Molson said those words brazenly, but Hu Xueying showed no hesitation to do so.

"Put the second donkey torture device on the Auction for auction. If it's cheap, we'll accept it." Hu Xueying said.

With Hu Xueying's decision, Jiang Chao felt embarrassed. Obviously, the one million and five hundred thousand was something that could be easily obtained.

But Hu Xueying's words were so firm, Jiang Chao opened his mouth wide, and was embarrassed to refute.

"Since you've decided on this, then let's sign an agreement and place it in the auction house. If the price exceeds one third of the original price, we will give a 5% premium." Mr Molson said again.

"No problem." Hu Xueying promised.

If there were no benefits, no one would do it. The most important thing was to share the benefits.

Mr Molson's office had a sale agreement and a deposit auction agreement.

Hu Xueying passed these two agreements to Jiang Chao.

After Jiang Chao looked carefully, he endured the pain and signed his name on it.

By the time he exited the Paulie Auction House, Jiang Chao already had 600,000 yuan on his card.

Seeing that Jiang Chao's thoughts did not seem to have been opened, Hu Xueying said: "Don't be upset, I chose to deposit this auction out for your own good. Molson is a businessman, if you think he is willing to pay a premium of 1.5 million to buy this wooden donkey torture device, it must be because this wooden donkey torture device can bring him a greater benefit, and the buyers who participate in Auction are not idiots, if Molson can see it, they can see it too. "

Since the matter had already been decided, Jiang Chao could only wait for the Auction to begin.

Jiang Chao also felt that he was a little too fixated on the small benefit in front of him.

"Let's go back." Jiang Chao said.

"Right, what should I call you from now on?" Jiang Chao asked again.

The beautiful woman had never revealed her real name to Jiang Chao, but Jiang Chao had been together with him for several months already.

"In the future, just call me Hu Xueying. Hu Xueying is also the name of the girl that I'm staying at." Hu Xueying said.

Imperceptibly, Hu Xueying also changed his catchphrase of 'ancestor'. After all, if Yours Truly called her this, perhaps people would think that she was crazy.

"Alright." Jiang Chao nodded.

Jiang Chao and Hu Xueying then walked out of the Pauli Auction House entrance, towards the bus stop.

Now that he had six hundred thousand dollars in his account, the economy was much more prosperous.

But Jiang Chao was still used to saving money, of course if the bus came too late, he would take a taxi back.

Before Jiang Chao and the rest could reach the bus stop, a man with a sickly face walked in front of them.

The man with the sickly face held a long package in his hand.

And he was staring at Hu Xueying.

This man with the sickly face was a little strange. Jiang Chao glanced at him and was about to walk around, but the man with the sickly face opened his mouth and coldly said: "You must be Jiu Wei. I've been looking for you for a long time."

The man with the sickly face was Nameless' Sabre.

"You are?" As Hu Xueying looked at Nameless' Blade Art, his beautiful eyes suddenly revealed a sense of vigilance.

"Let's kill each other."

Without another word, Nameless pulled his daggers out from their scabbards, wrapped in a black cloth.

After unsheathing the Lunar Scourge, a cold light flashed through the air.

Nameless' Blade attack was too fast for Jiang Chao to react.

Seeing that, Hu Xueying's legs moved.

Following that, Hu Xueying's body unexpectedly flashed to the side at an extremely fast speed.

"There are a lot of people here. They want to beat us up and move us to another place!"

Seeing that, Nameless Blade Zhai immediately followed Hu Xueying.

Everything happened so suddenly, Jiang Chao basically did not react to it.

When he finally reacted, he spread out his legs and gave chase.

And the speed of Hu Xueying and Nameless' One Fist Art was not something that Jiang Chao could match up to.

Hu Xueying stopped in his tracks as he arrived at a deserted alley.

"A Foundation Establishment cultivator wanting to fight with this ancestor? Has the heavens started?" Hu Xueying said with his blade as he faced away from Nameless.

Your current strength is completely incomparable to before. It might not be difficult for me to kill you." "With a single strike from Nameless' blade.

"Then you can give it a try! "Hu Xueying calmly said without fear in the face of danger.

The Unnamed Saber Cauldron was even faster in terms of speed.

The blade came out, and went straight for Hu Xueying's neck!

However, Hu Xueying braked in silence. The Eastern Ocean Saber of the Nameless Blade Temple was about to land on her neck, so Hu Xueying lowered his body and dodged it.

When Nameless' strike failed, he immediately flipped the blade over and sent out a second one in a row.

However, Hu Xueying was able to foresee it ahead of time, and as soon as Nameless' Slash appeared, Hu Xueying knew where it had landed.

"Isn't probing a little superfluous?" Nameless' several attacks had no effect, Hu Xueying pulled a distance away from him and said.

As for Nameless' Solitary Blade, his face darkened when he heard this.

"One more cut, I will accept your fate!"

Nameless' palm technique became strange, and the spiritual pressure on the surface of his body started to fluctuate.

"Liusheng Sword Art, Changing Hand of Mountains and Rivers!" Nameless' blade attack suddenly threw the East Ocean Saber out from his hand, flying straight for Hu Xueying.

But seeing that, Hu Xueying quickly retreated a few steps.

However, Nameless' Blade Zhai's speed had been pushed to the limit in an instant, and the feeling he gave off was as if he had arrived in front of Hu Xueying in a flash.

The Liu Sheng Sword Art was quite a famous technique in the East Ocean Continent.

The East Ocean Continent's sword art was different from Hua Xia's Tai Chi Sword Art. The East Ocean Continent's sword art focused on speed, and the Liu Sheng Sword Art was one of them.

The move of changing hands was to cut off the opponent's arms, so that the opponent would no longer have the ability to block.

Relying on this sword technique, Nameless Peak had won many times.

But this time, he actually tumbled in front of Hu Xueying.

Nameless' blade attack was fast, but Hu Xueying was even faster.

Hu Xueying drew an afterimage where he was and before the Eastern Ocean Saber could even touch her wrist, Hu Xueying's forefinger and middle finger reached out and grabbed onto the blade of the blade.

Hu Xueying pushed the blade towards the tiger's den with one hand, while at the same time, he slapped the mouth of the nameless blade with the other.

The East Ocean Blades flew out of his hands in an instant, and seeing this, Hu Xueying used his bare hands to grab the White Blades.

Swirling the blade in the air, Hu Xueying made a sword gesture and stabbed the blade into Nameless' blade.

Pfft! The blade pierced straight through.

Nameless' Saber Temple's eyes were wide open. He had never thought that Hu Xueying's strength was so terrifying.

"Did this Ancestor say that you are seeking your own death?!" Hu Xueying flashed behind Nameless' Blade House.

Following that, she raised her jade hand and slapped on the head of the nameless saber temple.

When Jiang Chao saw Hu Xueying, his expression did not look good.

"Xueying, are you alright?" Jiang Chao said worriedly.

"It's fine. Let's go back." Hu Xueying said.

Saying that it was to comfort Jiang Chao, Hu Xueying used an unusual technique to search for the consciousness of the Nameless Blade Zhai.

Nameless' Solitary Slash was sent by the person who sealed Hu Xueying's opponent.

Right now, Hu Xueying's body had just landed on this idiot girl's body, so it would still take some time before it completely merged with his body, and during this period of time, Hu Xueying was also not able to completely restrain his own Qi.

"It's good that you're fine. You really gave me a fright just now." There were many questions in Jiang Chao's mind, but he temporarily did not ask them.

On the way back, Hu Xueying purposely avoided talking about what happened just now.

After he rented the house, Jiang Chao took advantage of the fact that the convenience store was not closed yet to shop for items, while Hu Xueying started to cultivate.

Hu Xueying's previous self was a Nine-tailed Demon Fox.

Moreover, she was a demon cultivator whose cultivation had already reached the truesoul level.

However, even True Spirits would have to give way before a True Immortal.

However, a long time ago, when Hu Xueying was stealing a treasure from his opponent, he suffered a heavy injury from his opponent's chain design.

As his physical body was destroyed, Hu Xueying's soul essence was sealed in the ancient tomb at the Changbai Mountain together with the others.

Now that her opponent had discovered her whereabouts, Hu Xueying's cultivation was no longer the same as it was in the past, and he had to be more careful when doing things, and furthermore, she had already used her soul to check, and during the battle, that opponent of hers had also suffered heavy injuries.

At that time, he had already sealed himself in a certain place and was hoping to rely on the advantages of his earth qi to restore his cultivation base to the peak of its past.

"Hierarch Sea Toad, since I have already given my life, my old and new grudges will one day be settled with you." Hatred appeared in Hu Xueying's eyes, and after that, she slowly closed his eyes as she concentrated on cultivating.

The next day, Jiang Chao woke up very early. Ever since he used the jade seed material, the amount of impurities he secreted seemed to increase every morning.

Jiang Chao went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After washing the impurities from his body, he put on his clothes.

But when he saw Hu Xueying, not only did Jiang Chao's face turn red.

During cultivation, Hu Xueying was still not wearing anything.

But now that she had a body, looking at her current state, Jiang Chao's face immediately turned red.

But Jiang Chao quickly recited the Calming Heart cultivation technique on the Nine Suns True Spell, suppressing the distracting thoughts in his heart.

After that, Jiang Chao suppressed his gaze and did not dare to look at Hu Xueying again.

Hu Xueying was even more of a tigress than a tigress. When he didn't have absolute strength, wanting to get ahold of Hu Xueying would be absolutely wishful thinking.

Seeing that Hu Xueying was still in his cultivation state, Jiang Chao was afraid that when he was training, he would request for lodging, so he hesitated to leave 600 yuan for Hu Xueying.

Furthermore, Jiang Chao also wrote down the prices of the food and drinks, as well as some other things that he should not buy them, in order to prevent Hu Xueying from being tricked.

Not long after Jiang Chao left for the city police station, Hu Xueying slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the money Jiang Chao left him, as well as the note.

Hu Xueying was happy.

Hu Xueying had already fused with the girl's remaining memories.

This girl had already been a vegetable for more than two years, and the girl was indeed abandoned by her family, but the truth was not as Jiang Chao and the others had guessed, but there was another story.

Taking the money, Hu Xueying washed up, then put on his nurse's uniform and walked out of the rented room.

Since he had already inherited a portion of the girl's memories and body, then Hu Xueying also had a responsibility and duty to take over her past.

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