"How do I take a bath?" Jiang Chao asked.

"You can bathe yourselves, or we can. But we often do this in a more professional manner. If you take a shower and add on some makeup, it'll be 1000 yuan in total." The staff at the funeral parlor said.

The funeral home is a subordinate unit of the Civil Affairs Bureau, but it is now with the tide of the socialization reform of the private sector.

Part of the service of the funeral home was also contracted by the funeral company.

"Of course you can choose." The staff did not insist.

"How much does it cost to take a bath without tidying up the remains?" Hu Xueying continued.

"600." the staff member said.

"Is four hundred okay?" Hu Xueying also knew that Jiang Chao did not have much money, so he haggled.

"If I'm only going to take a bath, then 400 won't be a discount." The staff pretended to hesitate before speaking up.

"Jiang Chao, what do you think?" Hu Xueying asked for Jiang Chao's opinion.

Jiang Chao was also from a poor family, since he helped, he should be a good person until the end.

However, the service of the funeral company seemed rather lousy.

When the staff took the old lady's body to the bathroom, Hu Xueying followed in while Jiang Chao stood outside.

Jiang Chao was also impressed by Hu Xueying, all he did was possess the body of the vegetable girl.

She had no obligation to care about the vegetable girl.

However, Hu Xueying still decided to interfere, even if they were close, they would only be able to do so.

After showering, Hu Xueying pushed the old man out.

People live and die, and the moon is full.

The funeral home was littered with bodies.

There were both men, women, old and young, and the sounds of wailing and sobbing were the norm here.

After Hu Xueying pushed the old lady over, the old lady, with the help of her and the staff members, had already changed into a new set of clothes.

After Jiang Chao helped put the old lady back in the mortuary, he and Wei Xueyin left the funeral parlor.

"Tomorrow, Jiang Chao, accompany me to the police station to register the cremation certificate. I don't have an ID, and I still need an ID card to sign the cremation certificate." Wei Xueying said.

"Then I'll go to the police station after class tomorrow." Jiang Chao nodded.

The two of them returned to the apartment.

Jiang Chao spent at least three thousand yuan on Hu Xueying.

Although Jiang Chao was used to being diligent and frugal, when the time came, he would never show mercy.

Furthermore, if not for Hu Xueying, he wouldn't be where he is today.

After sitting down, Jiang Chao and Hu Xueying both started to cultivate.

If he didn't rely on the jade seed material, then he wouldn't be able to rely on just pure meditation.

Jiang Chao finally understood that the spirit energy was equivalent to water, and cultivators were like fishes who were growing. They could only rely on absorbing spirit energy to be reborn and strengthen themselves.

In the morning, Hu Xueying said to Jiang Chao: "Wait a few more days for you to cultivate, then you can start to cultivate the martial arts on the Nine Suns True Spell."

"But I saw it. When it comes to martial arts, for example, the Great Brahma Seal seems to only be able to cultivate one move per realm."

"That's right, the Nine Suns True Spell emphasizes on the path of progression, constantly strengthening the cultivator's foundation, the martial arts on the Nine Suns True Spell can also directly link together the moves, but such a method of cultivation is completely different from the progressive training, and there is also the Nine Yang Sword Technique on the Nine Suns True Spell, Jiang Chao, you have to start building your foundation, the Nine Yang True Arts is the core of the Nine Yang True Arts, if you can cultivate it to the large success stage, there will be no enemies at the same level." Hu Xueying said.

"Alright." Jiang Chao nodded.

Previously, Jiang Chao wanted to try cultivating his Nine Suns True Spell, but Hu Xueying had never agreed.

And now, with Hu Xueying's permission, Jiang Chao planned to start cultivating after it was done.

Hu Xueying continued to cultivate at home.

On the other hand, Jiang Chao went to the Public Security University.

When he arrived at the field, Jiang Chao discovered that everyone was looking at him strangely.

"Brother, you're in big trouble. I heard that Yao Jiaoloong and the others are looking for you, so I took a leave of absence today. Zhu Mingjia came over and reminded Jiang Chao in a low voice.

Zhu Mingjia advised Jiang Chao with good intentions.

But Jiang Chao shook his head: "If they want to find trouble, then do what you will. I'm not afraid of their Brother Ming."

And when Jiang Chao found Thaksa and Chen Cong, it was as if Thaksa had heard something as well.

"Jiang Chao, how did you offend Squadron Leader Yao? I heard from others that they are looking for trouble with you." Thaksa was a little worried for Jiang Chao.

"This matter cannot be explained clearly in a short period of time, so there is no need to worry. I can take good care of myself." Jiang Chao said.

"Do you need me to call Sister Qiu? If they appear, Captain Yao and the others will have to think it over." Thaksa was still worried.

"No need." Jiang Chao glanced at Chen Congdao.

Although Jiang Chao was not afraid of Yao Jiaoloong and his group, he did not want to make things too big.

Jiang Chao finished lining up, but this time Jiang Chao noticed the short and fat male student standing behind him.

"Jiang, don't go out after class this afternoon. If you don't go to the gym today, we'll meet outside the school." The Stocky Man student said with a gloomy face.

Jiang Chao heard but did not reply. It seemed that this Stocky Man student had not learnt his lesson, and furthermore, Jiang Chao had always hated these kind of lackeys who tried to take advantage of others.

"What, you don't dare to go?" Seeing that Jiang Chao did not answer, the Stocky Man students continued to provoke him.

"Jiang, don't be like a woman, alright?"

The Stocky Man students were obviously more scheming.

The coach in front of him had already started to let everyone report their numbers. The students of Stocky Man continued to instigate him, even Jiang Chao was unable to hold back.

"I'd love to." Jiang Chao had only said these four words.

"Alright, that Jiang guy will be waiting for you at the gym after school." Seeing Jiang Chao getting hit, the student from Stocky Man said with a happy tone.

Jiang Chao ignored him and turned his gaze to the instructor.

Most of you have been training for a week now. Today the formal physical fitness exam will begin, and the last five will be eliminated. The top five will be recorded as excellent, and the fifth to tenth places will be recorded as good. The instructor said.

With the instructor's words, both male and female students became nervous.

For the majority of the students, the elimination of physical training meant that they would also lose the opportunity to go to the public security system to earn a living.

As for technical types like Jiang Chao and the others, if they failed in physical training, it would also affect their results.

"Male students, begin!" I will use a stopwatch to record your results! " The instructor said seriously.

Jiang Chao and the rest stood together according to the four columns.

This time, the instructor was very well-prepared and even had a gun.


The four squadrons charged forward.

This time, everyone seemed to have put their lives on the line. No one wanted to fall behind.

And Jiang Chao did not continue to hide it.

He displayed his full speed.

Jiang Chao rushed to the first tier.

Seeing that, Yao Jiaoloong quickly obtained first place.

Yao Jiaoloong started to run and there was a way to adjust his breathing. Seeing the way Yao Jiaoloong was running, Jiang Chao also seemed to have used some lightness techniques on him.

Yao Jiaoloong maintained first place from the first lap.

Jiang Chao followed closely behind him.

Jiang Chao could have directly surpassed Yao Jiaoloong, but Jiang Chao was also afraid that the previous steps would have used up too much of his strength, so he didn't have the strength to continue.

The two of them ran five or six laps in a row.

And they were already three laps behind the slowest person.

The quality of the Stocky Man students seemed to be very poor, Jiang Chao had already surpassed him for the fourth time.

When the Stocky Man students saw Jiang Chao rushing towards them, they suddenly extended out a leg.

Just at that moment, when Jiang Chao was about to trip, he suddenly changed his array and stepped on the shoes of the Stocky Man student.

Jiang Chao used all his might, causing the Stocky Man students to be unable to hide anything, and they immediately cried out.

Jiang Chao quickly rushed over.

Yao Jiaoloong's lackey deserved to be taught a lesson. Jiang Chao had given his all just now, so it would probably be difficult for this student from the Stocky Man to pass today.

And during the last three laps, when Jiang Chao was rushing forward, he actually saw Chen Cong.

Chen Cong was also fighting very hard, and kept himself in the second group. However, Chen Cong's footsteps were light, as if he had overdrawn his strength.

"Chen Cong, hold on!" Although Jiang Chao and his relationship was not exactly good, as the team leader, Jiang Chao still encouraged him.

Chen Cong glanced at Jiang Chao, and wanted to say something, but he did not.

Jiang Chao was prepared to surpass Chen Cong and continue chasing him.

But suddenly, Chen Cong's eyes flipped and he fell to the ground.

"Chen Cong, what's wrong?" Jiang Chao was also very surprised. He quickly squatted down.

Chen Cong did not say anything, his body constantly twitching.

"My muscles are spasming and my pupils are contracting. I think my consciousness has already blurred."

"It should be epilepsy." As a forensic doctor, Jiang Chao knew a lot about medical knowledge.

"What's wrong?" Because Chen Cong had suddenly gone mad, the team immediately became messy, the instructor ran over and asked.

"Chen Cong seems to have gone insane." Jiang Chao hurriedly said.

"Epilepsy? Why didn't he mention this at the beginning? He can be considered to have failed. You don't have to care about him anymore, just run away. " The instructor said.

"Coach, he's already run five laps. If I bring him to the finish line, will his score be counted as a pass?" Jiang Chao asked.

"You can either run by yourself or run five laps with him on your back, or both of you will fail." The instructor didn't seem to care at all.

After Jiang Chao heard this, he immediately carried Chen Cong on his back.

Since Chen Cong was already like this, Jiang Chao couldn't just abandon him.

And as the leader, Jiang Chao definitely could not let Chen Cong get eliminated.

"Instructor, I'll run five laps for him." Jiang Chao carried Chen Cong and quickly ran into the distance.

Jiang Chao was originally three laps away from ending the battle, but now with two laps, delaying him for a bit was a different matter altogether.

After Jiang Chao left, the instructor looked at Jiang Chao's back with a complicated expression.

The instructor might sound strict on the surface, but he was only letting Jiang Chao complete his assessment first. On the other hand, the instructor on Chen Cong's side would call the school doctor to come over.

The instructor also didn't expect Jiang Chao to directly carry the heavy burden on his shoulders.

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