Zhu Hsinghsing's film company wanted to make a movie, but Zhu Hsinghsing made Thaksa and the others come over to audition today, not for the movie, but to help his customers make a fashion newspaper.

Lianxuan Fashion was the co-sponsor of the photographic shoot.

Zhu Hsinghsing saw Thaksa.

"Miss Thaksa, wait a moment, we will begin the audition in a while." Zhu Hsinghsing said while smiling after seeing Thaksa.

"Manager Zhu, how do you want to audition the mirror? Do you want to change clothes? " Thaksa asked with concern.

"You need to change your clothes. I'll prepare a set for you in a while, as well as your hair and makeup. There will be a stylist for you later." The woman with the bubo head said.

"Alright." For the sake of the five thousand, as long as they did not cross the line, Thaksa was willing to cooperate.

"Jiang Chao, my apologies, it seems like you have to wait outside for a while." Thaksa said embarrassedly.

"It's fine. I'll just wait outside." Jiang Chao understood.

The woman with the bubo head looked at Jiang Chao up and down.

"Lad, are you here for the audition as well?" The woman with the bubo head said.

"No, I'm here to accompany my friend." Jiang Chao politely laughed.

Manager Zhu, this young man looks pretty good. This magazine has a plan for a man and a woman to interact with each other. He can also come over and try." The woman with the bubo head said to Zhu Hsinghsing in a low voice.

The woman with the bubo head entered Lianxuan Fashion.

Zhu Hsinghsing then turned to Thaksa and said: "Miss Thaksa, we are just short of a male model, your friend's conditions are not bad, we can let him enter and give it a try."

"Then I'll talk to him." Thaksa said happily upon hearing this.

Thaksa's personality was more cheerful, and with the fact that male models did not know how to snatch a job with female models, why would she not be happy?

Thaksa walked over and told Jiang Chao of his suggestion.

Jiang Chao came here today to play soy sauce, upon hearing Thaksa's words, Jiang Chao was at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "Thaksa, you aren't here to play with me, I have no experience in this aspect."

"Do I look like I'm joking with you? Jiang Chao, don't worry, just do as the photographer says. He will teach you how to posture in front of the cameras and what expression to make. " Thaksa said.

"Furthermore, if I am selected, it will cost five thousand yuan. Rather than waiting here, Jiang Chao, why not try it with me?" Thaksa said.

Thaksa was thinking for Jiang Chao's sake.

Thaksa still didn't know about the seven digits in Jiang Chao's bank account. She had thought it would be difficult for Jiang Chao.

Although Jiang Chao was now a millionaire, he had spent this money faster than he could earn money, and he could not always just sit back and watch as the profits increased by 5,000 yuan. Jiang Chao hesitated for a moment before nodding his head: "Alright, then I'll try."

After waiting for another 15 minutes or so, another six beauties came in one after another from Lianxuan Fashion.

All of these beauties had to have a body, a body, looks, and looks. Moreover, these beauties were all dressed in thick makeup, afraid that no one would be able to tell that they were enchantments.

"Screech ~ ~" mixed bloods, what a coincidence, I'll bump into you no matter where I go. " A girl with long hair that fluttered her handbag, whose face looked like the essence of a snake, walked in front of Thaksa.

Her greeting was not friendly.

Thaksa shot a glance at the girl, and instead said: "Why are you acting so pretentious in the middle of the night at the hotel, don't you feel embarrassed?"

Compared to this girl's weird ways, Thaksa was more straightforward with her curses.

"Who are you calling Three Accompanying?"

"I'm talking about you!"

"Say that I'm the third companion, I think you are a bastard left behind by a foreign woman who plays with a large belly. As a whore, you can show off your genetic abilities!" The girl deliberately dragged out the flames in her eyes.

"Who did you call a bastard?" Thaksa suddenly stood up.

Thaksa was half a head taller than the girl.

"Bastard, do you still not understand?" The girl was intentionally causing trouble, and her mouth seemed to be a bit despicable.

Thaksa's delicate face immediately turned angry, and was about to flare up, but Jiang Chao stopped her: "Thaksa, forget it, arguing with her is not worth it."

"Furthermore, if they were to fight, it would be fine to settle the matter immediately. Once they get into the police station, it would not be good if Section Chief Hai and the others find out about it." Jiang Chao also felt that this girl who spoke in a weird tone was cheap enough, but after experiencing the incident at Feng Xiang Villa, as a friend, Jiang Chao felt that it was better to immediately stop this unnecessary strife.

Thaksa was so angry that her entire body was trembling. Ever since she was young, her greatest taboo was being called a bastard by others.

Moreover, this girl had insulted her mother. This was even more unbearable for her.

But Thaksa also understood that Jiang Chao advised his to do so for her own good.

Thaksa suppressed her anger with great difficulty.

As for the girl with the weird voice, she was standing next to the other girls who were testing the audition because she had taken advantage of the conversation.

Li Xuan's fashionable staff, let them in to audition preparation.

Thaksa was the first to enter, but she wasn't the first to enter.

On the other hand, the girl with the weird aura snatched it away and walked in first.

"Thaksa, you and this girl had a grudge in the past, right?" Thaksa and this girl seemed to have known each other before, and from the looks of it, it seemed like the conflict between the two had lasted more than a day or two.

"Yep, her name is Lee En'xi, she's a student studying in the normal school. I've seen her a few times in the car show alone, probably because I can always get the approval of the sponsors, so her words to me are filled with bitterness." Thaksa explained.

Jealousy was a tumor, and it seemed that beauties were not that easy to be.

"Ignore her, we just have to do our own thing." Jiang Chao advised.

Jiang Chao had not finished speaking when the staff member shouted out, "Male models, come in and prepare as well."

"Jiang Chao is calling you." Thaksa said, there were no other male models here.

"Then I'll go first. If you succeed today, I'll treat you to a good meal." This was Jiang Chao's first time participating in an audition.

Under the guidance of the staff, he braced himself and walked into Li Xuan's stylish dressing room.

In the dressing room, the makeup artist had already begun to apply makeup on Lee En'xi.

Zhu Hsinghsing was also in the dressing room.

Zhu Hsinghsing had a deep impression of Jiang Chao. The last time they were at the car show, Jiang Chao and her female companion had left a deep impression of him.

Especially Jiang Chao's female companion, which was also Hu Xueying. Hu Xueying's classical beauty in the east was still unforgettable for Zhu Hsinghsing.

Hu Xueying looked like the famous actress, Liu Yi Fei, but she looked even more otherworldly than Liu Yi Fei.

If they could get Hu Xueying to act their role, the movie they were preparing to start would definitely attract a lot of people.

"Men, do they need makeup too?" Seeing the staff bringing him to the dressing room, Jiang Chao immediately asked in confusion.

"If you don't want to put on makeup, you can choose not to wear it. Male models look more natural and natural. Also, the PS software can adjust it for you later on." the staff member said.

"Then what do I do now?" Jiang Chao asked curiously.

"You need to change your clothes, I'll get them for you now." the staff member said.

The staff asked about Jiang Chao's height, and even measured his waist area, and then took out a pair of white boxer pants for Jiang Chao.

"This is the fitting room. We'll keep valuable items and clothes safe for you." the staff member promised.

"You're going to be wearing this pair of boxers for the audition later?" Jiang Chao said in surprise.

"Yes, we are shooting a set of perfume ads. According to the requirements, you must wear it like this."

Jiang Chao thought that it would be fine if he just randomly changed into a few sets of clothes, but he never thought that he would have to sell himself out.

But since they had already reached this point, Jiang Chao struggled for a bit before he gave in. Of course, if he didn't wear anything and went back to look at the mirror, he would definitely reject the offer.

When Jiang Chao came out of the changing room, he was wearing white boxer shorts. In front of Zhu Hsinghsing and Lee En'xi, he felt a little embarrassed.

Lee En'xi knew that Jiang Chao had arrived together with Thaksa. When she saw Jiang Chao in the mirror, her eyes narrowed, and no one knew what she was thinking about.

However, Zhu Hsinghsing's expression was very natural.

Zhu Hsinghsing had long since gotten used to this kind of scene.

"Bro, what's your name?"

"Jiang Chao."

"Bro, our audition today is to promote their products to our customers. If the results are good, they are willing to sponsor our new movie. We might make you suffer a little, but if the photos are useful, I will give you this number." Zhu Hsinghsing raised a finger.

"Ten thousand?" Jiang Chao never thought that Zhu Hsinghsing would be so generous.

"Yep, ten thousand. Also, last time I saw you at the car show, I remember leaving you a postcard. How was it?" Zhu Hsinghsing asked.

"My cousin is still in school. She doesn't want to delay her studies." Jiang Chao laughed awkwardly.

"Oh, that's a pity." Zhu Hsinghsing's eyes were very accurate, he definitely had the potential to become red.

But if Hu Xueying didn't have that intention, Zhu Hsinghsing wouldn't force him.

Jiang Chao was led to the studio by a staff member.

In the studio, there was already a seemingly high-end bathtub, and it was already filled with hot water.

The woman with the bubo head crossed her arms in front of her chest and prettily said, "Put the Bath Dew in as well. It will have a better effect if there's some foam on the surface of the water. Also, put in the rose petals."

After the woman with the bubo head saw Jiang Chao, she sized him up.

The woman with the bubo head looked at Jiang Chao like a wolf, while Jiang Chao was like a sheep that had no way of resisting her gaze. The woman's gaze swept across every inch of his skin.

"The conditions are not bad. Let's do the hairstyle again. It shouldn't be too long, we have to show the masculine side of the hair style." The woman said.

And because of a single sentence from the obo head woman, Jiang Chao was brought back into the makeup room.

With the help of a stylist, Jiang Chao fixed his hair for free.

Jiang Chao probably haven't had a haircut for the past three to four months, the stylist must have had a good foundation, plus Jiang Chao's foundation was already pretty good, looking at himself in the mirror, Jiang Chao felt that he had become more spirited.

Jiang Chao finished cutting his hair.

Back to the studio.

The female with a bubo head passed the Bath Dew to Jiang Chao personally: "Take a few sets of solo photos. Wipe the Bath Dew on yourself first and then you go into the bathtub. The cameraman and I will show you how to display it in front of the camera."

"Alright." After taking the Body Refining Liquid, Jiang Chao looked at the people in the studio that were all focused on him, and immediately felt his face burning.

"Why does it feel like we're shooting Hong Kong movies?" Jiang Chao embarrassedly wiped the shower gel on his body and then entered the bathtub.

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