Tian Xin's case was reopened.

This is a good thing. There will be a delay in the trial.

But because of this, Tian Xin and Guo Zhaoyun's battle had reached a white-hot stage.

Jiang Chao was packing his things on his seat.

In the past, Jiang Chao could not help but laugh at such ideological and political classes.

But it was different now, Jiang Chao's notes were filled to the brim.

"Bro, the bro that's treating you to lunch said that after this week's training ends, he'll treat us. We'll go to the Phoenix Villa and have a nice hot spring." Zhu Mingjia said while beaming.

Zhu Mingjia was the source of the news, and his popularity was pretty good at handling it.

"Fengxiang Villa... It's that high-end hot spring bathing place in the scenery of Evergreen Mountain? " Jiang Chao was startled.

"Yeah, I heard there's even a pool of men and women mixed in there." Zhu Mingjia said excitedly.

"We'll talk about it when the time comes. I wonder what the Criminal Investigation Technology Section will do on Friday." The student with the Mohican hairstyle had repeatedly invited him, making Jiang Chao too embarrassed to directly reject him.

"Go ahead, brother, you don't know, but this brother is much bigger than Yao Jiaoloong. His uncle is our city's Deputy Chief Song, and this brother is also very loyal to him, it won't be bad for us to interact a bit more." Zhu Mingjia advised.

"Deputy Chief Song's nephew?"

Jiang Chao hesitated for a moment, then said: "If there was nothing else, I would have gone that day."

"Try your best. Didn't the counselor say to do the job well?" Zhu Mingjia changed the concept and took the chance.

Jiang Chao nodded.

And he found Thaksa.

"Thaksa, where is Chen Cong?"

"Let's just leave after school. Chen Cong seems a little strange today." Thaksa said.

"Oh right, Jiang Chao, where's your car?"

"I didn't."

"Why didn't you bring it out, using the Bmw X5 Dora Wind!" Thaksa said.

"Bringing the limelight back, I can't afford to waste that much oil." Jiang Chao laughed bitterly.

"It's fine. If you drive over here, I'll take out my own money to cheer you on." Thaksa was very good at making money, but she spent it lavishly.

"Forget it, I just finished my review and didn't want to attract too much attention." Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

Jiang Chao saw Thaksa to the bus stop, and after Thaksa left, Jiang Chao got on the number 35 bus.

He found a seat at the back and sat down.

Jiang Chao's phone suddenly rang.

Jiang Chao opened his phone to look, and saw that it was Mom Ye Dongmei.

"Mom." Jiang Chao's voice was somewhat agitated.

She hadn't talked to Ye Dongmei on the phone for a long time.

"Son, I heard from others that at this time of your senior year, there's a recruitment meeting going on in the school. Did you find a suitable job?" Ye Dongmei asked worriedly.

"I haven't found it yet, but Mom, don't worry. I'll try my best." Jiang Chao did not tell Ye Dongmei that he had already entered the city.

"It's hard for young people to find a job now. If you really can't find your graduation certificate, then come back. When you come back, mom will still be able to take care of you." Ye Dongmei actually really wanted Jiang Chao to go home.

She had brought Jiang Chao up by herself, and these four years of Jiang Chao going to university, were truly a type of torture to Ye Dongmei.

After cleaning the streets everyday and returning home, Ye Dongmei had a feeling that she had missed something. No one spoke to her again. No one told her that her mother, Dong Tianleng, wanted to add another set of clothes.

"I'll definitely be able to find you. Mom, don't worry, when I find a job, I'll bring you here to live." But Jiang Chao still chose to stay in the Ha City.

Ye Dongmei had also reached the age to retire, so Jiang Chao hoped that his side could stabilize, allowing Ye Dongmei to live through the years. Moreover, Ha City was a big city, so the conditions were all better than those in small cities.

"Work hard, but don't tire your body out too much. If you find a job and decide to stay in Ha City, mom will come and see you." Actually, where your home is located isn't important. It's mainly because you can be together with your family, Ye Dongmei said.

"Okay, Mom."

"Also, watch your diet. Don't eat outside every day. The food outside is expensive and unhygienic …" Ye Dongmei started to nag again.

However, Jiang Chao patiently listened.

Ye Dongmei's nagging caused Jiang Chao to feel very warm in his heart.

Although Jiang Chao had studied outside for four years and had matured quite a bit, he felt that he was still a child in front of Ye Dongmei.

After chatting for more than 20 minutes, Jiang Chao hung up the phone, afraid that Ye Dongmei would not waste any time.

He stared at the bustling night scenery of Ha City outside the car window.

Jiang Chao decided to stay.

Moreover, he must bring Ye Dongmei along to stay behind as well.

Now, the only way for him to stay was to pass the examination and officially become a medical examiner.

Flowers two apiece.

At the airport.

Guo Zhaoyun boarded a flight to the Netherlands.

Tian Xin was completely unable to change the weather in her eyes.

Even if Jiang Chao and Luo Xiaofeng were to support them from behind.

Furthermore, Guo Zhaoyun's corpse had already been destroyed. If the city police wanted to investigate, it would be completely impossible to obtain evidence that could convict her.

But just as Jiang Chao had speculated, the conflict between Guo Zhaoyun and Guo Zhaoyun was concentrated within that book, and this book seemed to be closely related to the famous Master Zhang's physical body, both at home and abroad.

"Did you get in touch with Smith?" Guo Zhaoyun asked his secretary.

"Yes. Mr. Smith will send someone to meet you as soon as we get to Holland." The secretary smiled apologetically.

"However, Mr. Smith has a condition." The Secretary added

"What condition?" Guo Zhaoyun asked.

"Mr. Smith, I would like to personally witness that book. He said that if you can provide him with a copy of that book, he would like to discount the price by half to hand Master Zhang over to you."

"He is indeed a smart person. However, I will not accept his suggestion. Let's follow the agreement from before. How much does he want? Just give it to him." Guo Zhaoyun's thoughts were a little unfathomable.

As for what exactly was the relationship between that scripture and Master Zhang, it was highly doubtful.

As the flight took off, Guo Zhaoyun started to read the newspapers.

She seemed to have full confidence in the outcome of this trip.

Jiang Chao returned to the rental house.

But Hu Xueying was not here.

Jiang Chao was puzzled in his heart, and soon after, he steadied his pace in the rented apartment.

He placed two plastic bowls on his shoulders.

According to Hu Xueying's words, this method would allow him to temper his body's stability.

Jiang Chao broke the record again, and he persevered for another three and a half minutes.

And Jiang Chao did not cultivate Great Brahma Seal today.

The flesh on his hand had already healed, but if he let Jiang Chao hit the tree stump again, he wouldn't be able to take notes in class tomorrow.

After sitting down, Jiang Chao started to absorb the jade seed material and started to meditate.

There were two important things this week. One of them was the senior medical examiner of the other cities whom Chen Cong had informed to come over to have an exchange.

The other thing was that on the night after tomorrow, there would be a auction held at the Pauli Auction House.

The donkey torture device will also show up at the auction.

He remembered that at that time, Mr Molson had added 2.1 million yuan to the total amount for the donkey torture device.

Although Jiang Chao had only obtained six hundred thousand yuan from selling one, it was clear that the value of the donkey torture instruments was also quite high.

Jiang Chao cultivated until it was almost nine in the evening. Then, Hu Xueying returned to the rental house.

"Xueying, where did you go?" Jiang Chao could not help but open his eyes and ask.

"I've already found a place to prepare the grave for the plant girl's grandmother. Tomorrow Jiang Chao, lend me your card for me to use, I'll go and settle the grave." Hu Xueying said.

"Where is the cemetery? How much is it?" Jiang Chao was curious.

"In the Dragon and Phoenix Cemetery in the northern suburbs, the one that I am optimistic about is considered average. The price is fifty thousand yuan." Hu Xueying said.

"Fifty thousand?" Jiang Chao gasped.

If Jiang Chao had not stopped cultivating, he might have had his Qi deviation right now.

"Is there nothing cheap left?" Jiang Chao asked.

"The cemetery in the city has almost guaranteed the price. This price is pretty cheap." Hu Xueying was very calm.

She doesn't seem to have an accurate idea of money.

Jiang Chao started to make things difficult.

After another 50,000 yuan, the card would have little left over.

Buying jade and Littleleaf Rhododendron Herb, he and Hu Xueying's spending speed was as fast as running water, it was simply a bottomless pit!

But Jiang Chao also knew that in this current society, people could not afford to live, nor could they afford to die.

The cemetery was even more expensive than a high-end villa. It could be said that every inch of land was worth a lot of money.

"Alright, I'll put the bank card on the table. You can use it tomorrow, Xueying." Jiang Chao still placed the bank card on the table.

Although Jiang Chao was a more frugal person, to be honest, he had never spent so much money before.

However, filial piety was the first priority. It was necessary to let the old people rest in peace.

Jiang Chao also thought about it, he had no money to earn more, and that donkey torture device had not been sold yet, but even if it was sold at a low price, he could still earn some money.

Hu Xueying nodded.

"Let's begin training." After Hu Xueying finished speaking, he took off his clothes and started to meditate.

On the second day, Jiang Chao went to the Public Security University.

I just finished my physical training.

The counselor ran over.

"Which one of them is a medical examiner?" The counselor looked worried.

"Me, Chen Cong, and Thaksa will do." Jiang Chao was now the team leader, and he stood at the very front of the team.

"You three, come with me. There's no need for you to attend today's Ideological and Political class. It can't be considered as missing work." The counselor said.

"Chen Cong, Thaksa, let's go." Jiang Chao was so annoyed that he asked a counselor to teach him what he was doing.

When Jiang Chao and the other two followed the counselor to the downstairs of the student dormitory.

However, he discovered that there were many students of the Public Security University gathered under the student dormitory building.

It was as if something sensational had happened, and the scene was spectacular.

"Our three Intern Forensic Pathologist s have already arrived. Dean Chang, you should lead them over." The counselor turned to a 60-odd white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man looked at Jiang Chao and the others.

"Can these three students do it?" Dean Chang's eyes and tone carried doubt.

"Let's give it a try, the Captain Shi also said just now that they don't have enough people on the Criminal Investigation Technology Section side. If they send people from other counties, I'm afraid they won't make it in time." The counselor said.

"You three, come with me." Dean Chang brought Jiang Chao and the others into the dorm.

Students were no longer allowed in or out of the dorms.

Jiang Chao then saw the Criminal Investigation Squadron's police car.

They went up to the second floor and entered a dorm room, where several police officers stood. Shi Shubing, on the other hand, looked at a male student who was foaming at the mouth, with his eyes rolling up.

"Captain Shi, what's going on?" Jiang Chao asked immediately as he was a little more familiar with Shi Shubing.

"This student is dead. I think he died from poison." Shi Shubing said with uncertainty.

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