After separating with Jiang Chao, Hu Xueying went straight to the Ha City Encyclopedia.

was also slightly embarrassed that he had always troubled her.

The agreement at that time was that once Hu Xueying found a body, he could walk on his own path with Jiang Chao.

However, Hu Xueying had already gotten used to the feeling of being together with Jiang Chao, and the Nine Suns True Spell that Jiang Chao cultivated in was rather important to him.

Although he felt it was a little embarrassing to disturb Jiang Chao for such a long time.

But Hu Xueying did not say that she was a woman who was more inclined to take action.

After arriving at the funeral home, Hu Xueying took out the cremation certificate to go through the relevant formalities.

After taking out the bone ash urns, Hu Xueying, with the help of the funeral home's staff, watched the old lady enter the boiler room.

Hu Xueying was the only one to send the old lady off, this scene was somewhat miserable.

But Hu Xueying's expression was very calm.

Life and death were like a cage binding everyone.

Even if one had a true spirit body, they still wouldn't be able to escape this net.

After the old man's casket was delivered out, Hu Xueying temporarily stored the old man's casket in the funeral parlor.

When she found a suitable place, she would bury the old man.

Meanwhile, at the Public Security University.

"Brother, I think you should go first, when Yao Jiaoloong's group move, it's really not a joke." Zhu Mingjia advised in a low voice during class.

"Brother Ming Jia, whether it's fortune or misfortune, whether it's a disaster or a disaster, you have to avoid it, right? "Even if I manage to escape today, what about tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?" Jiang Chao retorted.

And Zhu Mingjia did not know what to say either.

"Then be careful. If that really doesn't work, call the counselor. No matter how arrogant they are, they won't dare to offend the counselor." Zhu Mingjia reminded his out of good intentions.

"Brother Mingju, don't worry, I'll be fine." Jiang Chao said.

After learning, Jiang Chao tidied up his things.

Thaksa walked over and said to Jiang Chao, "Jiang Chao, I'll accompany you. I'm just a girl. When I stop Squadron Leader Yao and the others, they will definitely not dare to do anything to me. "

Jiang Chao shook his head: "No need, I, Thaksa will deal with it myself."

"Let's go together. I'll be driving. I'll walk you out of the school." Chen Cong also walked over.

Chen Cong still did not have much of an expression, but what he said this time was completely unexpected.

"All of you should leave as soon as possible. I'll leave by myself." As the team leader, Jiang Chao definitely could not let his team members risk their lives together with him.

But after Jiang Chao left the lecture theater, Thaksa and Chen Cong followed behind him. No one had any intention of leaving.

Thaksa also never thought that Chen Cong would come to help him. Although Thaksa still kept her distance from him, her impression of Chen Cong had changed.

When Jiang Chao just went downstairs, he was blocked by the Stocky Man students, the tall and sturdy students and the others.

"Jiang, do you want to run away?" It should be time to fulfill the agreement, right? " The Stocky Man student said in a strange tone.

"Lead the way." Jiang Chao appeared to be very calm.

If one was able to hide, one would not be able to hide from fifteen years old. Even when it was time to make plans, he wouldn't be able to make up for his loss.

"Jiang, don't run." The Stocky Man students looked at the other three.

Including the strong and sturdy student, the three of them surrounded Jiang Chao, while the Stocky Man students walked in front and guided Jiang Chao to the training grounds.

At the training building.

This training gym was the most attractive place in the Public Security University.

Inside, there were all kinds of fitness equipment, and they were all free.

Although the Stocky Man students were aggressive, Thaksa and Chen Cong never left Jiang Chao's side.

When Jiang Chao and the others arrived, he was kicking the sandbag.

Yao Jiaoloong's movements looked good. Every time his leg lashed out against the sandbag, the sandbag would hum loudly.

"Brother Long, the kid surnamed Jiang is here." The Stocky Man students looked like they were watching a good show.

Yao Jiaoloong then looked towards Jiang Chao.

As their gazes met, Yao Jiaoloong walked towards him with an imposing manner.

"Jiang Chao, go on stage. If you knock me down within five minutes, I will let you be my team leader, and if you fall on the ground in five minutes, I will also let you know, you kneel on the ground and kowtow three times, we are done for." Yao Jiaoloong said.

Just by opening up the net, they would kowtow three times to Yao Jiaoloong?

Thaksa spoke up for Jiang Chao in a sullen tone: "Squad Leader Yao, don't go too far. How did Jiang Chao offend you? If you continue to bully Jiang Chao, I'll call the counselor right now! "

Chen Cong also spoke up from the side: Captain Yao, we stand on the basis of mutual respect. Jiang Chao is the leader of our Criminal Investigation Technology Section's forensic intern team, my family has some connections in the public security system. If you make our team leader kneel down, I can get my family members to call the chief right now.

Since he had joined the Criminal Investigation Technology Section, Chen Cong basically spoke very little.

But this time, for the Jiang Chao that he had always looked down upon, Chen Cong had made an exception.

Chen Cong brought out his grandfather.

The student from Stocky Man stood up and said in a weird tone: "Hey, I was wondering why Jiang Chao helped you in the morning. So he was trying to curry favor with your family."

Pausing for a moment, the Stocky Man student turned his face towards Jiang Chao: "Surnamed Jiang, you're really shameless, to let a woman and a family member speak up for you, if you're so capable, don't underestimate me!"

Jiang Chao said to Thaksa and Chen Congdao: "Thaksa, Chen Cong thanks you guys, but this is a matter between Yao Jiaoloong and I, so there is no need for you two to interfere, and there is no definite conclusion as to who will win and who will lose, I will not necessarily lose to him."

With Jiang Chao saying that, Yao Jiaoloong immediately went up the stage.

"Jiang, since you're so confident, come up."

Thaksa said worriedly: "Jiang Chao, you better not do something stupid for face. It's nothing much if you call the instructor to inform him."

"No need, Thaksa, just watch." Jiang Chao casually walked up the stage.

Yao Jiaoloong stared coldly at Jiang Chao with his bare arm, like a wild beast that was about to charge and attack.

Jiang Chao also looked at Yao Jiaoloong, but compared to Yao Jiaoloong's overbearing attitude, Jiang Chao appeared very calm.

"Surnamed Jiang, I'll let you have three moves." You go first. " Yao Jiaoloong had been studying at Pagoda Gou Martial School for eight years, and he had even played with the elite students of the martial school several times to watch the local satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala.

Yao Jiaoloong was a little conceited, he did not believe that amongst these preparatory students, there were any who could win against him in close combat.

Yao Jiaoloong's first move was Shaolin's grasping hand.

Seeing that, Jiang Chao took out the fighting technique that Hu Xueying had taught him.

From what Hu Xueying said, this fighting technique was self-created.

She was created by imitating the habits and movements of apes and monkeys by fusing martial arts elements.

Hu Xueying also named this fighting technique 'Ape Strike'.

Jiang Chao then took out the Ape Strike Technique. His body leaned forward and his legs bent like an ape's.

Those who didn't know would laugh at Jiang Chao, but Yao Jiaoloong knew what was going on.

Jiang Chao's Ape Striking Technique could be used to advance or retreat, to attack or to defend, it seemed that Jiang Chao could not be underestimated.

Yao Jiaoloong said that he would allow Jiang Chao three moves, but Jiang Chao refused: "No need to let me, you can attack anytime you want."

"Surnamed Jiang, you're too confident!" After Yao Jiaoloong finished speaking, he did not waste any time with Jiang Chao. Since Jiang Chao let go of this opportunity, then Yao Jiaoloong would definitely use the fastest attack, letting Jiang Chao know just how powerful he was!

Yao Jiaoloong leaped up and rushed in front of Jiang Chao.

His hand stretched out like a claw and went straight for Jiang Chao's neck.

Using the weak points of human joints and vital areas, using the principle of lever, using the anti-joint movement and concentrated force to attack the weak points of the opponent, making the opponent produce a physiologically irresistible pain reaction, achieving the effect of seizing him.

Yao Jiaoloong only took his neck, and was obviously testing the waters.

The Ape Strike that Hu Xueying taught him was also not an ordinary skill.

This Ape Strike technique was very suitable for actual combat. Furthermore, it was sharp, ferocious, and aimed straight at one's acupoints or vital points.

The technique was simple, but when Hu Xueying passed the fighting technique on to Jiang Chao, he only said one word, quick!

Ape Strike was not without its flaws, but the faster it moved, the more obvious its effects were.

In the wild, in the game of survival between animals, speed seemed to be a necessary means.

For example, scorpions and snakes have poisonous animals.

However, the reason why they were frightening was because their fatal strike was so fast that it was impossible to guard against.

As Jiang Chao and Yao Jiaoloong exchanged moves, Yao Jiaoloong rushed towards Jiang Chao's neck, while Jiang Chao instead flipped Yao Jiaoloong's back.

Seeing that, Yao Jiaoloong's hand was like a swimming snake, agilely attacking and striking Jiang Chao's wrist.

Seeing that, Jiang Chao did not dare to be careless.

Using the Light and Shadow Epidemic's lightweight cultivation technique, Jiang Chao suddenly appeared behind Yao Jiaoloong.

Jiang Chao aimed at the back of Yao Jiaoloong's head.

This position was rather weak. If an adult were to use a blunt weapon to strike at this place with full force, it would be sufficient to kill the victim within six seconds.

Jiang Chao was only struggling to gain an upper hand against Yao Jiaoloong, not fighting with his life.

Jiang Chao turned his fist into a hammer and smashed towards the back of Yao Jiaoloong's head.

And Yao Jiaoloong was not an easy opponent.

In his eight years at the Pagoda Gully Martial School, Yao Jiaoloong had also participated in many sparring matches.

Yao Jiaoloong quickly rushed forward, his fist hitting nothing but air, following that, Yao Jiaoloong's foot suddenly came to a halt, with one foot as the axis, allowing him to cross with one foot.

With a roundhouse kick, he went straight for Jiang Chao's face.

Yao Jiaoloong's counterattack speed was extremely fast, and as Jiang Chao's fist had not yet landed, he could only raise his left arm to block.

With a dull thud, Jiang Chao took Yao Jiaoloong's kick. His body staggered, and he almost fell to the ground.

Jiang Chao's left arm was in pain.

Due to his lack of combat experience, Jiang Chao did not react in time.

"Jiang Chao, are you alright?" Thaksa asked worriedly from below the stage.

"It's fine, I can win." Jiang Chao endured the pain.

Jiang Chao's performance, in Thaksa's eyes, was just showing off.

While there were not many people watching, when Jiang Chao and Yao Jiaoloong fought, the two of them did not even bring their protective gear, and immediately attracted the attention of many students.

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