skull saw to cut open the corpse's skull.

This motorized skull saw is the first tool to cut through the skull. Its serrated blade can vibrate slightly and quickly, thus avoiding cuts to soft tissue and the hands of the anatomists when the skull is cut.

The downside, however, is that when it works, it tends to raise up a lot of potentially infectious aerosols.

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