After separating with Thaksa and the others, Jiang Chao was about three to four kilometers away from the funeral home, waiting for the bus stop to take him to Medical School.

The bus stop next to the funeral home stopped at 6: 30.

Therefore, Jiang Chao could only wait here, and he had no shame to let Chen Cong see him out. After all, taking advantage of others was not his style.

The carriage had not arrived yet, and Jiang Chao was waiting with boredom.

However, his phone rang.

"Jiang Chao, I heard from Section Chief Hai that you just left from the funeral home. Where are you now?" The one who called was Shi Shubing.

"What's wrong, Captain Shi?" Jiang Chao asked somewhat curiously.

"Let's talk after we meet." Shi Shubing said.

"I'm at the Weiwan Village bus station, not far from the funeral home, waiting for the 103rd bus." Jiang Chao said.

"From the direction of the Medical School?"


"Alright, wait for me over there." Shi Shubing ended her call and hung up.

And when Jiang Chao saw Shi Shubing, he saw that Shi Shubing was driving a Pusang.

The Pusang that Shi Shubing was driving was probably white, and it had been washed very cleanly, but from the looks of it, it looked very old, and was basically the kind that would be eliminated by the market.

Although Shi Shubing was from the Criminal Investigation Branch Vice Captain and looked impressive, in reality, her monthly salary and allowance was not more than four thousand.

Furthermore, Shi Shubing also had a little brother who was in high school right now. Shi Shubing also had to pay for his little brother's living expenses and tuition fees every month, so she did not have too much money in her life.

The bus couldn't be used for personal use right now. If there were sudden cases, they would have to take a taxi to the scene. It would be more troublesome.

Shi Shubing found this car in the used car market, it was only twenty thousand yuan.

"Get in." Shi Shubing greeted Jiang Chao.

Jiang Chao got on the car.

Shi Shubing asked: Jiang Chao, what are you doing tonight?

"Nothing, what's wrong, Captain Shi?" Shi Shubing was puzzled that Shi Shubing suddenly came to find him.

"If there's nothing else, come with me to Sinda Logistics. The suspect already has a clue. From the footage monitoring and witness identification, she is the General Manager of Sindar Logistics, Che Xiao." Shi Shubing said.

"Shinda Logistics, Cheyenne?" Xin Da Logistics was quite famous in the Ha City. Previously, Xin Da Logistics was even able to post recruitment invitations and recruitment staff on the Medical School.

"Alright, but Captain Shi, why did you look for me?" Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

She was a little confused. There were so many criminal police officers in the squad, but Shi Shubing chose not to look for him.

Shi Shubing stepped on the accelerator and explained.

"Actually it's nothing much, but first of all, your skills are quite good, and I can help you deal with any sudden situations. Secondly and more importantly, I need a forensic technician to gather evidence for me on the spot. As long as I can get strong evidence, I will give a suggestion to Section Chief Hai to let you get outstanding results from this assessment. " Shi Shubing explained.

Shi Shubing knew about the fight between Yao Jiaoloong and herself, Shi Shubing had also understood that Jiang Chao was not at fault.

It was Yao Jiaoloong who had taken the initiative to make life difficult for him, but when it came to handling this kind of matter, it would usually be a slap on the side.

And most importantly, Qiu Ning had sought Shi Shubing for help regarding Jiang Chao. She wanted Shi Shubing to take care of Jiang Chao once over there, if there were any cases, she would give him one more chance.

Of course, Shi Shubing would never tell Jiang Chao that Qiu Ning had entrusted him with this matter.

"Thank you, Captain Shi." Since Shi Shubing took the initiative to request for assistance in obtaining evidence, if she still did not go over, then she would feel bad.

It looked as if the Poussin had run quite a distance, and the noise it made was quite loud.

Shi Shubing pointed to the cigarette box on the carriage.

"I want to smoke. There is one here."

The smoke on the carriage was Shi Shubing's backup, after all, smoke was necessary to get in contact with people.

But Jiang Chao just laughed: "I don't smoke."

Jiang Chao had been raised by the Mom since he was young, and his circle of friends were narrow as well.

Before, when Jiang Chao was at Medical School, he saw an adult male corpse's dismembered body.

At that time, Sister Qiu said that it was because of the smoke, and from then on, Jiang Chao was even more against the idea of smoke.

"It's good that you don't smoke. Smoking is harmful to your health." Shi Shubing looked at Jiang Chao from the rearview mirror.

Shi Shubing was also quite disgusted with the miasma of the environment.

But to work, one sometimes had to have access to such an environment, especially in a place like the Northeast, where the proportion of people who smoked, regardless of gender, was very high.

Shi Shubing drove for around half an hour before finally arriving at Xin Da Logistics.

And in a five-storey red brick building of Shinda Logistics.

Che Xiao sat in his office, using WeChat to search for the contact's profile.

When she saw the portrait of a rather handsome young man, she hesitated for a moment before clicking on it.

"Sis Xiao, Christine will be joining us tonight. Will the three of us be able to make it here?"

'Who else but you? '

'And the barbaric man in the group, he plays this a lot. It's great that you're here for us. '

'It can't be that, can it? I don't want my acquaintances to know.

'No, you have your circle in reality, I have my circle. The friends in our group don't have any interactions with each other in real life.

After reading the chat on WeChat, Che Xiao felt a sense of lingering fear.

That day, due to curiosity, she joined a WeChat group under the invitation of a netizen.

There were both men and women in this WeChat group.

These people would often chat about vulgar topics in the group, so Che Xiao didn't pay much attention to the messages in the group at the beginning.

However, a group of friends called 'suffocating love' had added her WeChat.

The 'asphyxiated love' often sends some ambiguous messages to Che Xiao, and very bold and proactive appointment.

Che Xiao had a failed marriage, which ended in failure due to the interposition of a third party.

After so many years, Che Xiao had not remarried. That failed marriage had made her think that it was better for a woman to rely on her own career than a man.

Step by step, she worked hard until she finally had her current position.

However, no matter if one was a man or a woman, as long as one was in the mortal world, there was a need for them.

And a woman like a wolf and a tiger, lonely for a long time in the car Xiao, under the 'suffocating love' of teasing, finally unable to resist, she saw the 'suffocating love'.

'Suffocated Love 'is a good-looking young man.

Later, as their relationship deepened, Che Xiao was unable to resist the straightforward and fiery teasing of the 'suffocating love', and had an illicit relationship with the 'suffocating love'.

But just a few days ago, 'suffocating love' asked for something new and exciting to play with.

And one more person came in.

They had arranged to meet Christine, and perhaps the pressure on society was too great now, and they saw this injustice as a way to loosen the pressure on their own bodies as they walked around the edge of desire.

However, no one expected an accident to happen. The suffocating love died on the spot, and when Che Xiao and the other man found out about this, they hastily fled the scene.

Looking at the grey and white, slightly depressed profile pic of 'suffocating love', Che Xiao always had a bad premonition. She believed that the police would come knocking on her door sooner or later.

"Owner, are you there?" A knock on the door interrupted Che Xiao's train of thoughts.

"Here, come in." Che Xiao immediately locked his phone. Her face returned to its normal expression to hide the panic in her heart.

However, the more he was afraid of something, the more it seemed like something was coming his way.

A policewoman wearing a police uniform walked in with a handsome looking young man.

"Chief, we are from the Criminal Investigation Division of the Municipal Bureau, I am the captain of the Criminal Investigation Division, Shi Shubing. I have a case that I want to investigate." Shi Shubing revealed the Police Certificate, while Jiang Chao started to look around her office.

"A case?" Che Xiao's heart skipped a beat. However, she had already become quite experienced when it came to scrolling around in the shopping mall and saying whatever the customers wanted to say.

Captain Shi, tell me, what kind of case is it that needs to be investigated? Che Xiao said.

"Chief Che, do you know a young man named Cao Haoran who is about 24 or 25 years old?" After Shi Shubing finished speaking, she even took out the photo of Cao Haoran in her archives.

Shi Shubing passed the photo to Che Xiao.

When Che Xiao took a look at it, he immediately became flustered.

She still had a sliver of luck in her heart earlier, but now that sliver of luck was gone.

When Shi Shubing and Jiang Chao came here, they had already discussed this matter.

No matter how Che Xiao replied, Shi Shubing would definitely buy him time.

What Jiang Chao wanted to do was to find evidence that would be beneficial to him before he left Che Xiao's office.

Jiang Chao diligently observed Che Xiao's office.

However, it was clear that this was only the car's usual office space. There was nothing of value here.

Jiang Chao's gaze was aimed at Che Xiao.

Jiang Chao realized that Che Xiao was a little nervous, he couldn't see anything if he didn't look carefully.

Che Xiao's expression was normal, but his vision was slightly swaying. Furthermore, his hand was always placed on the side of his desk next to his phone.

Jiang Chao noticed that Che Xiao's hands were a little unnatural.

It was as if she was afraid someone would take her cell phone.

Che Xiao's actions of not making a single difference made Jiang Chao pay close attention to him.

When he saw Jiang Chao paying attention to his own phone, Che Xiao was so flustered that his hands were shaking.

"So, Chief Che, you don't know this Cao Haoran?" He asked a lot of questions, but he didn't know anything at all.

It was not the first time that she had dealings with criminals, so Shi Shubing also noticed Che Xiao's nervousness.

"Yes, but Captain Shi, what happened to the person you were talking about?" Cheshire knew better, so he asked.

"It's fine, it's just that his family reported him as missing. We saw a person who looked similar to you on the surveillance screen. We had been together with him before, so we came over to ask." Shi Shubing said.

Shi Shubing glanced at Jiang Chao. If she did not find any clues, then this visit would be the end of the interrogation.

But Jiang Chao did not disappoint Shi Shubing either.

"Hold on!" Jiang Chao said in a seemingly abrupt manner.

Jiang Chao walked in front of Che Xiao and asked, "Owner Che, can I take a look at your phone?"

"Sorry, I don't like to let people look at my phone." Che Xiaoxi said with a smile.

Seeing that, Jiang Chao suddenly extended his hand out towards Che Xiao's phone.

Seeing this, Che Xiao's face changed. "What are you doing?!"

Che Xiao wanted to grab the phone in his hands before Jiang Chao could do anything.

The two of them came into contact with the apple 6s on the table at almost the same time, but Jiang Chao's sudden move obviously had an effect.

Che Xiao originally had his phone pressed down, but Jiang Chao's strength was not small as he grabbed it back.

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