The Temple of Mandala is on the outskirts of Bangkok.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Jiang Chao felt that it was really a waste that he didn't explore Bangkok.

However, it seemed like he would have to wait for the next time he wanted to play in Thailand. This time, the death of a baby was the main issue.

When they arrived at the Mandala Temple, Jiang Chao and the others got off the carriage.

Compared to the Huandalatiman Temple, the Mandala Temple seemed much smaller.

Furthermore, the style and Huandalatiman Temple were completely different.

"Section Chief Hai, the mandala temple doesn't seem to be charged, let's go in." Vannara said.

A small temple like this is mostly free of charge.

Hai Dafu nodded, he brought Jiang Chao and the Zhao to enter the Mandala Temple.

Jiang Chao looked at the Mandala Temple. This temple's style was a little dark, as if it had been around for a long time.

The floor was laid with stone slabs, which were different from the rules set by Huandalatiman Temple. After Jiang Chao and the others entered the Mandala Temple, they were ordered by the monks to take off their shoes.

Jiang Chao took off his socks as well. Jiang Chao saw that the monks in the Mordor Temple were all walking barefoot on the ground. Jiang Chao was still wearing white socks.

There was only one temple hall in the Manta Temple. This palace was built from gray stones, and inside was a buddhist statue.

This Buddha statue looked very solemn, and it was one of the rarely seen three human statues.

"Savadika, do you guys have a master called A Zanwan?" Vannara said to a young monk.

In Thailand, most men practice monastic training in temples before they reach adulthood, at least for a few weeks or a year, while those with strong determination choose to spend their lives as professional monks.

Vannara mentioned A Zanwan, the young monk glanced at Vannara.

"Master A Zanwan, in the Ah Yu cave."

"Where is Ayu Cave?" Young master, I'm sorry, but I'm not too familiar with this place. Can you bring us there? " Vannara asked.

"Of course." The young monk nodded.

The young monk brought Vannara and the other two to Ah Yu cave.

To put it bluntly, the Ayu Cave was a hidden cave in the mountain behind the Mandala Temple.

It was the first time Jiang Chao had walked so far barefoot. Jiang Chao had observed the soles of young monks' feet before, and they had already grown thick cocoons, but his feet did not have any.

But Jiang Chao managed to persevere on. He glanced at Hai Dafu and thought that although Section Chief Hai should not be able to take it much longer, he still managed to persevere.

When they arrived at Ah Yu's cave, under the introduction of the young monk, Jiang Chao and the others finally saw A Zanwan.

A Zanwan was different from an ordinary monk.

A Zanwan held back his hair. He wore a grey robe and did not look very clean.

Moreover, A Zanwan only had one eye that could move. The eyeball in the other eye looked like it had been removed, and only had a shrivelled eye socket that looked a little scary.

When they came to Mandala Temple, Vannara had told Jiang Chao about the difference between light and dark Magi.

The light Magi were there to untie someone's head or see a patient.

In comparison to light Magi, dark Magi were a type of extreme, and dark Magi specialized in lowering one's head.

Although the dark wizards were not as open as the light wizards, there were still a lot of people who begged for help in Thailand.

In some remote villages, when men and women started dating, the women would ask the dark Magi to lower their heads to the men. If the men broke their loyalty and vows, then what awaited them would be a terrifying punishment.

The only way to remove the decapitation was for the dark or light Magi to do so themselves.

The light and dark Magi sounded rather mysterious.

But these were inherited from ancient Thai folklore.

When Jiang Chao looked at A Zanwan, he felt a little uncomfortable.

In this cave, there was a skeleton and a human skull.

"Master A Zanwan, my Chinese friends want to invite you back a Gumman. The price is not that big of a deal, but they need stronger ones." Vannara took the initiative to ask after introducing herself.

A Zanwan looked at them with his remaining eye.

"I do have a stronger Kumantong, but if you want to buy it, you must guarantee to be able to do what I ask of you." A Zanwan said.

Vannara acted as the temporary translator, translating A Zanwan's words to Hai Dafu and the others.

"What condition?" Hai Dafu asked.

After Vannara finished translating, she said: "For the very beginning of the month, you have to feed Guman a cup of animal blood every day. You have to make sure you don't forget the freshest ones and also feed them the body oil and meat!"

"Animal blood?" Hai Dafu frowned upon hearing this.

Hai Dafu was an atheist, and he was a forensic scientist who believed in science.

But in order to let the clues continue, Hai Dafu did not refute him.

"We can do that, but Master, can you let us take a look at your Kumantong s? We came here based on our name, I have a friend who bought the Kumantong you made before." Hai Dafu handed over the photo of the dead baby that he found in Maddie's house over to A Zanwan.

A Zanwan took it and looked at it.

She nodded her head and began to speak, while Vannara continued to translate: "This is indeed a Yin Puppet that Master A Zanwan has created, he has even more powerful people, as long as it is able to fetch a price."

"Section Chief Hai, are we going to watch the Kumantong now?" Vannara asked again.

"Let's do an interlude." Hai Dafu said.

Hearing that, Vannara spoke a few words to A Zanwan, while A Zanwan stood up and brought Jiang Chao and the others deeper into the cave.

The cave that A Zanwan was in had several different little caves.

And the cave that A Zanwan had brought them to was extremely dim and smelly.

Jiang Chao and Hai Dafu were not unfamiliar with this stench, it was the smell of a rotten corpse.

On the floor of the cave, there were a dozen or so Kumantong.

It was made from ashes, but it could also be made from a dead baby.

There was a slightly fresh dead infant that had not matured yet. It still looked like a human fetus.

The place was covered in blood, but it just lay there quietly. It was a terrifying sight to behold.

A Zanwan pointed to one of the Kumantong s that was made with a dead baby and said, "This is 900 thousand baht, if you want it now, you can take it with you."

"Is his magic power strong?" Vannara also felt her heart tighten when she saw this.

She asked on behalf of Hai Dafu and the others.

"If you feel that your magic power isn't strong enough, you can choose this one. However, it hasn't been completed yet, so you'll have to wait a few days for it to be completed." A Zanwan pointed to the fetal corpse that was still on the ground.

"Then how much is the Great Master's one?"

"1.4 million baht." A Zanwan said.

Four is not an unlucky number in Thailand, but a high price of 1.4 million baht is a bit daunting.

Vannara tried her best to help Hai Dafu and the others stall for time.

Jiang Chao and Hai Dafu whispered to each other.

Jiang Chao inspected a portion of the Kumantong, while Hai Dafu inspected another portion.

And when they came out of the Ah Yu cave, Jiang Chao and Hai Dafu did not invite any of the Kumantong out.

They were here to investigate the case.

Comrade Vannara, I think that I have enough evidence now. You, the Thai police, can come and arrest them now, it would be best if we could find the source of their corpses and cut off their evil scheme. Just now, Little Ginger and I saw that at least three of the Kumantong were made from abnormal dead infants, and one of them was even killed by someone. Hai Dafu said solemnly.

"Our Bangkok Police Department will definitely take care of this matter seriously. Section Chief Hai, let's go back first. I'll trouble you to stay at the hotel for the next two days. I will inform you if anything happens." Vannara said.

"Alright." Hai Dafu nodded.

Vannara sent Hai Dafu and the others back to the hotel.

Hai Dafu let Jiang Chao and the others rest first.

The most important thing was the clue of the corpse origin, if it was China then he would have to immediately report it to the leaders to establish Task Team for investigation.

After returning to the hotel, Jiang Chao took a bath.

As he sat cross-legged on the bed, Jiang Chao thought back to the Yin Children Gu Man that he saw in the Mordor Temple.

Thailand was very different from what he had expected.

Thailand is indeed a very inclusive country, there are some people here have very special folk customs.

had seen the reports before, he knew that many of the transvestites took this as their livelihood because they were forced to.

Moreover, some people had different sexual orientation and would undergo sex change surgery in Thailand. Jiang Chao did not discriminate against these kinds of people.

Some things are preordained by the genes, not something that can be changed just by saying it can be changed.

But a disgusting method like using a dead baby or a dead body to make Kumantong s for profit disgusted Jiang Chao.

A dark wizard like A Zanwan, and the man surnamed Hu, who sold the Phantom Doll to the owner of the Buddha's Shop at the Supreme Paradise, all deserved to be cut a thousand times.

This kind of behavior touched the bottom line of humanity.

Jiang Chao didn't know how much longer he would have to stay in Bangkok, but since he had come here, he wouldn't give up so easily.

When night fell, Hai Dafu knocked on Jiang Chao's door.

Jiang Chao was initially cultivating, but when he knocked on the door, he immediately opened his eyes.

After finishing his cultivation, Jiang Chao walked out of the guest room.

"Section Chief, what's wrong?" Jiang Chao knew that there was something going on with Hai Dafu.

"Jiang Chao, put on some clothes, we need to go to Bangkok Police Department now." Hai Dafu urged.

"Bangkok Police Department?" Jiang Chao was startled.

But Jiang Chao did not ask too much as he quickly went into the guest room to put on his clothes and shoes.

Hai Dafu and the other two had taken a taxi to Bangkok Police Department.

Bangkok Police Department was not some tall building, but a European style building.

After Jiang Chao and the others entered the Bangkok Police Department, Vannara received them.

Vannara brought Hai Dafu and the others to the interrogation room where A Zanwan sat.

"Section Chief Hai, if you have any questions, feel free to ask." Vannara said.

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