Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Rotterdam is one of the largest ports in the world and the second largest city in the Netherlands.

Not far from the port, on a luxurious cruise ship, Guo Zhaoyun was lighting up a cigarette mixed with hemp leaves.

She sat on the brown leather sofa, her face blissful in the smell of tobacco as she puffed out clouds of smoke.

The Netherlands is a very special country, where drugs are divided into soft and hard drugs.

Soft drugs such as marijuana are legal in the Netherlands, and the sale of marijuana brings in two percent of the country's tax revenue a year.

Drugs were a tool for the rich to enjoy. It was just like the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China, where catamites were a tool only the upper class could enjoy.

Guo Zhaoyun raised his goblet while smoke permeated the air.

She looked at the statue of Elder Zhang in front of her.

In order to buy this Master Zhang statue, Guo Zhaoyun had spent an unimaginable amount.

"President Guo, we have invited them." The female secretary walked in with an apologetic smile.

Two men who looked like they were from the Middle East followed behind the secretary with test equipment in their hands.

"Are they clean?" Guo Zhaoyun said as he took a sip of the red wine.

"They are refugees from Syria who have sneaked into the Netherlands. They are very clean." the secretary confirmed.

"Let's do it." Guo Zhaoyun instructed.

The female secretary acted as the translator while the two Middle Eastern men followed Guo Zhaoyun's instructions and examined this statue.

This test was a four-dimensional test. It was similar to a color Doppler, allowing one to clearly see the secrets within Master Zhang's image.

When the two men from the Middle East were checking it out with equipment, they had already opened up their laptop to explain something. The secretary translated, "President Guo, he said that besides the bones, there is also a piece of armor inside the body. There seems to be something written on it."

After Guo Zhaoyun heard this, he stared at the man's laptop in the middle of the world. She looked at the blurry image displayed by the four-dimensional detector.

"Give me the paper and pen." Guo Zhaoyun said.

The female secretary took pen and paper for Guo Zhaoyun, while Guo Zhaoyun recorded the tadpole-like words displayed on the four-dimensional detector word by word.

After they were done recording, Guo Zhaoyun personally poured two cups of red wine for the two Middle Eastern men.

This bottle of red wine was from the 1982 Jellyfish Hill. Outside, the price was only a few hundred thousand.

"Thank you." Guo Zhaoyun said while smiling gracefully.

The two men from the Middle East, under Guo Zhaoyun's invitation, drank the two cups of Jellyfish Hill.

"Bring them out." Guo Zhaoyun instructed the secretary.

"Yes." The secretary led the two Middle Eastern men out.

Guo Zhaoyun put down the goblet. The two men in the Middle East had extremely poisonous wine in their goblets, and the reason why Guo Zhaoyun had called them over was because their foundation was very clean. Even if they died on the high seas, the Dutch police wouldn't be able to question them.

Guo Zhaoyun studied the things he wrote down. She seemed to be able to understand these strange words.

"As expected of the great Buddhist secret scripture, profound and profound. However, the meaning of being drunk is not limited to alcohol. It's time to unravel the secrets of that place." Guo Zhaoyun took out a yellowed scripture book.

And on the cover of this scripture was written, 'Fifty-two Classics'.

In the morning, Jiang Chao still squeezed into the bus to go to school.

The Bmw X5 had already been licensed, but Jiang Chao didn't want to appear so special in front of others, so he didn't open it.

Jiang Chao would lead the way in physical training.

After the training had ended, Zhu Mingjia walked to Jiang Chao's side with a face full of lingering fear and whispered: "Brother, the woman we met at the Feng Xiang Manor didn't call you, right?"

"Nope." Jiang Chao shook his head. He didn't want to bring up the matter about the Feng Xiang Villa anymore.

Furthermore, Jiang Chao did not plan to go out with Soong Kun anymore.

Based on Soong Kun's personality, things might get out of hand if it grew up.

Hearing Jiang Chao's words, Zhu Mingjia heaved a sigh of relief. "That's good, I've been worried about him these past few days."

Zhu Mingjia did not have a background like Soong Kun, he only managed to pass the written test and the interview.

If it was because of the incident at the Feng Xiang Villa that affected his future, Zhu Mingjia would definitely not be willing to do it.

As Jiang Chao and Zhu Mingjia were talking, the instructor suddenly called Jiang Chao over.

Beside the instructor was a man and a woman. The man was tall, and wore a martial arts training uniform. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes. His face was angular, and he looked very intimidating.

The woman was also wearing a training uniform. She looked to be in high spirits, with her hair pulled back neatly.

"You must be Jiang Chao, I am from Armed Police Force, we have an emergency at our side that needs to be dealt with, if you need a medical examiner, you should come with us." Bai Mei said to Jiang Chao with an unquestionable tone.

Bai Mei and the person beside her, Huang Feihu, were special forces of the Armed Police Force.

In addition to the public security system, the judicial system also has other public service through the public recruitment examination students also uniformly trained at the University of Public Security.

Bai Mei and Huang Feihu were the same as Jiang Chao and the rest's instructors, they had been transferred from the army and served as temporary instructors.

There were two types of special police officers. One was the special police officers of the armed police force, and the other was the special police officers of the public security system.

The special police of Armed Police Force belonged to the active troop, and their unit was also called the special investigation unit in the army.

It was Jiang Chao's first time interacting with someone of the Armed Police Force, hence he immediately followed along. Jiang Chao was instantly stunned.

"Sir, I'm sorry I had to take a leave of absence from my counselor." According to the rules, Jiang Chao knew that there would be counselors.

"For this leave of absence, I will treat you in your place. Jiang Chao, leave with Company Commander Bai and the others." The instructor interrupted.

The instructor had sold a favor to Bai Mei and Huang Feihu.

But since the instructor said so, if Jiang Chao still didn't agree, that would be a little unreasonable.

"Alright, I'll go with you." Jiang Chao was puzzled. Chen Cong and Thaksa were both forensic doctors, why did Bai Mei and Huang Feihu choose him?

However, Bai Mei and Huang Feihu did not explain.

Seemingly something urgent, Bai Mei and Huang Feihu brought Jiang Chao onto a black SUV that had the anti-riot sign on it, and then Bai Mei personally drove Jiang Chao in the direction of the Tonghe County.

Bai Mei and Huang Feihu did not tell Jiang Chao what was going on.

This feeling of being stuck in a valley and having no choice but to follow after him made Jiang Chao feel very depressed.

And only after travelling for more than two hours did they finally arrive at Tonghe County County City.

Tonghe County lied on the eastern side of Ha City, on the southern side of Little Xing'an Ridge, on the northern shore.

Tonghe County is the Chinese civilization city, Heiloongjiang Province city and village planning and management county, provincial health county.

It could be said that Tonghe County was a relatively wealthy county city, and there were even more mineral resources here. Many upstarts of Tonghe County would often drive here to play in their cars.

When they arrived at the county area where the Tonghe County was located and stopped in front of some ruins, Bai Mei said to Jiang Chao. "Forensic Pathologist Jiang, it's like this, from yesterday to today, there are a total of six people who received six bags of self-made explosives, and two of them have already exploded. Our Armed Police Force has already found some clues regarding this matter, and we hope that you can cooperate with our work to find the criminals."

"Commander Bai, was this building destroyed by the explosives sent out?" Jiang Chao pointed to the five story red brick structure in front of them.

"Yes, the strength of these homemade explosives is not small. One of the main reasons is because this house belongs to the local construction industry. Without a permit, it doesn't meet the standard." Bai Mei explained.

After Bai Mei finished speaking, Huang Feihu turned on the walkie-talkie. When he heard the voices from inside, Huang Feihu said, "Plum, the rescue team is still waiting. Let's go."

"Alright." Bai Mei quickly got off the car.

Jiang Chao followed him out of the ruins.

The five story building had already collapsed halfway from the explosion.

Jiang Chao noticed that there were no police cars nor reporters, it seemed like the things here were completely taken over by the armed police special forces.

Jiang Chao looked at the ruins in front of him, and felt a headache. Honestly speaking, he had no experience in this field.

However, he couldn't back down when he was chasing the ducks.

Bai Mei and Huang Feihu quickly walked to the front while Jiang Chao followed behind them.

When they arrived beside a temporary command carriage that also had the words "Armed Police Defense" written on it, Bai Mei said a few words to the Martial Police Warriors inside, and then invited Jiang Chao in.

Huang Feihu, on the other hand, went to the front line.

According to Bai Mei, the explosion could be split into two stages. The first stage was when a family of residents received the package of explosives, and the package exploded.

In the second stage, the family's LPG tank was detonated less than a minute after the first explosion.

These two stages led to the collapse of residential buildings and the fire. Residents were still buried under the rubble, while the armed police joined forces to enter the ruins.

The armed police also had a very important task. The armed police needed to eliminate the possibility of an explosion in order to avoid unnecessary loss of property.

Bai Mei explained the general situation to Jiang Chao, and after he finished, Bai Mei said: "That's it, Forensic Pathologist Jiang, this is the remains of a courier package that we found amidst the ruins, as well as a courier package. The bomb disposal expert has already dismantled the homemade explosives inside, see if you can find any traces of the criminal suspects based on these two points."

Bai Mei gave the proof to Jiang Chao.

Jiang Chao received it with gloves on, and amongst them, there was one that was filled with a burnt stench, which was pretty much unrecognizable.

Jiang Chao looked at the other one, the recipient of the package was called Wang Xing Fa. The address and contact details of Wang Xing Fa were on the recipient's list, but there was no information on the sender's list, not even the sender's name.

"Commander Bai, do you know where these six homemade explosives packages came from?" Jiang Chao grabbed the key point and asked.

Since he had accepted a case, regardless of whether he could solve it or not, Jiang Chao had to do his best.

"We've checked this. This is the express delivery of Tongyuan Courier Service. However, there's no single number on this courier. We can't figure out where it came from either." Bai Mei smiled bitterly, if it was so easy to find out, then Jiang Chao would be fine with it.

"No single number?" Jiang Chao carefully looked at the parcel letter, and then he seemed to have thought of something.

"Commander Bai, are there no single numbers in the other packages?" If there was no single number, it was very likely that the local people had committed the crime.

And if this conclusion was correct, the criminal would probably be very familiar with Tongyuan Courier Tonghe Branch. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to get so many Tongyuan Courier packages all at once.

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