"Jiang Chao, the reason we came here today is to determine whether he was the one who killed the deceased or not. If he was the one who killed the deceased, then we need to set up a case." Qiu Ning said as he put on the plastic gloves.

Jiang Chao also put on his gloves, he nodded his head: "I understand Sister Qiu, there won't be any mistakes."

Jiang Chao squatted on the ground and carefully checked the bloodstains on the scene.

There was a man in Room 314 last night, but that didn't mean he had killed the victim.

What Jiang Chao needed to do now was to simulate the circumstances of the crime and deduce repeatedly if there were any factors behind it.

Jiang Chao looked at the location where the corpse had landed, then raised his head and looked at the open window of Room 314.

If the victim committed suicide and fell from the top of the building, the location of the landing and the building's location should not exceed one meter. However, it was obvious that there was something wrong with the corpse. Her landing spot was at least two meters away from the building.

Suicide falls, flat or sit-down pelvic fractures are common.

It was not uncommon for people to die on their heads.

Jiang Chao carefully checked every detail of the landing site.

In his mind, he simulated the scene of the dead man falling down the building.

However, a timid voice sounded from behind Jiang Chao.

"Are you guys from the Public Security Bureau?" It was the voice of a young girl.

Jiang Chao turned around and glanced at the young girl.

"Yes, what's wrong?" The one who answered was Qiu Ning, and Qiu Ning looked at the young girl from head to toe.

During the forensic investigation, the most taboo thing was to be disturbed by others. They might have just found a clue, but once they interrupted their train of thought, they would not be able to proceed on.

"I'm the one who hit 110. I'm also from the same hometown as the dead Sis Wu Na. Can we find somewhere else to talk …" The young girl looked around fearfully. She pursed her lips and felt a little nervous.

Seeing that the young girl seemed to have something to say, Qiu Ning hesitated.

However, Jiang Chao opened his mouth and said: "If you have anything to say, say it to me."

Whether it was the second or first scene, before the scene was over, there had to be someone here.

After Jiang Chao finished speaking, he turned to Qiu Ning and said, "Sister Qiu, I'll follow her and ask her what is going on."

"Alright, hurry up and come back after you're done asking." The reason why Qiu Ning allowed Jiang Chao to go was because this girl said that he was from the same hometown as the deceased.

After obtaining Qiu Ning's permission, Jiang Chao and this timid girl walked for a while and arrived near the factory's boiler room.

There weren't many people in the boiler room during the day, and they were far away from the car. Since it was business time, there weren't many people.

"What's your name?" Jiang Chao sized this young girl up.

The young girl was not considered beautiful. She was very thin and wore a braid of hemp. She was wearing a blue work suit. She usually looked rather frugal and wore cloth shoes under her feet.

"My name is Zhou Cui, I'm from the same place as Sis Wu Na, and I work in the same shop as her."

"I've already called the police. Sister Wu Na didn't commit suicide. She was pushed down. This is her cell phone. I don't dare to go to the police station. There's a text message for her from the killer." Reaching this point, Zhou Cui still appeared to be panicking.

She carefully looked to her left and right, then handed a mobile phone to Jiang Chao.

Jiang Chao took the phone, and with just a glance, he placed it in his pocket, which was a white homemade smartphone.

"How did you get this phone?" Jiang Chao asked.

"I found it on the bed after Sister Wu Na was pushed downstairs by that person. I often see that person sending a text message to Sister Wu Na on his phone." Zhou Cui said nervously.

"Who was the person who pushed Wu Na down the stairs? Is he also from a factory? " Jiang Chao hurriedly asked.

"That person is from the security department. I don't know his name, but he often comes to harass Sister Wu Na. He even forced Sister Wu Na and his family."

"Someone's coming. I have to go." Zhou Cui saw a worker in blue work clothes approaching from the distance and immediately asked in fear.

"Then what's your number? When you get off work, can I ask you to come out and talk to me?" Jiang Chao hurriedly said.

"Our factory is completely closed. We can't get out." Zhou Cui threw down her words and ran to avoid the worker's line of sight.

When Jiang Chao returned to Qiu Ning's side, he handed over the phone of the deceased Wu Na.

"This is?" Qiu Ning said in surprise.

"The dead man's cell phone." Jiang Chao said.

"It seems like that girl just now must be the source of the police report that Wu Na was killed. She said the killer was from the security department and had harassed Wu Na many times before she died." Jiang Chao said again.

"Then I'll go back and ask Director Zhu to unlock this phone and check her recent phone records and text." Qiu Ning's expression relaxed.

The appearance of a key piece of evidence would often make complicated cases easier. With this phone, he would be able to obtain more clues and evidence.

Qiu Ning and Jiang Chao took a look at the scene, and when they returned back to the city police station, Thaksa and Chen Cong also reaped some rewards.

Thaksa and Chen Cong's cooperation seemed to be even more efficient than following Jiang Chao.

Chen Cong found a man's shoe print on the window, but Thaksa found a dress that had been torn to shreds with spots of essence inside the dead person's cabinet.

Jiang Chao and the others helped to deliver the evidence to the Technical Room.

As for unlocking a cell phone, it didn't seem difficult for Sun Shanwu with his Technical Room.

With just a few moves, he unlocked the phone.

"Brother Sun, how did you do it?" Thaksa was shocked.

Obviously, Sun Shanwu had revealed his hands in order to attract Thaksa's attention.

"Look at the screen saver on this phone. If a woman's fingernails open and slide, it will leave a scratch. If the nail slides towards the scratch, it can be removed." Sun Shanwu pretended to be an expert and explained with a smile.

As Sun Shanwu spoke, he opened Wu Na's mailbox.

"This number is the one that sent the most text messages to Wu Na. Furthermore, all of these text messages are really numb." Sun Shanwu said after flipping through it for a while.

Seeing that, Jiang Chao took the phone over.

Thaksa curiously looked at the screen of the phone.

Jiang Chao opened the message box and saw that there were more than a hundred messages in the box. Most of them were sent by the 138th starting phone number.

One of them said, "Scoundrel, are you going to fight in the park at night?"

"No, will you please stop bothering me? If you continue to be like this, I'll call the police! " This should be from Wu Na.

It was obvious that Wu Na was very resistant to this person.

However, the man was clearly pursuing Wu Na relentlessly, and his words were rather crude.

"Fuck you, aren't I shamelessly giving you face again? "That day, I recorded a video of you screaming in bed. If you don't come tonight, I'll immediately send it to you online!"

"Do you believe that I'll call the police right now?"

"Just report it! Who doesn't know that you're a factory sister? At most, you'll sue me for harassment. Besides, my uncle is the factory director, what can you do to me?"

"Don't insult others!"

"So what if I insult you? A country bumpkin like you shouldn't be so f * * king shameless! "

The rest of the text was all insults and insults. It could be seen that the deceased Wu Na was very passive when dealing with this person.

"Brother Sun, can you find out the identity of this person?" Jiang Chao then handed Wu Na's phone back to Sun Shanwu.

"That's simple." With a beauty like Thaksa around, of course Sun Shanwu wanted to show off.

The computers in Technical Room could also be accessed through the internal network of the city police.

Sun Shanwu went online and entered the number of the person who was disturbing Wu Na on the internet. The message came out.

The man who harassed Wu Na was from the security department of Rongda Electronic Components Factory. His name was Lu Jianxiang, because all mobile phone cards needed his real name to be registered. In addition, the security department from Rongda Electronic Components Factory was the security department of the Chongqing police station, so it was easy to check him out.

He looked to be in his thirties or forties. Other than his lower lip which made him look like a scrooge, he was no different from a normal person.

"Brother Sun, I'll have to trouble you to appraise the thing on this skirt. If it's this guy's, then this piece of evidence is enough to arrest him."

"This only proves that he raped Wu Na before, but pushing Wu Na down the stairs …" Sun Shanwu did not dare to be rash, as he stammered out.

"Don't worry, I've already contacted the witnesses." Jiang Chao said.

Because the evidence was not enough, when Qiu Ning called Shi Shubing, she explained the situation of the investigation.

However, Shi Shubing's suggestion was to first control Lu Jianxiang by raping women.

The purpose of this was mainly to prevent the police from taking the evidence during this time, so that Lu Jianxiang could escape.

However, if there was a witness, Lu Jianxiang could be directly detained.

"Jiang Chao, do you have the confidence to persuade that girl called Zhou Cui to become your witness?" Qiu Ning asked as he put down the phone.

"I'll try. If it doesn't work, I'll have the Captain Shi guide her." Zhou Cui looked like she was afraid of things, but if Zhou Cui didn't have any conscience, she wouldn't have interfered with Wu Na's case.

Jiang Chao still wanted to try.

But Qiu Ning thought for a while and said: "How about this, see when you arrange to meet her, I'll meet her with you."

"I once persuaded someone to testify that I have more experience in this area than you, Jiang Chao." Qiu Ning explained.

"Alright, then I'll make an appointment with her."

Although Zhou Cui did not leave a method of contacting her, Wu Na had Zhou Cui's number on her phone.

In the afternoon, after work, Jiang Chao called Zhou Cui.

Only after a long while did Zhou Cui pick up the phone.

"Hello, who is this?" Zhou Cui said very carefully.

"Miss Zhou, I'm from the city police station. We met today, and you even gave me the dead man's phone. It's like this. Can you come out of the factory tonight?" I have a few questions I would like to ask you about the Wu Na case. " Jiang Chao was afraid that he would give Zhou Cui too much pressure in her heart, so he temporarily did not mention anything about making her a witness.

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