After 8: 30, the number of people at the exhibition gradually increased.

Jiang Chao felt that he was completely incompatible with this environment.

He saw a Rolls Royce, but when he saw the price tag, Jiang Chao was immediately stunned.

"Eight million eight hundred thousand. This really isn't something that an ordinary person can afford." Jiang Chao said enviously.

"As long as you are willing to work hard, isn't it true that the iron pestle will grind into needles? As long as he perseveres in his progress, he might be able to have it. " Hu Xueying said indifferently from the side.

"True." Although Jiang Chao said this, in his heart, he was sighing at the difference in reality.

Although the last time he went to the Pawley Auction House, he changed hands and placed a auction, Jiang Chao's card only had an additional six hundred thousand.

Furthermore, Jiang Chao had spent more than a few thousand on the old lady last time.

Adding Qiu Ning's and Luo Xiaofeng's money, Jiang Chao's card would only be worth a little more than fifty thousand.

Compared to Jiang Chao's money, the rich people who could afford to buy cars here would earn more than a few hundred thousand simply by swiping their cards.

Jiang Chao and Hu Xueying were watching the cars from the side, the models were already in position.

Thaksa stood on top of the Great Wall's Hoodlum's booth.

Thaksa looked like a demoness from another world.

The snow-white chest, the slim and sexy waist, and the eye-catching pair of long legs, all added a lot to the Haverhill beside her.

Thaksa was wearing a bikini lace undergarment that was about to be exposed.

Her delicate face and figure immediately attracted the attention of quite a few people who were holding their cameras.

The reason that Thaksa called Jiang Chao over today was because he wanted to accompany her friend and also because of the situations that usually happened at car exhibitions. Thaksa wanted Jiang Chao to pretend to be his own bodyguard so that those men who didn't have good intentions would stop talking about how much money they spent for a night.

There were so many people surrounding Thaksa, no matter how Jiang Chao squeezed in, he could not squeeze in.

Furthermore, Thaksa was working right now, so she could not go over to talk with her.

There was no other way, Jiang Chao could only bring Hu Xueying and walk around.

Two people were walking aimlessly, but suddenly, a man called out to Hu Xueying from behind.

"Young lady, please wait a moment." A fashionable middle aged man with a Mohican hairstyle and glasses looked at Hu Xueying.

"Can I help you?" Hu Xueying sized up the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man spoke with a southern accent.

He smiled and said, "Miss, hello. I'm from a film company in Longjing. Miss, you have a very good image. Could you give me your phone number? If you go to our company and train, we will wrap you up."

"Not interested, sorry." Hu Xueying said very indifferently.

The middle-aged man seemed unwilling to give up, "Miss, you probably don't know how many people would not have the chance to become a celebrity. You are a natural born beauty, very suitable for one of the scenes we are currently choosing."

In the face of temptation, Hu Xueying however, had a face full of indifference.

She continued to walk forward while Jiang Chao spoke to the middle-aged man: "Sir, I'm sorry. My cousin is still young.

When the middle-aged man saw that Jiang Chao and Hu Xueying were related to each other intimately.

He quickly took out a postcard from his wallet and handed it over to Jiang Chao: "Little brother, please help me. If your cousin has a change of heart, you can call my number."

"Alright, I will pass it on to you." Jiang Chao took the postcard and looked at it.

This postcard says Longjing Mortal Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd.

And the middle-aged man's name was Zhu Hsinghsing.

The position in this film company is that of business manager.

"Actually, you can also consider Snow, your temperament and looks are really good on camera." Jiang Chao also felt that with his beauty, it would be a loss if he did not enter the mirror.

"Forget it. I don't like joining in the fun. Besides, what I need to do now is to recover my cultivation. This is a very long process and I need to persevere in order to complete it." Hu Xueying had no interest in worldly fame or fortune, she only wanted to recover her cultivation.

"Furthermore, my enemy is someone that you would never have imagined. The one that was sent by our enemies last time, the Solitary Sun, is most likely the one that we're talking about." Hu Xueying said again.

"How come the Eastern Ocean Saber Master disappeared?" Jiang Chao was still a little puzzled when he thought back to that matter.

"I killed him." Hu Xueying whispered to Jiang Chao.

Jiang Chao heard this and shivered.

Hu Xueying talked about killing people as if it was a trivial matter.

"You may feel that it's inconceivable, but this is the world between cultivators. The law of the jungle is the true nature of this world." Hu Xueying said again.

"Xue Ying, your enemy, could it be the person who sealed you in the White Mountain Palace? Who the hell is he? " Jiang Chao could not help but ask.

"I'll tell you this in the future. You have yet to reach Foundation Establishment, so some things only add to your danger." Since she was hiding something from Jiang Chao, Hu Xueying naturally had her own considerations.

Since Hu Xueying had said so, Jiang Chao became even more curious in his heart. But since Hu Xueying was very calm when doing things, even if he asked again, he might not say it.

He still seemed too weak.

With that thought, Jiang Chao started to wander the area.

This car show had really broadened Jiang Chao's horizons, he had never even heard of many foreign car factories before.

For example, an Australian car manufacturer like Horton.

Horton's design was very similar to the Bmw Mercedes-Benz. It was not cheap, but it did not have much of a reputation.

There was also a super sports car called Pagni.

This red race in Pagni is in no way inferior to brands such as Ferrari and Lamborghini.

However, Jiang Chao had never heard of it before, and the price of the race course was not cheap either.

Everyone, gather here. The organizers of our exhibition are holding a lottery today, the special prize will be a Bmw X5, the first prize will be three people, each with three stars note6, and the second prize will be a five person model. a young man in a suit shouted.

"Let's go over and take a look as well." Jiang Chao was lucky to have such a good opportunity and thought that he would get lucky.

Hu Xueying did not object, and immediately after, Jiang Chao and Hu Xueying went to the place where the Lottery draw was held.

Upon hearing about the lottery draw, many people crowded around, unable to get a single drop of water out.

Jiang Chao took one number for himself and another for Hu Xueying. According to the rules, those who got their numbers first had to line up in line.

And when it came to who was in line, who threw darts at the rolling dart board?

Because people only have one chance, if they failed, then they couldn't participate anymore.

Jiang Chao's number was 59, which meant that there were already 58 people waiting in front of him.

However, the dart board was at least a dozen meters away from the throwing point.

At this distance, it would be difficult to hit the flechette without landing.

"Motherf * cker, isn't he doing this on purpose!?" The person in front of Jiang Chao said with an ugly expression after using his chance.

And his flying stick didn't hit the board at all.

"Number 59!" The youth in charge of activities immediately called out to Jiang Chao.

Jiang Chao looked at the dart plate, and in reality, Jiang Chao had never played with it before.

With only one chance, Jiang Chao felt that the organizers were trying to cheat them.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Chao aimed at the dart plate and threw it.

Because the distance between them was too far, Jiang Chao was able to gather his strength.

Originally, Jiang Chao had thrown it towards the center of the target.

However, the dart was affected by the force of gravity. It moved in an arc and landed on the wall below the dart board.

"It seems that without the diamond, I really wouldn't dare to take on this porcelain anymore." Jiang Chao sighed.

"Empty target, number 60!" The young man continued to shout without a shred of face.

Hu Xueying walked to the point where he was thrown.

"Jiang Chao, do you want a thermos, a model or a car?" Hu Xueying asked Jiang Chao.

Hu Xueying's question stunned Jiang Chao.

"Xueying, don't force me. Just treat it as entertainment." With such a long distance between them, could Hu Xueying hit?

Although Hu Xueying was powerful, Jiang Chao wasn't confident either.

"Then I'll vote for it." Hu Xueying said.

Jiang Chao nodded his head, but following that, Hu Xueying's hand trembled, and before Jiang Chao could even see his movements, the dart had already struck!

A "peng" sound rang out!

In the blink of an eye, the dart landed on the board.

The young man walked forward to take a look, and his expression suddenly became petrified.

"Number sixty hit the bull's-eye." The young man shouted.

And Jiang Chao was also dumbstruck, at such a long distance, Hu Xueying just casually threw a shot with such ease, and it already hit the bull's eye?

After the youth shouted, the crowd in line began to stir.

The young teenager said to Hu Xueying: "Beautiful girl, come and register with us."

Jiang Chao accompanied Hu Xueying to the registration place.

When the registrar heard that Hu Xueying had hit the target squarely, he also revealed an expression of disbelief.

Just in case, the registrar told Hu Xueying and the others to wait first as she went to the security room at the convention center.

Feeling uneasy, the registrar went to the security room to check the security monitors.

When she returned, she gave Hu Xueying an extra glance.

"Beauty, did you bring your ID card? Our prize registration requires an ID number and a copy of both the front and the back. If you bring it, I can help you copy it. " the registrar said.

"I don't have an ID. Can I use my cousin's?" Hu Xueying said to the registrar.

"You can."

Seeing that, Jiang Chao took out his ID card.

After filling in Jiang Chao's name and ID number, the registrar then copied Jiang Chao's ID card.

"Beauty, Handsome, please wait for a moment. When our event ends this morning, the list of winners will be announced on the spot." the registrar said.

"Alright." Hu Xueying appeared to be very calm.

After she agreed, she left with Tang Long.

Although Jiang Chao's card was worth more than five hundred thousand now, he was reluctant to buy a car.

When the morning was about to end, Jiang Chao took Hu Xueying and prepared to go find Thaksa.

However, in the exhibition center, a gentle voice broadcasted.

"Ladies and gentlemen participating in the Lottery, the winner list is out. There are ten winners. The prize is a stainless steel thermos cup, Mr. Wang Ruihai with ID 9807, and Ms. Zhao Lirong with ID 253X …"

"Five people from the second place prize …"

"Ladies and gentlemen, please come to the Lottery and exchange your prizes."

The first prize and the first prize had yet to be read out.

But Hu Xueying's performance just now was really impressive.

"Could it be a first prize?" Jiang Chao guessed in his heart.

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