There were pursuers behind her, and this beauty hadn't run more than a few steps when she cried out in pain from the sprain.

Jiang Chao had no choice but to carry her and run towards the entrance of the park.

Fortunately, he had been training everyday and his body constitution had improved by a whole level after practicing the Nine Suns True Spell.

Otherwise, with Jiang Chao's previous physique, not to mention carrying a person who weighed over a hundred kilograms, even if he was asked to resist fifty kilograms of flour, he would still have to hehe heh heh heh when he walked.

Although he was carrying this beauty on his back, Jiang Chao's footsteps were not slow.

The middle-aged man had brought a few medical personnel with him, yet they were still unable to catch up to him.

As he walked out of the park's gate, Jiang Chao's face was covered in sweat.

His legs were already beginning to feel heavy, and his physical strength was slowly beginning to drop.

"Hey, where are you?" The pursuers behind him were still in hot pursuit. However, the beauty on Jiang Chao's back started to make a call.

"How about this, let's meet up in front of the building of the Construction Bank. Hurry up, if we return to that place, Doctor Wang's group will definitely eat me alive!" The beauty urged anxiously.

"Where are we going now?" Jiang Chao saw that the beauty seemed to have asked for reinforcements.

"To the construction bank ahead. Someone will pick us up from there! " The beauty said.

Just as the beautiful woman finished speaking, Dr. Wang's voice came from behind like a demon. "They're right in front. Hurry up!"

"Alright, let's go!" Dr. Wang and his gang were like dogs in hot pursuit.

Jiang Chao seemed to have thought of something, he looked hesitant, but he still took a deep breath.

With that, Jiang Chao bent his back and bent down. He circulated the Spirit Qi in his body and gathered at his feet.

The movement technique 'Light and Shadow Epidemic' was unleashed.

Jiang Chao's figure had actually become even faster!

According to the beautiful figure, if one did not practice well with the Pile Steps, they would not be able to use the Nine Suns True Spell's skills, but since he had no other choice, Jiang Chao had no choice but to use the Nine Suns True Spell's skills.

This was the first time Jiang Chao had used the Light and Shadow Epidemic.

He used the spiritual energy that he usually stored in his body.

Jiang Chao only felt that the fatigue in his feet had been completely swept away, and his feet seemed to have been injected with chicken blood. It was hard for Jiang Chao to believe that he could reach such a speed.

This time, Jiang Chao quickly got rid of Doctor Wang and the others who were behind him.

On the sidewalk in front of the Construction Bank.

Before Jiang Chao could even look, a black Mercedes-Benz suddenly stopped right beside them.

"Eldest Miss, hurry and get on the carriage!" A girl wearing shades waved at Jiang Chao and the beauty behind him.

"Get in the car!" When the beauty saw the sunglasses-wearing woman, her face lit up.

Jiang Chao carried her into the sunglasses-wearing woman's car.

Before Jiang Chao could close the car door, the sunglasses-wearing woman stepped on the gas pedal and rushed forward.

"We've finally lost them." After passing a red light at an intersection, the beauty heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that Doctor Wang and the others didn't manage to catch up with her.

"My name is Tian Xin, what about you?" The beautiful woman, who was also Tian Xin, stretched out his hand towards Jiang Chao.

After bumping into Tian Xin, she followed her in a daze to the car, and was even 'chased' by dozens of white gowned men.

Jiang Chao had really never done such an outrageous thing.

"I am Jiang Chao." Jiang Chao politely shook hands with Tian Xin and then wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Sis Feng, let's find a place to eat first. I'm hungry." Tian Xin said to the girl in shades who was driving.

This woman wore tight clothes, and her figure looked very good. Her hair was combed by a ponytail, and she looked very heroic.

"Eldest Miss, the people of President Guo are keeping an eye on us, I think it's better if I buy you a meal." The sunglasses-wearing woman sounded a little worried.

"Don't mention that bitch to me! I'm going to eat at the best restaurant! " When Tian Xin heard the two words "President Guo", she immediately became extremely angry.

"But Miss, your bank card was frozen three months ago. This time, I didn't bring much money with me, so we probably won't be going to such a good place." The woman in sunglasses was in a dilemma.

"Is credit not enough?" Tian Xin said angrily.

If it wasn't for that incident, young miss, whatever you want, it's fine. But now we have to avoid the limelight, especially the people from President Guo following us. The sunglasses-wearing woman said.

"That bitch is really shameless! Sis Feng, find a place to park and then buy food. Oh right, bring more along, Jiang Chao has not eaten yet as well. Tian Xin instructed.

"Alright." The sunglasses girl agreed.

The woman in shades drove the car to the outskirts of the city.

Jiang Chao and Tian Xin were in the car, the girl in shades had come down to buy things for them.

The sunglasses-wearing woman drove a million RMB Mercedes-Benz Business, yet she was respectful towards Tian Xin.

Thinking about how Dr. Wang and the others had made such a huge move to capture Tian Xin, Jiang Chao became a little curious.

"Tian Xin, what happened just now? Why are those people in white chasing you? " Jiang Chao asked.

Being asked about this topic, Tian Xin hesitated for a moment and said: "This is not convenient, in short, thank you today Jiang Chao, I won't be able to treat you to a big meal today, but leave your phone number for me. If there's a chance in the future, I will make it up."

Jiang Chao and Tian Xin had only just met each other, so the unspeakable things that Tian Xin had to hide definitely could not be told to someone as unfamiliar as him.

"Actually, I'm just a person whose brain is so bloodshot that I have to help out. There's no need to treat me to a meal or something like that." Jiang Chao did not bring this favor up.

"Then you should at least leave me a number. I'll definitely treat you to this meal." Tian Xin was quite sincere when she said this.

Jiang Chao originally thought that this was the end of their relationship.

But Tian Xin insisted on it a few times, but Jiang Chao was unable to change his mind and gave the method to contact her.

When the girl in shades returned, she was holding a box of bread and instant noodles, as well as some yogurt and other things to eat.

When she got into the car, Jiang Chao had already left.

"Young miss, where's that Jiang Chao?" The woman in shades asked curiously.

"Let's go." Tian Xin said.

"What does that Jiang Chao do? Is he reliable?" The woman in shades asked again.

"I don't know what he does, but I want his phone number. Let's wait for the commotion to pass and contact him." Tian Xin was actually quite grateful to Jiang Chao, as she was unable to treat Jiang Chao to a meal today. She couldn't help but feel a little regretful in her heart.

"I think we should forget about it. If he knew that you are the big miss of Run Feng Estate, and also the grudge between you and President Guo, he might have had some ulterior motives towards you." The girl in shades hurriedly advised.

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