"Okay. Sister Qiu. " Qiu Ning seemed to be still busy working on the case, Jiang Chao agreed.

Qiu Ning didn't promise Jiang Chao anything this time and put down his phone. At the same time, Jiang Chao's heart was in his throat.

"You've fought with someone?" Jiang Chao was thinking about how he should explain it tomorrow.

However, Hu Xueying stopped cultivating.

"Yeah, someone is looking for trouble today. I've exchanged two moves with him." Jiang Chao nodded.

"Seems like the other party isn't weak either. Otherwise, he wouldn't have injured you to such an extent." Hu Xueying observed the wound on Jiang Chao's neck.

"It's just a flesh wound. By the way, Xueying, I used the Great Brahma Seal today. The skills used in the Nine Suns True Spell are indeed amazing." Jiang Chao said.

If not for the fact that Jiang Chao had used the first move of the Great Brahma Seal, Sacred Road of Lotus Flower, opening the sky, it would have been impossible for him to defeat Yao Jiaoloong.

"With your current level, I'm afraid you won't even be able to touch the skin of the Great Brahma Seal. If you remain stable for a few more days, I will definitely guide you in the Great Brahma Seal and the Nine Yang Sword Technique." Hu Xueying said.

"Then what about Xue Ying's medical skills?" Jiang Chao hurriedly said.

Hu Xueying was very good, he also wanted to have more defensive skills.

When Hu Xueying heard this, he did not break his promise and slowly said: "Cultivation is for longevity, and it is to seize the fortune of heaven and earth. To the longevity path, medical techniques are only considered the last of the best, and as long as you cultivate to a certain point, you will not have a teacher to teach you. I will also teach you a few methods now, you can use these few methods to save yourself if you meet with an emergency."

Hu Xueying began to explain, while Jiang Chao listened attentively from the side.

Since he had been with Hu Xueying, Jiang Chao's life seemed to have changed.

From a person who was often looked down upon and bullied by others, he gradually became a person who began to be respected.

Hu Xueying had benefited a lot from the things he had taught Jiang Chao.

"As long as you remember these methods of self-preservation, you can at least retrieve your life in times of crisis. In fact, to cultivators, medical skills are just supplementary methods. However, your true intention should be to cultivate them. Only by strengthening yourself can you reduce the danger. " Hu Xueying spoke until around 11pm.

Jiang Chao didn't understand, but he patiently explained it to him.

Jiang Chao nodded his head: "I understand, Xueying, when will I reach the Foundation Establishment stage?"

Jiang Chao heard from Hu Xueying that as long as one reached the Foundation Establishment stage, the body of a cultivator would have some changes, and their strength could not be compared with the current level.

"You are still in the Qi Cultivating Stage. When you reach the great circle of Qi Cultivating Stage, you can naturally start to advance to the Foundation Establishment Stage. This is entirely dependent on your own experience. I cannot help you from the side." Hu Xueying said.

Jiang Chao nodded after hearing this, and spoke a few more words with Hu Xueying. Jiang Chao then took off his clothes and started to cultivate.

On the morning of the next day, she took part in a training session at the rescue station on Tuesday.

Today is Friday, which means that tomorrow's double holiday can rest.

However, Jiang Chao did not feel relaxed at all. He had gone to participate in training for two days and he already had a fight with someone. This not only went against the original intention of the Section Chief Hai, it also sullied his Criminal Investigation Technology Section.

However, Jiang Chao did not regret it, if he kneeled under Yao Jiaoloong's coercion, he would be throwing an adult away.

At the city police station.

Jiang Chao waited a while before he met Qiu Ning and Section Chief Hai.

Section Chief Hai's vision went dark, while Qiu Ning also did not seem to have slept soundly.

"Jiang Chao, why did you quarrel with someone yesterday?" Section Chief Hai lit a cigarette, and said to Jiang Chao with high spirits.

"I don't know the reason either. It was Yao Jiaoloong who took the initiative to look for me and forced me to compete with him on the stage." Jiang Chao said in detail.

"Then you shouldn't beat people up. You know that the most forbidden thing in our public security system is fighting, and you and that specially recruited student from the Special Police Department, no matter who's in the right or wrong, you guys have violated a rule that a student should follow." The Section Chief Hai said in a serious tone.

Seeing Section Chief Hai's unsightly expression, Jiang Chao felt a little apprehensive.

To be honest, he didn't have any confidence today, and he was afraid that he would be expelled by Criminal Investigation Technology Section.

"Originally, according to the circumstances, we should never hire you. But because of your previous performance among the Hargon's Great Dismemberment s, and your achievements in the field of training, our side's assessment scores are still poor, and from today onwards, Chen Cong will take over your position as Intern Forensic Pathologist's team leader, do you have any objections, Jiang Chao? " Section Chief Hai immediately removed the title of leader from Jiang Chao.

"No objections."

"Go to the Public Security University and write a review book for your counselor." Section Chief Hai said.

"Alright, Section Chief." Jiang Chao left the Criminal Investigation Technology Section in a rather bad mood.

As for Qiu Ning, she sent Jiang Chao all the way to the entrance of the office.

"Jiang Chao, for the past two days, we have been taking on a rather difficult case. Section Chief Hai has been busy helping you run away, and you should be thankful to a person." Qiu Ning said.

"Who is it?" Jiang Chao was a little puzzled.

"Chen Cong, according to the rules, you students who participated in the training just fought and fought, and should have been directly expelled from the family. The elders of Chen Cong's family helped out with the work yesterday, and then, the matter calmed down." Qiu Ning said.

Qiu Ning did not lie. The task that the elders in Chen Cong's family did yesterday was extremely important.

Otherwise, for a student like Jiang Chao who had no experience in the field and had committed a grave disciplinary offense, it was impossible for him to get away with it.

It was said that one would get repaid while the other would get repaid. Yesterday, he helped Chen Cong once by throwing aside his premonition, but he did not expect to receive repayment today.

"I will thank Chen Cong face to face. Sister Qiu has troubled you this time." Jiang Chao said in embarrassment.

"No need to be so courteous, but in the future, Jiang Chao, you should learn from your mistakes. If something like that happens again at the unit, I can help you explain yourself." Qiu Ning instructed.

"I understand, I definitely won't do it again." Jiang Chao nodded.

When Jiang Chao left, Qiu Ning looked at her back and was somewhat emotional.

In fact, ever since she met Jiang Chao, Qiu Ning had always been paying attention to this handsome young man.

Even though Jiang Chao's results were not good after going to university for four years, he had never violated the school's rules.

However, just as they left the school gates, such a huge change happened.

Everyone said that this society was a huge furnace, but whether it would become a piece of trash or an artifact, it would all depend on Jiang Chao's choice.

Jiang Chao returned to the Public Security University.

By the time he arrived, the physical training was over.

When Jiang Chao arrived at the lecture theater, the instructor was standing on the podium.

"Everyone, please remember, during the training period, brawls are strictly prohibited. After the training period ends, you will all have to go to the police station, local sub-bureau, and even the city police station to serve. You are all public security officers, public servants of the people. The counselor spoke seriously.

"We have already investigated the matter of Yao Jiaoloong and Jiang Chao yesterday in detail. We have informed, criticized and disqualified Yao Jiaoloong who had initiated the incident on his own accord, and as for Jiang Chao, he has given us a huge punishment for violating the law. Furthermore, Jiang Chao will make a public reprimand on Monday, to deeply reflect on his own mistakes."

The counselor relayed the decision of the Municipal Bureau leadership.

Jiang Chao, who was standing at the door, did not expect the city police department to cancel his qualification as a special guard.

When the ideological and political lecturer came over, the instructor actually called Jiang Chao out of the classroom by himself.

"Jiang Chao, did you hear what I just said?" the counselor asked.

"I heard you. I will definitely hand over the report to you on Monday." Jiang Chao did not want to lose his qualifications and immediately replied.

"Not only will you hand it over to me, after I see it, you will also have to thoroughly review it in front of your classmates. I hope that during the next training period, you won't have to do this again." The counselor said solemnly.

"Definitely not." Jiang Chao promised.

When Jiang Chao walked into the lecture theater, Zhu Mingjia gave Jiang Chao a thumbs up: "Brother, you really are something. I heard that you easily flipped Squadron Leader Yao over."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. I'm also in the wrong." Jiang Chao sat on his seat.

"Bro, don't worry about it. Squadron Leader Yao and the others are always putting on airs. His expulsion can be considered as getting rid of a scourge." Zhu Mingjia said.

But Jiang Chao did not say anything, so he decided to end the matter regarding Yao Jiaoloong here.

After class, Thaksa and Chen Cong arrived in front of Jiang Chao.

"Jiang Chao, don't take it to heart. Yao Jiaoloong deserves it."

Jiang Chao then opened his mouth and said: "I am also in the wrong. In addition, from today onwards, I will no longer be serving as the team leader of the Intern Forensic Pathologist Group. Chen Cong will take over my work."

Jiang Chao then explained his arrangements to the Section Chief Hai, and when Thaksa heard this she was shocked: "Just because of this matter with Yao Jiaoloong, you don't want to be their team leader?"

"No, this is the arrangement of Section Chief Hai and the rest." Jiang Chao explained.

"Chen Cong thanks you. If not for your help yesterday, I might have been expelled like Yao Jiaoloong."

When Chen Cong heard this, he opened his mouth and said: "It's nothing, help me once, I'll help you this once, we're even."

Just as Chen Cong finished speaking, Jiang Chao's and Thaksa's phone started ringing.

However, according to the sound of the bell, it should be a text message reminder.

Jiang Chao took out his phone and saw a message from Qiu Ning.

'After the afternoon training is over, I will inform you of the location. You will follow us to follow up on the case. As for the specific details, you can understand it after you've arrived.

"Jiang Chao, Chen Cong, did you receive Professor Qiu's text message?" Thaksa said with joy.

"Got it." Jiang Chao and Chen Cong both nodded.

"Looks like we're going to have to participate in another case." Thaksa said somewhat excitedly.

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