And when he raised his hand to gesture once again, he revealed a shocking secret.

It turned out that Big Boss B had found out about the Bao Tou's background through his investigations, and Hongyi was also involved in the border smuggling business. Big Boss B just so happened to know a North Korean businessman who was connected to China, and this businessman had a lot of power, so he was able to find Bao Tou's family members based on the clues provided by Big Boss B.

As for Big Boss B, with the help of this businessman, he used the safety of Bao Tou's family members as a threat, forcing Bao Tou to give up on the thought of fleeing to Korea, and returned to the Ha City.

After the interrogation, not only did Shi Shubing not let go of the stone in her heart, it seemed to have become even heavier.

The big boss had no good intentions. The most likely reason why the big boss had sent the Bao Tou over was to eliminate Tan Huanxi and weaken Number 13's power.

If the police hadn't planned out the strategy in advance, there was a high chance that Hongyi would dominate the whole world in the future, and the situation then would be even harder to control than it was now.

Captain, the Bao Tou has already explained everything. With the information and records here, the one who killed Shang Kun is Tan Huanxi. Shi Shubing said.

"There are enough evidence to arrest Tan Huanxi. Contact him, let's go to the Jade Sea Cloud Sky." Yue Peng immediately put on his hat and said.

Yue Peng and his contacts were preparing to arrest Tan Huanxi.

And in the Medical School.

Jiang Chao and Thaksa were sitting in the classroom.

He had not returned to the Medical School in a long time, and went through all sorts of trials and hardships in the city police station. When he arrived at the classroom, Jiang Chao actually felt that he was not used to it.

However, Jiang Chao and Thaksa had already become the stars of the class, and many people took the initiative to get closer to them.

Jiang Shengnan, who looked like Third Fatty Jin, sat in the corner and looked at Jiang Chao with an unsettled expression.

Jiang Shengnan used to look down on Jiang Chao, but that day, he lost miserably at Jiang Chao's hands and got beaten up by him.

Originally, Jiang Shengnan wanted to find someone to take revenge on Jiang Chao, but he was already in the water and was about to enter the city police station, so he had to suppress the anger in his heart.

"Brother Jiang, look at that smug Jiang Chao. Isn't he just working at the city police station? A vulgar nose male student walked over to Jiang Shengnan's side and asked.

"Yeah, even if he enters the city police station to work, he might not be able to stay. This time, the three specially recruited doctors from the city police station are all Intern Forensic Pathologist s, I heard that both Thaksa and the President of the Student Union, Chen Cong are here, and it seems that there can only be one or two people who can turn positive in the end." Jiang Shengnan said with a similar sour tone.

And these sarcastic remarks from Jiang Shengnan and the scolded male student did not dare to be spoken in front of Jiang Chao.

Right now, Jiang Chao was not an ordinary person. He was a Intern Forensic Pathologist who had stepped into the market, and was much stronger than Jiang Shengnan and the other jobless people.

A large portion of the students in the class came over.

When Jiang Chao and Thaksa saw Chen Cong, Chen Cong was arranging for people from the student union to bring their graduation certificate and school certificate to the stage.

Jiang Chao looked at Chen Cong's complexion. Compared to that night when Jiang Chao went to visit him at his house, he seemed to have recovered a lot.

But from the looks of it, Chen Cong had not fully recovered, and was already panting from working hard.

Chen Cong and Jiang Chao were not in the same class. Chen Cong arranged for people to put down their diplomas and diplomas before he left.

When he left, Chen Cong also saw Jiang Chao. Chen Cong smiled at Jiang Chao.

To be honest, if not for Jiang Chao, Chen Cong would probably still be staying at home.

After waiting for another seven or eight minutes, Qiu Ning reached the podium.

Looking at the gathered students below the stage, Qiu Ning suddenly thought back to the time when she would graduate. And when her gaze landed on Jiang Chao's face, Qiu Ning once again thought back to the 'he' who had been buried in her heart for a long time.

Today is a good thing, but there is also a bad thing. The good thing is that everyone who has completed their studies perfectly can officially graduate, and the bad thing is that graduation is equal to unemployment, and you will soon face the next important choice in your life. And the more ambitious students, you can stay in school for a few more days. Qiu Ning said.

After she finished speaking, Qiu Ning said, "Alright, next, we will issue the graduation certificate and the diploma. The student whose name I have read out will come up to receive the graduation certificate and the diploma."

"The first one is Wang Gang."

"The second Wu Sikai."

"The third one."

Qiu Ning began to call people up on stage to get their diploma and graduation certificate.

When she called out to Jiang Chao, Qiu Ning said to him: "Jiang Chao, tell Thaksa that it's probably after next week, and you guys have to go and train at the basic level."

"As for the specific arrangements, I will inform you after Section Chief Hai and I have discussed them." Qiu Ning added.

"Alright, Sister Qiu." Jiang Chao nodded with a serious expression.

When they returned back to the city police station after the training, Hai Dafu had said that they would only be staying in the city for the next two weeks.

He returned to his seat with his diploma and diploma.

Before Jiang Chao could carefully look at the graduation certificate, Thaksa had already taken it.

To be honest, Jiang Chao, your background is not bad. You really should dress up properly. Thaksa joked.

"School grass..." Thaksa, you flatter me too much. " Jiang Chao awkwardly coughed.

"Oh right, Thaksa, Sister Qiu just said that we will be training at the basic level next week." Jiang Chao passed Qiu Ning's original words to Thaksa.

Thaksa was originally quite happy today, but when Jiang Chao said this, her heart immediately tensed up.

Lowering the base level meant that he had to face the unfamiliar environment and everything on his own. Thaksa was not confident by herself.

And Thaksa's worry was seen through by him.

"Thaksa, don't worry. Sister Qiu said that she will discuss the basic matters with his teacher." Jiang Chao said.

I really can't go to a place that is too far away. Furthermore, my grandma is too old, I'm afraid that something might have happened to her, so I can't go to a place too far away. Thaksa said with difficulty.

"Then take a look, I have to tell Sister Qiu about this beforehand." Jiang Chao agreed.

Jiang Chao and Thaksa chatted about going to the basic level to train while Qiu Ning passed out her graduation certificate and her student's identity card to them on the stage.

Once the proof of qualifications was issued, Qiu Ning looked at the restless students below the platform and said, "Everyone, don't worry. Let me talk about the recruitment event a bit more."

Everyone knows that there are three students in our Department of Forensic Medicine who, through the special recruitment of the Municipal Bureau, have already become the Intern Forensic Pathologist of the Municipal Bureau. As for those students who intend to go to the hospital to practice medicine and those who want to work in medical fields, we definitely cannot miss out on the recruitment for the Harper Drug Sixth Factory as well as the several major hospitals in the city in the next few days. Qiu Ning said.

Civil Affairs Bureau? Harper's Six Factory?

Not to mention a unit like the Civil Affairs Bureau, Harper's Sixth Factory is a well-known state-owned enterprise in the country.

If he could get into the Harper's Medicine factory, he would not be much different from the city's medical examiner. Furthermore, if he was in a sales position, he would be able to get a generous kickback.

After Qiu Ning finished speaking, the classroom was filled with discussions.

Qiu Ning then continued: "Everyone can go back and prepare your resume. Those that have already been cast can prepare for the interview.

When the show ended, many of the students in the class headed in the direction of the recruitment fair.

Graduating to becoming unemployed was not a joke. Someone like Jiang Chao was indeed enviable.

And Harper's six factories and the Civil Affairs Bureau are a rare opportunity.

Compared to those students who were rushing over, Jiang Chao and Thaksa seemed much more stable.

"Professor Qiu, Taipei City's Spring Festival, the reserved rooms have been reserved." Thaksa said as she quickly found Qiu Ning.

Thaksa, I have communicated with the Section Chief Hai before. In this training session, you can choose between the four places on your own, but the more security there is, or in a remote, undeveloped place, the easier it is to get additional points. You can decide for yourselves. When the time comes, I'll let you choose on your own. " Qiu Ning said.

Thaksa originally wanted to look for Qiu Ning for the back door, but when Qiu Ning said this, Thaksa's face immediately changed.

Thaksa hesitated, but then Jiang Chao said: "Sister Qiu, what if there is a special situation, for example, there is an old man at home who needs to be taken care of, and he wants to be arranged to be near the place."

"I will also take care of the special situation for a while. Of course, the period of time at the base level is very crucial. Try to do more work for your family." Qiu Ning said.

In fact, Jiang Chao didn't care about where the arrangements were, he was asking for Thaksa.

Jiang Chao nodded.

When they were walking out of the classroom, Thaksa seemed to have started to get anxious: "Jiang Chao, you don't know, my grandmother is already old, she doesn't have any other family members other than me, although she can cook by herself, but her health is very bad, I'm really afraid that something might happen to her."

You should discuss this situation with the Sister Qiu in the afternoon. If there is a difficult case, call me anytime Thaksa. Jiang Chao also understood Thaksa.

Jiang Chao was also only close to him, Mom.

Thaksa nodded.

Walking out of Medical School's door, Jiang Chao called Auntie Liu.

Auntie Liu said yesterday that she had the intention to sell his house, and Jiang Chao wanted to buy it today.

When Auntie Liu talked about the bank accounts, Jiang Chao took Thaksa to the bank to transfer the three hundred thirty thousand to Auntie Liu's account, then Jiang Chao took the voucher to the place where Auntie Liu was currently staying.

Jiang Chao told Thaksa about buying a house in Auntie Liu.

"Three hundred and thirty thousand, it is indeed cheap, but Jiang Chao, is this money from your family?" Thaksa asked with some surprise.

Jiang Chao's family situation did not seem to be good, where did he get so much money?

"I also borrowed some money from my relatives. It was mainly because this house was close to the city's police station and it was cheap. That's why I decided to buy it." Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

Jiang Chao and Thaksa were very close to each other, and he would definitely not be able to hide the matter of buying a house, so Jiang Chao did not hide it from Thaksa.

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