Public Security University is different from other universities.

The graduates here were all students who had learned common sense of the law, who were specialized in certain categories, and also possessed a certain level of anti-reconnaissance ability.

Yao Jiaxin was an outstanding student in the school.

He was a top student in the law department, and his major this time was Chinese criminal law.

The other two students in the dorm, including the deceased, were also in the law department.

Especially for the deceased, Zhu Di, who was the most outstanding out of the three of them all. Not only was Zhu Di the president of the student union, he also served as the leader of several student unions in the school.

Zhu Di's academic performance was quite good. Being busy with the activities of the student union did not affect his studies at all.

Coincidentally, not only were Zhu Di and his former high school classmate, the two of them had a very good relationship. From what Chen Cong had heard from the other students, he often saw the two of them studying together at night and even had meals together.

Yao Jiaxin was standing beside Jiang Chao and the others.

Yao Jiaxin was slightly nervous, but Section Chief Hai opened his mouth and asked: "What is your name?"

"Yao Jiaxin." It was normal for him to be nervous, but Jiang Chao keenly noticed that Yao Jiaxin's gaze did not wander as though he had done his preparations.

"What's your relationship with the deceased?" The Section Chief Hai asked again.

"I'm his classmate and friend." Yao Jiaxin said.

"Can you explain why the blood sample taken from the bed of the deceased matches your blood sample?" Hai Dafu asked.

"In the morning, I chatted with Zhu Di for a while and was bitten by a mosquito before dying." Yao Jiaxin explained.

"When did you discover Zhu Di's death?" Hai Dafu continued to ask as he stared straight at Yao Jiaxin.

"When Zhu Di died, I was not at the scene of the crime. Other students found out and told me about it.

"Then what time did you chat with Zhu Di this morning?"

"Around four-thirty."

"Four thirty. Why so early?" Hai Dafu was a little surprised.

"Because we are about to participate in the Preservation of Research Exam, Zhu Di and I would wake up early every morning to retake our studies. He seemed to have woken up at around three in the morning today, and I only woke up around four." Yao Jiaxin explained.

"What did you talk about?" Hai Dafu asked.

"It's the matter of the Polytechnic Test. There were also a few dialectical questions."

Hai Dafu asked a series of questions, all of them were detailed, but Yao Jiaxin's answers were flowing, as if there were no flaws.

After Hai Dafu finished asking his questions, he asked Yao Jiaxin to wait with the other students.

"Section Chief Hai, do you think that Yao Jiaxin is the culprit?" Shi Shubing asked.

"I am not sure, but this guy's answer always seems to avoid the point. I have to find out if he can come in contact with the thallium substance before I can come to a conclusion." Hai Dafu said.

At the same time, Jiang Chao seemed to have thought of something.

"Captain Shi, where is the corpse?" Jiang Chao asked.

"We've arrived at the mortuary." Shi Shubing said.

A blood sample taken from a mosquito could only prove that Yao Jiaxin had the possibility of contacting the victim.

An afternoon passed and the case was still shrouded in fog.

And after Yao Jiaxin and the other research student's testimony, the deceased Zhu Di had a girlfriend at school.

Zhu Di's girlfriend was not a university student, but a waiter at the public security university's cafeteria.

In this past month, Zhu Di and his girlfriend would often quarrel over trivial matters such as timing.

His girlfriend came to the dorm last night.

This could also be one direction of investigation.

Jiang Chao called Hu Xueying from 3 to 4 in the afternoon.

After exiting the city, Jiang Chao did not go back, but instead went straight to the funeral parlor.

When Jiang Chao arrived, Hu Xueying was already waiting in front of the funeral parlor.

"Did you buy the old lady's tomb?" Jiang Chao asked about this first.

"It has been set. Jiang Chao, this is your bank card." Hu Xueying handed over his bank card to Jiang Chao.

"When will they be buried?" Jiang Chao took the bank card and asked.

"In half a month's time, they will still have to seal up the earth and erect the monoliths. The monoliths will also have to be plastered with porcelain for a while." Hu Xueying said.

With a sudden change in topic, Hu Xueying turned to Jiang Chao and asked, "Jiang Chao, you can directly speak of the things that you need my help with."

"It's like this …" Jiang Chao explained the situation to Hu Xueying.

After Hu Xueying heard this, his face was still as cold as ice, "If I use the Thousand Miles Breathe-searching Technique, I can obviously find traces of that poisonous substance.

"Alright." Jiang Chao led Hu Xueying to the morgue.

Jiang Chao had seen the person on duty in the morgue before. Last time, Section Chief Hai and the Sister Qiu had brought them to appraise Cao Haoran's corpse, they came into contact with each other.

And before Jiang Chao came, he had already troubled Shi Shubing to greet him.

"You must be Forensic Pathologist Jiang?" The staff member was a chubby man who kept his balance.

"Uncle, can I trouble you to let me take a look at the corpse of the Public Security University this morning?" Jiang Chao said.

The fat man looked a little mature, but upon hearing that, he immediately laughed: "Forensic Pathologist Jiang, this Uncle, you really called me old, just call me Fatty, that's what the people at the funeral home call me."

"Then I'll call you Brother Fatty." Fatty was a derogatory term, Jiang Chao was not used to calling others that.

"That's fine too." The fatty walked over to a freezer and scooped it up.

After the ice shelves were removed, Fatty said in an attentive manner, "Forensic Pathologist Jiang, if you want to examine the corpse or something, I'll help you move them onto the shelves."

"No need. Brother Fatty, you go ahead and busy yourself first. Let's take a look at the basic situation of the corpse and then go back."

"That's fine too." The fat guy smiled.

The fat guy seemed to be an intelligent person, seeing that Jiang Chao and the others had examined the corpses, he walked out of the morgue himself.

Hu Xueying then looked at Zhu Di's body, and then she extended his hand out and pressed on Zhu Di's throat.

"Xue Ying, what are you doing?" Jiang Chao also wanted to learn this Thousand Miles Breathe-searching Technique very much. If he could learn it, then it would be much easier to solve cases in the future.

"I need to extract the blood from his body. Only by obtaining his blood will I be able to better utilize the Thousand Miles Breathe-searching Technique." Hu Xueying said.

"They won't destroy the corpses, right? The city bureau has a rule that we can't destroy the corpses." Jiang Chao hurriedly said.

"Nope." Hu Xueying pressed his finger on Zhu Di's throat, but when Hu Xueying raised his finger again, Jiang Chao could smell the stench of blood.

Hu Xueying placed his finger on her peachy lips to lick it, then stood up.

"Let's go and find the poison."

"Xue Ying, this thallium substance is extremely poisonous. I don't know how much thallium substance there is in the blood of the dead man, but even the slightest is enough to kill him." Jiang Chao said worriedly.

"It's fine. After I finish using the Thousand Miles Breathe-searching Technique, I'll force the poison out of my body."

Hu Xueying didn't seem to care about this poison at all.

Hu Xueying brought Jiang Chao and left the city.

Hu Xueying and Jiang Chao got into a taxi.

The taxi driver had suffered a lot for carrying both of them.

Hu Xueying had initially said that they could head towards the south of the city, but when they reached the south, he would turn right, then left.

When the taxi stopped, Jiang Chao and Hu Xueying arrived near a western medicine factory.

"White Crane Mountain Pharmaceutical Factory." Jiang Chao looked at the factory nameplate and said.

"Xueying, is this the factory?" Jiang Chao asked.

"No, just follow me." They had wasted a lot of time on the way, and it was completely dark now.

Jiang Chao followed Hu Xueying and walked forward.

However, the medicine factory in the White Crane Mountain was located in a remote area, surrounded by forests.

While walking, Jiang Chao heard something in front.

Hu Xueying and he both slowed down their pace.

Especially when Hu Xueying was in the darkness of the night, she was as silent as a cat.

When he was near enough, Jiang Chao realized that there was a human figure digging something out in the forest.

"I'm ready. It's time to move." This time, Hu Xueying sent a sound transmission to Jiang Chao.

"Alright." When Jiang Chao and the rest were seven to eight meters behind that person, that person did not notice them either.


Jiang Chao ran a few steps and suddenly jumped, jumping towards the man's back.

The man jumped in fright and cried out. The man was knocked onto the ground by Jiang Chao, but when Hu Xueying used his cell phone's searchlight to light him up, Jiang Chao realised that this man was the Yao Jiaxin who had completely ignored the matter between him and Zhu Di at the city police station.

And Jiang Chao easily took control of Yao Jiaxin.

Hu Xueying found a can next to the hole that Yao Jiaxin dug.

"This is the poison that killed the dead." Hu Xueying said with an affirmative tone.

Shi Shubing had originally gotten off work.

But she received a call from Jiang Chao, and rushed to the scene.

Under such ironclad situation, Shi Shubing took a picture and even took the evidence — — the can that contained the thallium substance.

Afterwards, she brought Jiang Chao and the others to the city police station.

Shi Shubing also did not expect Jiang Chao to find the evidence so quickly, and even captured Yao Jiaxin who was about to fill in the evidence in such a remote place.

While driving, Shi Shubing looked at the first passenger, Hu Xueying.

She was very surprised that Hu Xueying was so beautiful.

"Little Girl, are you also in the training room?" Shi Shubing curiously asked in her heart.

Hu Xueying shook his head.

Jiang Chao was afraid that Hu Xueying saying that he was her boyfriend would cause a misunderstanding.

Jiang Chao laughed dryly and continued: Captain Shi, this is my cousin. My cousin must come with me, that's why I brought her here.

"This kind of thing is too dangerous. Next time, Jiang Chao, communicate with me first before you take action." Shi Shubing immediately said.

As a police officer, Shi Shubing had experienced a lot of battles.

Fortunately, they were Yao Jiaxin who was powerless today. If they were in a dangerous spot, Jiang Chao and the others would be in trouble.

"Alright, Captain Shi." Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

Jiang Chao understood what Shi Shubing was worried about, but with Hu Xueying here, even if they met a gang of gangsters, they would definitely be in for it.

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